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 Sages of Realmslore
 Larloch... The man behind the veil!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Nicolai Withander Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 00:21:53
After reading a lot about this guy, in canon material and on this forum I want to knwo the real deal about him.

I want to know what his real stats are and his special powers. I know for a fact that the canon material in Lords of Darkness does not sufice and so I ask my fellow scribes!

Any iformation on Larloch is greatly valued!

Also if any one know anything about his relationship with Mystra I would appreciat that very much also!

The reason for asking this is that I simply find his story interesting and just want to know more!

27   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ayunken-vanzan Posted - 27 Sep 2008 : 17:28:19
It is called Epic Faerun, simply follow the link.
The Red Walker Posted - 27 Sep 2008 : 16:55:54
Originally posted by Jakk

Hrm... given his relationship with Mystra and his obsession with the Weave, we can probably assume that he (and all of his servants) exploded in the Spellplague... and if he didn't, then the new edition has consistency issues that even a break in the timeline can't avoid. If a complex full of enslaved liches doesn't blow up in *some* way when the gods of magic all die horribly, then Halruaa has no reason to go 100-gigaton either. This is why I'm ignoring "canon" post-1375. If I go any further, this will turn into a rant, and the subject matter would be entirely misplaced.

Oh... one more thing. As noted by the Sage, Larloch is impossible to assign "proper" statistics to, as was Halaster. If they killed off Halaster, they have all the same reasons to kill off Larloch... and I'm still amazed that they allowed Elminster to live. In a twisted sort of way, I'm disappointed by that, too. But then, they need someone to become the new god of arcane spellcasters and the new goddess of magic, and Elminster and the Simbul would fit that bill perfectly, particularly given the Simbul's CN alignment. Anyway, this addendum has gone off topic. Enough said.

Larloch is still aroound in 4e , he was mentioned as the "most powerful of Faerun's mighty archmages" in an articl by Rich Baker....I am sure some scribe can help with the title and link for it!
Blueblade Posted - 26 Sep 2008 : 15:44:19
Ed is a little busy right now; one of his best friends in publishing, Brian Thomsen (who ran TSR's book publishing program during its "golden age") has died and all the wakes, funeral, et al are going on right now, and if rumors are correct, he's guest of honor at a convention this weekend. He doesn't read these forums directly, rather one of his longtime players, THO, ferries our posts to Ed, and brings his replies back. The mysterious THO has employment that seems to involve short periods of Net silence and travel.
All of which means, if you want Ed or THO to weigh in on Larloch, you should probably ask for more Larloch info in this year's Questions for Ed Greenwood thread in the Chamber of Sages. Sometimes THO browses these forums, but you can't count on it. They may never see your request here.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 26 Sep 2008 : 14:17:59
I found the part about Laloch in the Nethiril boxed set, so I stand corrected, but not much is told about him. And as Im not changing to 4ed im only loooking for info based on 2ed and 3ed!
Jakk Posted - 26 Sep 2008 : 09:56:49
Hrm... given his relationship with Mystra and his obsession with the Weave, we can probably assume that he (and all of his servants) exploded in the Spellplague... and if he didn't, then the new edition has consistency issues that even a break in the timeline can't avoid. If a complex full of enslaved liches doesn't blow up in *some* way when the gods of magic all die horribly, then Halruaa has no reason to go 100-gigaton either. This is why I'm ignoring "canon" post-1375. If I go any further, this will turn into a rant, and the subject matter would be entirely misplaced.

Oh... one more thing. As noted by the Sage, Larloch is impossible to assign "proper" statistics to, as was Halaster. If they killed off Halaster, they have all the same reasons to kill off Larloch... and I'm still amazed that they allowed Elminster to live. In a twisted sort of way, I'm disappointed by that, too. But then, they need someone to become the new god of arcane spellcasters and the new goddess of magic, and Elminster and the Simbul would fit that bill perfectly, particularly given the Simbul's CN alignment. Anyway, this addendum has gone off topic. Enough said.
Faraer Posted - 26 Sep 2008 : 03:03:43
Originally posted by Nicolai Withander
But why is he not mentioned in the Netheril boxed set???
Apart from the fact that he is, that product is infamously far from an accurate, representative, reliable, or credible depiction of Netheril.
When was he first mentioned(created) does anyone know this?
First mentioned, I think, in the 1993 campaign set (Grand Tour p. 102), but created long before.
Christopher_Rowe Posted - 26 Sep 2008 : 01:36:44
For what it's worth, there is a Forgotten Realms Wiki entry on Larloch that hits the highlights for folks who don't know much about him.
The Sage Posted - 26 Sep 2008 : 01:34:52

And Nicolai, I suggest you read through Ed's previous replies on Larloch. They'll help you to understand why it'll never be an easy thing for one to simply assign a particular level to him.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Sep 2008 : 01:30:01
Ed has long been a member of the "they are as capable as needs be" school of thought. As long as Larloch is doing his thing, what does it matter what level he is or what his specific abilities are? Codifying that kind of thing puts limits in place, and that's something Ed has avoided. It was also SOP for the early Realms; that was one of many design principles of the setting that got chucked out the window with 3E.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 26 Sep 2008 : 01:14:13
Well... By the knoeledge of all the sages of candlekeep, We all know qiute a bit abount Larloch, but what I realy would like was for Ed to seriously tell us what this guy was capable of and wat level or somthing just anything a bit decisive! Cause I feel we lach some of Ed's real thoughts about him!!!

