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 Sages of Realmslore
 Draxius the Neverending

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Evrat Posted - 14 Nov 2015 : 11:06:48
HI everyone

I am still looking for information on the King Draxius of Cormyr.

Which kind of King he was ? A good one ? Desposte ?

I know he faked his own death twice and lived more than 400 years. But I run a game under his reign (644DR) and I need information.

Thanks in advance !

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hashimashadoo Posted - 15 Nov 2015 : 00:33:06
Originally posted by George Krashos

Amedahast's support was a little more "personal" than just doing her job as Mage Royal.

-- George Krashos

Good to know.
George Krashos Posted - 14 Nov 2015 : 20:50:49
Amedahast's support was a little more "personal" than just doing her job as Mage Royal.

-- George Krashos
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Nov 2015 : 16:34:12
Originally posted by hashimashadoo

But, we also know that he relied upon and had the support of Amedahast (a noted cat lover), who was thought of as being bitter, but a genuinely decent court mage.

It's prolly more accurate to say that the position he occupied was supported by Amedahast. It's not at all uncommon to support a person because of their position in a hierarchy, and not because of the person themselves.

Loyalty to the Crown, and not the head that wore it, and all that. Or you could say loyal to the throne, and not the butt in it.
hashimashadoo Posted - 14 Nov 2015 : 15:39:58
We don't know a huge amount about the guy's personality. He had to crush two rebellions and survived at least one assassination attempt, so we know that he wasn't universally popular. We know he killed three of his own children and that he hated all cats, both apparently due to reasons of disloyalty - so he was heavy-handed when it came to betrayal. We know he cheated on his Queen at least once.

But, we also know that he relied upon and had the support of Amedahast (a noted cat lover), who was thought of as being bitter, but a genuinely decent court mage.

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