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 BG enhanced edition

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sfdragon Posted - 27 Jul 2012 : 15:25:56

sept. and the Lord of Murder shall fall...
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Light Posted - 16 Dec 2012 : 13:11:03
Originally posted by Zireael

They are obliged to do a BG2: EE by the contract.

Anything else is just wishful thinking so far.

Yeah pretty much all they have said is that they would LIKE to do one for IWD and Planescape: Torment as well as a sequel for the latter. They also stated BG3 to be their goal but it would only be possible if it is financially viable.
Zireael Posted - 15 Dec 2012 : 19:07:56
They are obliged to do a BG2: EE by the contract.

Anything else is just wishful thinking so far.
Light Posted - 12 Dec 2012 : 17:13:30
Originally posted by evildmguy

I'm hoping they do BG2, ID1&2 now as well!

Actually they are contractually obligated to do one for BG2. And I think IWD was stated as something that they would like to do.
Seravin Posted - 11 Dec 2012 : 17:11:42
I bought the game, and I am loving it as unlike BG2 I had forgotten most of the plot and characters in BG1. So it's like a new game.

BUT the reason to buy this game is not so much for BG1 or's because if enough people buy it they will make Baldur's Gate 3. Which should give everyone on Candlekeep a fangasm.
lordsknight185 Posted - 11 Dec 2012 : 04:00:58
Originally posted by _Jarlaxle_

Ufortunatly they did a very poor job integrating the new classes. Sorcerers for example don't benefit at all from their charisma they just get a fixed amount of spells per level.
I think with other spellcasters its the same, although I don't remember if that has been the case with the original BG too.

Actually the Sorcerer, which was introduced in BG2, works exactly as it did back then. There was really nothing they could do to change that as they are very limited, contractually, to what they can and cannot do.
Lord Bane Posted - 10 Dec 2012 : 19:58:15
When tests tell you that you should rather play the original BG1 instead of the EE then something is amiss iīd say.
_Jarlaxle_ Posted - 10 Dec 2012 : 16:53:15
Ufortunatly they did a very poor job integrating the new classes. Sorcerers for example don't benefit at all from their charisma they just get a fixed amount of spells per level.
I think with other spellcasters its the same, although I don't remember if that has been the case with the original BG too.
evildmguy Posted - 10 Dec 2012 : 14:49:18
Well, I have been enjoying it! (Yes, I have the original game and mods. I even got the gog version so it's all in one file but I got those on sale.)

I am playing through as a monk and am having a lot of fun. I have lost a few people, due to death, and only had one raised (Minsc). I have also dropped some found characters for other ones. I don't know how far I have gotten but it's been a lot of fun! I'm hoping they do BG2, ID1&2 now as well!

Zireael Posted - 26 Nov 2012 : 19:43:33
Originally posted by Lily M Green

You don't even need to run it in simulation mode, BGII runs just fine on Win7 64Bit. I've had hit & miss results with BGI and the widescreen mod though, which is why I'm happy to buy the enhanced edition & my apologies, mods, I started a whole new scroll with the link to the preload / preorder details so feel free to merge it with this.

User Account Control in Win7 can mess up mods, though. I've had it happen with my BGT and my own mod.
Lord Bane Posted - 26 Nov 2012 : 09:47:38
sfdragon Posted - 25 Nov 2012 : 20:47:01
be gets released or so they say on the 28

so sayeth the wise...umm how did his name get spelled again???
Lily M Green Posted - 22 Nov 2012 : 20:19:11
You don't even need to run it in simulation mode, BGII runs just fine on Win7 64Bit. I've had hit & miss results with BGI and the widescreen mod though, which is why I'm happy to buy the enhanced edition & my apologies, mods, I started a whole new scroll with the link to the preload / preorder details so feel free to merge it with this.
Gustaveren Posted - 14 Oct 2012 : 15:05:22
Originally posted by The Sage

I'm not sure whether I'll buy the enhanced edition.

There's just something about still trying to get the original version to work on more modern systems, that speaks to the nostalgic gamer inside of me.

I just managed to install my old baldur gate 2 and throne of bhaal on my vista 64 bit computer. It works fine, the important part was to run the installation file in administrator mode and windows xp simulation mode.
The Red Walker Posted - 19 Sep 2012 : 21:50:38
Cant wait to get this on my iPad...which only leaves the question, Will I ever get any work done after that happens?
Lily M Green Posted - 19 Sep 2012 : 19:40:47
Seems the release date for this has been shifted back to November. You can see the statement here. I was a little sad as I have pre-ordered but I'd rather the release was right than rushed so I can wait until November, and it's not like I don't have the versions, and the original CDs, & the DVD versions, now if only I could get that widescreen mod to work properly with BGI!
Lord Bane Posted - 16 Sep 2012 : 10:56:31
No problem!
Mr Dark Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 20:25:01
I got BGT to work. I think I know why it did not the first time. I'll look into the widescreen mod. The one I found before didn't take for some reason. Thanks for the help.
Lord Bane Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 18:18:14
Your best bet would be the wide screen mod, that i think lets you play the game in higher resolution. Also i recommend the 1pp mod, it enhances the visuals of items and what not. 1pp is also used by the comercial BG EE.
Mr Dark Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 17:33:14
Didn't know about big world. I am going to try BGT again and see what happens. I'll give Big World a shot if it doesn't work. In all honesty the main thing I really want is to be able to play the game in a higher resolution. I tried the G3 mod for that but it never took.
Lord Bane Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 17:18:12
Hm canīt say what may have caused the issue on your part but considered using the Big World mod? It is supposed to do what BGT does plus incorporating alot of other mods not only BG but also BG2.
Mr Dark Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 15:55:11
I did it according to the instructions given in the download. I've used mods on other games and never had that problem. BGT and TUTU both did bad things to my computer.
Lord Bane Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 15:47:53
Seems like you did something wrong. Itīs a bit trial an error with some but all in all, it is basicly already an enhanced version of the game.
Mr Dark Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 14:58:01
Yeah, those great mods succeeded in wiping out my games folder and making BG unplayable.
Lord Bane Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 12:27:37
You can already have your own BG enhanced with the mods that have been created by the modding community over the years, they are all for free aswell. No need for me to buy the game when i already own it.
Gustafson Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 06:26:00
Yeah, I agree with you guys. Better to get a good game a bit later.
Just- you know - I've counted the days to get it....
P.S. (the good thing is that I can properly finish Icewind Dale 2 :) )
idilippy Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 00:44:05
Ok with them delaying it, not thrilled with the very late notice for such an enormous delay relative to their total development time so far. Still, it's not too bad, another couple months isn't the end of the world if it means they get to do some more cool things to the game.
Mr Dark Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 00:13:10
Amen to that! I remember how many patches and mods were needed to get TOEE to work.
ddporter Posted - 14 Sep 2012 : 23:27:48
That's actually a good thing. It means the studio is more concerned about getting the game right than shipping on time, with bugs. I wish more game makers would do that.
Gustafson Posted - 14 Sep 2012 : 21:36:49
The Enhanced Edition is postponed till the 30th of November!!! For the nine hells!!!
Lily M Green Posted - 04 Sep 2012 : 19:32:23
There is the version which runs fine but really it's probably worth waiting for the enhanced edition at this stage, especially as it will support fan made mods by all accounts.

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