So Ed/THO please respond with some info that non of us have!!!!!!!
Ardashir Posted - 26 Sep 2008 : 00:36:02
All this confusion!

We need someone to do, "Larloch, this is your life!" (Like that old 50's TV show.) The only problem is, who'd be competent/old enough to handle it?
The Sage Posted - 25 Sep 2008 : 02:04:23
Originally posted by Nicolai Withander

About that... as far as I gather Ed created Larloch, but then again he created most of the forgotten realms. But why is he not mentioned in the Netheril boxed set??? I guy like him should be as important as Ioulaum or Karsus, if we disregard Karsus' Avater and Ioulaum's creation of the Mythallar! IMO!
Errr... Larloch is referenced within the Netheril source [see pgs. 4 and 13 of the "Winds of Netheril" book].
Pandora Posted - 25 Sep 2008 : 01:21:26
IMO Larloch is "part of the landscape" and shouldnt really be given "beatable stats". Thats the same as Elminster and many of the chosen would / should have, but then the powergamers whine again about them being unbeatable and such.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 23:49:26
About that... as far as I gather Ed created Larloch, but then again he created most of the forgotten realms. But why is he not mentioned in the Netheril boxed set??? I guy like him should be as important as Ioulaum or Karsus, if we disregard Karsus' Avater and Ioulaum's creation of the Mythallar! IMO!

When was he first mentioned(created) does anyone know this?
Ardashir Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 17:11:39
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Nicolai Withander

First of all thanks... Ill try to look up some of it.

But... If his relationship with mYstra have never been discussed, what is then the generel idea?

That whatever it is he's doing, Mystra agrees with.

Hmm, considering how her old lover Kelemvor feels about undead, that must be the source of some arguments betwene the two...
The Red Walker Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 16:10:15
Originally posted by The Sage
[ A few of Larloch's plots are "so wide-reaching, complicated, and clandestine that virtually no one in the Realms [including the Chosen] knows what they are."

Thats exactly the type of plot that you would think would be affected by the blue fire, I also assume that Larloch has contingincies in place for most anything and it would be interesting just to see how some of them worked.
The Sage Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 15:52:58
Originally posted by Nicolai Withander

First of all thanks... Ill try to look up some of it.

But... If his relationship with mYstra have never been discussed, what is then the generel idea?

Some of Ed's replies on the subject would seem to suggest that Larloch is somewhat beyond the powers and perceptions of Mystra's Chosen. A few of Larloch's plots are "so wide-reaching, complicated, and clandestine that virtually no one in the Realms [including the Chosen] knows what they are." This could imply that Larloch simply occupies a "special position" that is all his own -- and not something that can be easily categorised with respect to his relationship with Mystra.
The Red Walker Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 15:30:09
I am anxious to see what he is up to and how the spellplague affected his plans/sanity/powers.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 14:59:33
Originally posted by Christopher_Rowe

Just an FYI, the most recent mention of Larloch in Realmslore came just yesterday in Richard Baker's article on epic destinies in Dragon #367, "Epic Faerūn." In the introductory notes, there's mention of "the dreadful lich Larloch--the most powerful of Faerūn's mighty wizards" (p. 17).

I'm so glad to hear that.
Christopher_Rowe Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 14:41:24
Just an FYI, the most recent mention of Larloch in Realmslore came just yesterday in Richard Baker's article on epic destinies in Dragon #367, "Epic Faerūn." In the introductory notes, there's mention of "the dreadful lich Larloch--the most powerful of Faerūn's mighty wizards" (p. 17).
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 14:31:04
Originally posted by Nicolai Withander

First of all thanks... Ill try to look up some of it.

But... If his relationship with mYstra have never been discussed, what is then the generel idea?

That whatever it is he's doing, Mystra agrees with.
Na-Gang Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 10:56:12
I read somewhere that perhaps the only thing that would cause him to reveal himself and act personally would be a threat to Mystra or the weave. I wonder how would he react to the death of Mystra in 1385 and how would he cope in the aftermath? Despite the changes he's wrought to himself and the magics he has wreathed his body in I don't think the Spellplague would destroy him, his understanding of magic (IMO) is so near total that he could survive.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 09:53:16
First of all thanks... Ill try to look up some of it.

But... If his relationship with mYstra have never been discussed, what is then the generel idea?
scererar Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 02:54:35
Originally posted by The Sage

See also the 'Tears So White' tale from the Realms of the Elves anthology for the "Last Mythal" trilogy.

Yes, an excellent story
The Sage Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 01:13:17
Worthwhile Larloch sources include:- Lost Empires of Faerūn, Lords of Darkness, Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast, the Netheril: Empire of Magic boxed set and plenty of Ed's replies here at Candlekeep. These are entirely more responsible sources for information regarding Larloch, when compared to just about anything you'll learn online elsewhere.

See also the 'Tears So White' tale from the Realms of the Elves anthology for the "Last Mythal" trilogy.
The Sage Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 01:12:27
When Ed wrote "He's probably a 46th level evil-aligned wizard right now", he didn't mean "This is Larloch's real definite level", it's a gesture to say "Larloch is extraordinarily dangerous, and in a different league from almost anyone else", just as he's portrayed in every other source.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 00:42:31
I don't think he's ever been given real stats or specific powers, or that his relationship with Mystra has been discussed.

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