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 Sages of Realmslore
 Elminster and Mystra

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Aina Grey Posted - 18 Feb 2008 : 19:06:16
the current Mystra is only some years around per FRCS,
so the question arose to my mind WHICH Mystra Elminster did "bed", some old one or the ascended mortal?
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kuje Posted - 21 Feb 2008 : 15:50:11
Originally posted by Markustay

BTW, I forgot to thank you for that piece of Lore, Kuje.

No worries. :) I figured that was what you were talking about. Took me a bit to find it though.
Markustay Posted - 21 Feb 2008 : 08:08:49
BTW, I forgot to thank you for that piece of Lore, Kuje.
Ayunken-vanzan Posted - 20 Feb 2008 : 06:38:41
I wonder if these NDAs still apply now that 4ed is brooding above our heads ...
Markustay Posted - 19 Feb 2008 : 18:14:06
Its quite alright - with the amount of homebrew lore I generate and read from others daily, I would rather have learned scribes call me to task - sometimes I forget what is canon and what is not.

Cheers --- Mark.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 19 Feb 2008 : 17:08:49
I stand corrected. I had forgotten about that.
Kuje Posted - 19 Feb 2008 : 17:02:57
Originally posted by Markustay

Actually, I read that bit yesterday in the Netheril boxed set, but that is NOT what I was thinking of - I asked someone else that should know, but he says he is 95% sure that that information (about a 'special' girl) was from HERE, at CK, and in something ED wrote!

Which means that The Sage should have had the information, which he doesn't, which makes this whole thing even more peculiar.

I just went through the FAQ, and it wasn't in there, so it must be in one of Ed's replies...

April 17, 2006: Hi again, fellow scribes. Ed replies to this, from Taelohn: “... While Midnight's ascension to become (the second) Mystra is well documented, most mentions of the death of Mystryl say that she was "reborn" or "reincarnated" as (the first) Mystra. I suppose I always just assumed that Mystra sort of "sprung into existence" as a new deity.

Does this instead imply that Mystryl bestowed her powers onto a mortal woman, just as she sacrificed herself? Perhaps someone she had vested powers in (like a Chosen)? If so, who was (the first) Mystra in her mortal life?”

Ed speaks:

Taelohn, Rory Weston is quite correct; most of the gods of the Realms were indeed “at one time mortal & "ascended" to the position.” And yes, “forgotten” gods dwindle to demigod status, and can in some cases be eliminated (killed, AND their worship wrested away/portfolios subsumed by other deities) by mortals or by other deities.

In the case of Mystryl, she sacrificed herself, not foreseeing that she’d be reborn. She had no Chosen or preselected mortal vessel, and did not know or intend that she’d “live on.” She simply did what she believed she had to do, to end a threat to the world she loved.

However, the circumstances of her passing prevented other deities from snaring her divine power, and largely prevented its dispersal, and it “fell like a dying star” to earth (or so the priests of Mystra say) to at random strike and “go into” a mindless, drooling mortal woman and infuse her with Mystryl’s divinity, so that she became Mystra. (Of course, clergy of Mystra speak of the woman being present and selected as “divine fate” and not random at all, but this is one of the Holy Mysteries of the Lady of Mysteries that only high-ranking clergy are allowed to discuss in detail; lay worshippers and non-believers won’t get much more out of a priest of Mystra than this: “When Mystryl made the ultimate and most holy sacrifice that defended Toril itself, that which was best of her fell to earth, and struck a mortal woman, and went into her, and Mystryl was reborn as Mystra, as she was fated to do, that we may all have magic that serves us and not the howling chaos of wild magic spellstorms.”

We don’t know anything about the mortal woman who became Mystra other than these things: she was young, she was “mindless” (for reasons unknown; it may have been a birth defect or a later affliction), she was a poor rural unknown somewhere in the northern, western Heartlands being cared for by kin, and she was changed in looks and stature by Mystryl’s “going in” to her. I’d say more, but NDAs forbid.

So saith Ed, Creator of All (The Realms).

love to all,
Markustay Posted - 19 Feb 2008 : 15:55:06
Actually, I read that bit yesterday in the Netheril boxed set, but that is NOT what I was thinking of - I asked someone else that should know, but he says he is 95% sure that that information (about a 'special' girl) was from HERE, at CK, and in something ED wrote!

Which means that The Sage should have had the information, which he doesn't, which makes this whole thing even more peculiar.

I just went through the FAQ, and it wasn't in there, so it must be in one of Ed's replies...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 19 Feb 2008 : 11:07:23
Originally posted by DDH_101

Anyways, back to the topic. I have a question concerning Mystra's powers. Does the Goddess of Magic's powers seem to get weaker as it is passed along to each successor? I'm just speculating because that's sort of the message I'm getting with the actions by the current Mystra.

