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 Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas on Windows 8

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bones Posted - 11 Jan 2013 : 01:22:16
Has anybody figured out how to make this work yet? I've tried everything I can think of. Running it as an administrator. I've tried running the compatibility troubleshooter and changing the compatibility manually in the properties. Nothing works. Please say you guys have some ideas. Kind of desperate here.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ayrik Posted - 12 Jan 2013 : 09:55:18
No, DOSBox won't work here because Temple of Elemental Evil was released 2003 and requires Windows.

Run XP Mode and launch the game as Administrator.
Xnella Moonblade-Thann Posted - 12 Jan 2013 : 09:03:04
this is probably off-topic, and it's not even a Forgotten Realms game, but would using DosBox work on the Temple of Elemental Evil computer game if I was running Windows 7 on my laptop? I've tried the tricks mentioned on the Atari site, but they didn't work.
Ayrik Posted - 11 Jan 2013 : 10:21:15
Run Windows 8 in XP mode, install DOSBox as Administrator, install the DOS program, and read the DOSBox manual to learn how to modify the shortcut command line parameters, or google it up if you prefer.

Initial install and configuration can be a mild pain, especially if you're not very computer savvy away from the Windows GUI. Not as intimidating as it might seem, and once you get a one-click shortcut for one DOS title working it's trivial to do it for any other.
Tyranthraxus Posted - 11 Jan 2013 : 06:10:54
You can try DosBox, I use it to run old games and it might also work for the FR Atlas.
Artemas Entreri Posted - 11 Jan 2013 : 01:43:13
What is the format/specs of your copy?

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