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 I'm not sure what to think of this...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Arivia Posted - 18 Jan 2004 : 22:40:39
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EcThelion Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:27:44

*Walks away, disappointed*
Shadowlord Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:22:38
Sorry, I have a deity.....
EcThelion Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:09:11
Bhaal Vs. Vecna... hmm.... theior both quite dead... difficult choise, really.

Bah. I'll just proclaim myself to be a aspiering God, and start worshipping myself.

Anybody wanna join me?
Shadowlord Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:06:10
Eh, a lich..... Well, you'll do as you will, I suppose....
EcThelion Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 23:01:48
Hmmm... or maby Vecna would be a good choice?
Shadowlord Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:49:29
Another filthy stinking Cyricist? Not while I'm around, hes not......
EcThelion Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:46:37
I don't think he would mind.
Cherrn Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:45:44
Uh oh, if the lord of murder appeals to him then he must like Cyric. Oh by the Caliph another lost cause
Shadowlord Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:41:27
He's dead though, would you settle for a dead god???
EcThelion Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:33:01
Maby I should jsut settle for Bhaal? Considering that I do not know of any other diety that appeals to me. (God of Murder... appealing...? I need to get my head fixed)
Shadowlord Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:24:55
Bah! Sharess is a weakling, and Vhaeraun will not tolerate so much excess and hedonistic pleasure....Though I might.....
Shadowlord Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:23:40
Also, Ezindir, you should visit the Candlekeep Inn a while. I notice that you hardly ever take a break from your scribely duties.....
Cherrn Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:23:21
Really, Vhaeraun should be friends with Sharess, I know I would be if I was one of those gods
Shadowlord Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:21:34
Why are all the deities you reccommend foes of Vhaeraun? Are you trying to promote unrest, Cherrn? Hmmmm?
Cherrn Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:20:08
How about Sharess then hmmm ? Mmmmmrauw
Shadowlord Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:18:04
If he followed The Champion of Lolth, or That Which Lurks, then I would have to arrange an untimely end for him, plain and simple...
Ezindir the dark Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:10:30
Then I would be dead Cherrn, but so would he if he followed Selvetarm or Ghaunadur.
Cherrn Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 22:08:54
What if he followed Selvetarm or Ghaunadur, then what Shadowlord ?
Shadowlord Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 21:59:04
Glad to see you enjoy my site Ezindir.... Keep it up and you may find Zin'tril to be promoted to a darkmask.....
Ezindir the dark Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 21:56:52
Yes!I would recomend you to look at that side, it is very good.
Shadowlord Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 21:54:06
Well, I have my own website dedicated to my deity Vhaeraun. I would be honored if you would join. If the Drow God of Thievery does not interest you, perhaps other deities will....

I will answer any questions that you may have about deities, and if I am to support you I must at least know what skills you have. I'm not about to sponsor someone who is worthless.....
EcThelion Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 21:43:41
I follow no Diety... for the moment atleast. I have not aquired knowlege of any that I would seek the favour of.

It would be much appriecieted if you could guide me to a detailed desription of various dieties, and I shall see if any of them hold my interest.

I am startign to feel a bit vounerable... who knows what might happen if I keep refusing to worship any diety... the gods might just smite me just for the sake of it!
Shadowlord Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 21:40:04
I am always interested in another ally, unless they follow Lolth or Eilistraee, of course......

I would be willing to support you, and maybe even show you around the keep......
EcThelion Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 21:36:22
Well... in that case... bugger-off. I have no interest in dealing with the likes of you.

Unless... you would be willing to aid me. I am currently looking for a nice little place to call my own (I am... new to this palce), and a network of contacts to support me. Interested?
Shadowlord Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 21:34:07
I can, but remember that I am not a sage, I am a shadowdancer in the service of Vhaeraun. I am only knowledgable because it allows me to know my enemies better......
EcThelion Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 21:29:20
I'm sorry...

*falls down to his knees, and raises his arms*

Can you fogive me, oh mighty Sage?
Shadowlord Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 21:03:11
Quote by Forgotten One:

And, combined with sexy babes, and the ability to Play Drizzt Do'Urden (Even though he sucks in later game... refusing to use other weapons than Icingheat & Twinkle, the bastard) was kind of interesting.

His weapon is called Icingdeath, not icingheat.... Shadowlord chuckles heartily....
EcThelion Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 16:28:16
I would have bought the Next game anyway (Forgotten realms all the way!).

So to me it's just annoying.

On a different Note: What's the highest char lvl avy of u have ever gotten in Dark Alliance? mine is around 36 (With Drizzt)
Cherrn Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 16:25:51
That my friend, is called a cliffhanger. It makes ya wanna play the next game to see where they ended up
EcThelion Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 13:03:32
Okay, okay. Shure. The PS2 Version was very good, if you compare it to most other Playstation Games.

And, combined with sexy babes, and the ability to Play Drizzt Do'Urden (Even though he sucks in later game... refusing to use other weapons than Icingheat & Twinkle, the bastard) was kind of interesting.

It was a good time-killer for those times when you were pissed off at the Cowled Wizards for killing you for the 75th time, or when those Annoying Vampires leeched your entire party down to level 3 - 4, and you were out of gold.

Though... the 'last boss' was *INSANELY* easy to kill... as were all the other bosses. I actually even killed the Last boss with a nude (Oooooo) level 1 Sorceress once. And, before you ask, YES. I do have alot of spare-time.

The thinkg that actually annoyed me the most about the game was the fact that... IT DIDN'T END! We just jumped through a portal, and was told that you need t buy another game! wtf's up with *THAT*!?

I kinda felt like killing some Bioware (or whomever made the game) employee right about then.

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