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 Sages of Realmslore
 Where is the Lost Vale?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Razz Posted - 13 Jan 2013 : 14:48:21
The Lost Vale is home to the saurials, and I know the vale is somewhere in or near the Dalelands. But does anyone know an exact location via the Realms map?

I read it was once called Tarkhaldale and it's somewhere west of Shadowdale. Is it in the Desertmouth or on the other side?

Much appreciated if someone can point out on a map were this is at.
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The Masked Mage Posted - 24 Jan 2013 : 13:45:02
I am pretty sure that one of the Dragon Magazines from the time (1993) had an article with maps of the dales that were accidentally left out of The Dalelands, can't seem to find it though. If it exists then Tarkhaldale should be one of them.
The Masked Mage Posted - 24 Jan 2013 : 13:20:27
Tarkhaldale(the Lost Dale) is detailed on page 48 of The Dalelands (FRS1). This is the intro:

"Once Tarkhaldale was a strong and fair land of farmers and miners, akin to the lands of Sessrendale or Archendale. The people traded with the elves of the Border Forest and the dwarves of the Desertsmouth. The Tarkhaldalesmen were allies and trading partners of the buried kingdoms that once sprawled over Anauroch, Asram and Holondah.
"The Dale's decline began when the great human empires of Anauroch were swallowed by the sands. No one knows when the Dale was abandoned; the folk just drifted away as time went by. The fall of Teshendale was the final blow, or so I have heard. For 50 years or more no one contested the rule of orcs and goblins.
"Ye must swear not to reveal what I tell ye now - Tarkhaldale lives again. A wandering people known as saurials have found homes there. The saurials are strange creatures, found nowhere else in the Realms, but I've found them to be stalwart allies and good friends."
- Elminster
Markustay Posted - 15 Jan 2013 : 17:26:24
It can also be seen, quite clearly, on this snippet from the map that came with The Dalelands.
Razz Posted - 14 Jan 2013 : 23:50:58
Ah I see. Interesting. Thank you for the help all
Ayrik Posted - 13 Jan 2013 : 16:27:30
FR Wiki

Tarkhaldale is considered one of the dales in the Dalelands, despite being located between Anauroch and the Dalelands. It is generally unmarked on maps, but is located west of Shadowdale.

The wiki cites an article by SKR in Dragon #292 as the source. Lost Vale can be seen bordering the Desertsmouth Mountains and the Anauroch on this map, it is sometimes described as terrain-locked and impossible to access without magical gates.
The Sage Posted - 13 Jan 2013 : 15:21:29
I don't know whether I'm misremembering... but I think Markus came up with the best definitive location for the Lost Vale based on existing Realmslore. I haven't seen or heard of anyone in an official capacity faulting his positioning of the Vale on his as-close-to-official-as-they-can-be-maps.

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