I don't think so... I think it's just because the new Mystra is still trying to figure out the whole deity gig.
DDH_101 Posted - 19 Feb 2008 : 07:36:41
Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

Originally posted by DDH_101

You know what's the scary thing about all you just said? In the new 4E manual... that's gonna be all true.

I take it having gotten your hands on the tidbits of the 4e Realms that they have published that you do not approve? And for some reason WotC seems confused that we are not accepting the "new" Realms with open arms!

Well, from the looks of things, there's going to be good and bad, with more of the bad right now. I guess it's too early to tell. Lol.

Anyways, back to the topic. I have a question concerning Mystra's powers. Does the Goddess of Magic's powers seem to get weaker as it is passed along to each successor? I'm just speculating because that's sort of the message I'm getting with the actions by the current Mystra.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 19 Feb 2008 : 05:27:35
Hmmm... I guess that could be read as a mortal ascension, though it's really an odd bit of wording, and an odd thing to say.
The Sage Posted - 18 Feb 2008 : 23:57:52
You may be thinking of the bit in the Netheril boxed set that says when Mystryl reincarnated herself, "she used the form of a beautiful peasant girl learning the basics of cantra magic but with the capacities for archwizardry."
Markustay Posted - 18 Feb 2008 : 23:30:48
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Markustay

The old one, who was ALSO an ascended mortal.

NOT Mystryl, the original AFAIK.

and NOT Midnight, who looked at Elminster as a 'father figure' more then anything alse.

Mystra 1.0 was not an ascended mortal. When Mystryl was slain, she reincarnated herself into Mystra 1.0.

Okay... I can't remember where now, but I remember another thread and folks pointing me in the right direction.

Supposedly, when Karsus cast his spell, some 'special' girl living somewhere in the vicinity of Cormyr/the Dales (Tilverton?) was infused with Mystrl's energy, and became Mystra.

I'll try to track that piece of Lore down....
Hawkins Posted - 18 Feb 2008 : 22:04:52
Originally posted by DDH_101

You know what's the scary thing about all you just said? In the new 4E manual... that's gonna be all true.

I take it having gotten your hands on the tidbits of the 4e Realms that they have published that you do not approve? And for some reason WotC seems confused that we are not accepting the "new" Realms with open arms!
DDH_101 Posted - 18 Feb 2008 : 21:43:29
Originally posted by sleyvas

He bedded all 3. First he bedded Mystra. But, the old deity, Mystryl, had foreseen what a good lover he was and used a spell to summon him back in time for a rampant session in bed. Then Midnight was watching him work over a dragon and got all hot and bothered and decided she needed a little piece of El-cake. The kinkiest was when he was fooling around with Selune in her avatar form of a were-bear (he wanted to see what Mom was like).

You know what's the scary thing about all you just said? In the new 4E manual... that's gonna be all true.
sleyvas Posted - 18 Feb 2008 : 21:29:44
He bedded all 3. First he bedded Mystra. But, the old deity, Mystryl, had foreseen what a good lover he was and used a spell to summon him back in time for a rampant session in bed. Then Midnight was watching him work over a dragon and got all hot and bothered and decided she needed a little piece of El-cake. The kinkiest was when he was fooling around with Selune in her avatar form of a were-bear (he wanted to see what Mom was like).
DDH_101 Posted - 18 Feb 2008 : 21:07:03
Originally posted by Ergdusch

Ah, don't worry about all this Mystra-thingy. 'Tis confusing sometimes. After all, the confusion was enough to make the designers at WoTC go mad over it. But for all future to come this problem is solved now...

Ya... kill Mystra off so we don't have to get confused about who's who. Lol.
Ergdusch Posted - 18 Feb 2008 : 20:46:05
Ah, don't worry about all this Mystra-thingy. 'Tis confusing sometimes. After all, the confusion was enough to make the designers at WoTC go mad over it. But for all future to come this problem is solved now...

If you have not already done so, you can read about thisparticular romantic liason in 'Elminster - Making of the Mage'.

Wooly Rupert Posted - 18 Feb 2008 : 19:43:47
Originally posted by Markustay

The old one, who was ALSO an ascended mortal.

NOT Mystryl, the original AFAIK.

and NOT Midnight, who looked at Elminster as a 'father figure' more then anything alse.

Mystra 1.0 was not an ascended mortal. When Mystryl was slain, she reincarnated herself into Mystra 1.0.
Markustay Posted - 18 Feb 2008 : 19:11:36
The old one, who was ALSO an ascended mortal.

NOT Mystryl, the original AFAIK.

and NOT Midnight, who looked at Elminster as a 'father figure' more then anything alse.

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