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 BG2-SoA - Monster Questions

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
knight_of_the_rose Posted - 31 Jan 2003 : 01:00:26
what do you find is the most effective way to destroy golems?
and is there ANY way AT ALL to destroy iron golems?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alruane Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 08:34:01
I've been strong enough to use magic before, but I think that was a bug. Maybe not though.
Edial Posted - 19 Apr 2003 : 00:23:09
in case you`re unfortunate enough to find a magic golem - know that you can only damage it using _normal_ weapons, ie. weapons which aren`t enchanted. _blunt_ weapons which aren`t enchanted.
Bellua Aeneus Lacerta Posted - 05 Feb 2003 : 00:09:49
Seems like it was cloudkill. Had to be a wand though I think.
Echon Posted - 04 Feb 2003 : 14:03:59
Originally posted by Bellua Aeneus Lacerta

Some kind of poison gas through the doorway works well, also.

Cloudkill? If it does, it is a bug. (Cloudkill seems to damage Illithids as well, despite their 90% magic resistance).

Bellua Aeneus Lacerta Posted - 03 Feb 2003 : 02:37:27
Some kind of poison gas through the doorway works well, also.
Ranaghar Tsaran Posted - 31 Jan 2003 : 14:11:36
Indeed, as Echon said...use blunt weapons!!!
Echon Posted - 31 Jan 2003 : 09:02:19

A visitor from Krynn. How interesting.

Golems are easy to destroy. All you need is a weapon of +2 enchantment (in most cases) and in the case of Clay Golems, a weapon that causes blunt damage (Clay Golems are immune to slashing and piercing damage).

In the case of Iron Golems, you need +3 weapons of any type. The same goes for Adamantite Golems, however, these monstrosities are highly resistant to all kinds of damage.

BioWare apparently decided that mages should have the ability to destroy golems as well so if you try, you will find that Melf's Minute Meteors will damage nearly every kind of golem, af far as I remember.

The most effective way? Use Crom Faeyr.


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