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 Sages of Realmslore
 Citadel of Strategic Militancy

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lemernis Posted - 22 Sep 2004 : 12:17:06
I see on the Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas a "Citadel of Strategic Militancy" that lies about 40 miles north of Baldur's Gate on the Coast Way. I found a blurb about it on the net, but its source isn't referenced and I have no idea if the info is canon. Would appreciate it if someone can please point me in the direction of some canon source material on this. Thanks
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpthero2 Posted - 01 Oct 2018 : 17:28:25
Senior Scribe Lemernis,

Here is an updated article as well with more sources:

Best regards,

Originally posted by Lemernis

I see on the Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas a "Citadel of Strategic Militancy" that lies about 40 miles north of Baldur's Gate on the Coast Way. I found a blurb about it on the net, but its source isn't referenced and I have no idea if the info is canon. Would appreciate it if someone can please point me in the direction of some canon source material on this. Thanks

Wooly Rupert Posted - 23 Sep 2004 : 22:28:51
Originally posted by Lemernis


Not a problem! As soon as I saw the name, I thought it sounded like something related to the Red Knight, so the info was easy to find. I just flipped open Powers & Pantheons and there it was.
Lemernis Posted - 23 Sep 2004 : 20:28:30
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 Sep 2004 : 15:51:52
Page 46 of Powers & Pantheons. 'Tis the center of the Red Knight's faith outside the aegis of the church of Tempus.

It's the ancestral home of the Bloodhawk family. Lady Kaitlin Tindall Bloodhawk was the Red Knight's avatar during the ToT. While she and her buds were fighting in Tethyr, some unknown force sacked the keep. Kaitlin rebuilt it as a temple to the Red Knight.

It's now also the home of the newly founded Red War college, a place for military officers to study strategy and planning.

Kaitlin is now known as High Lady Bloodhawk, and is the high priestess of the Red Knight's faith.

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