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 Baldur's Gate Quotes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kitira Gildragon Posted - 24 Oct 2003 : 16:53:42
Hey, have any of you sat down and clicked on the character portraits a couple times? After you do it a few times, they say different things. What's your favorite?

Mine: Jaheira- This looks like a good place for a henching!

Also, this is kinda funky. I was playing Baldur's Gate two, and you know that part where you get minsc out of the cage? Well, when I asked him how he managed to hide Boo from Irenicus, his answer was that "Boo was ever so quick and evasive and there was ever so much of Minsc to search". Now, I didn't think much of it until one day when Minsc said this as I read that line:
"A den of stinking evil. Cover your nose Boo! We will leave no crevice untouched!" and "Jump on my sword evil, I won't be as gentle."

Now tell me that's not wrong...*shudder*

has anyone else noticed the BG one quotes, or did you find anything else that was *Just wrong* in the games?
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alruane Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 21:18:13
I think Minsc was slightly off is rocker to begin with. O.o
Ezindir the dark Posted - 17 Feb 2004 : 14:02:10
He are cool, but nothing to the party I mentioned above.
Magmasjtr Posted - 17 Feb 2004 : 09:45:36
Yes I believe he was wandering around in Trademeet.
Ezindir the dark Posted - 17 Feb 2004 : 07:24:56
Yes i think so, in Trademeet? I think he says almost the same as Noober, he says "are you going to throw rocks at me?" and then he say:"Heres some rock that some other people throwed at me" and then you have 10+1 bullets.
Magmasjtr Posted - 16 Feb 2004 : 22:19:48
My favorite quote comes from BG1, that really annoying guy in Nashkel. Noober? Think that was his name.

"Are you going to throw rocks at me?"

Didnīt he have a brother called Neeber that showed up in BG2? Correct me if Iīm wrong!
Deverien Valandil Posted - 16 Feb 2004 : 06:36:45
Edwin (after you do a quest for him): 'Congratulations. You have obviously exceeded your low-born heritage and surged to the vanguard of GOONERY!'

That exchange between Jan and Viconia (about the spider) is one of my favourites as well.

Re the first post in the thread, I believe Jaheira's line was "This looks like a good place for a henge!"
Ezindir the dark Posted - 14 Feb 2004 : 17:45:53
I just love all the tings the party in Abzigals(or was it the other dragon, damnit I never remember, shade?) lair said, when they attack you, but when you strike them down the leader thief reloads. Its just hilarius. The word "magic missle" is spoken a lot of times.
Owlbeard the Black Posted - 13 Feb 2004 : 19:55:33
The Jaheira quote is "What is it, oh omnipresent authority figure?". It's "omnipresent" because she's referring to you, the player.

Xan has the greatest quotes by far.
"The sun SHINES and I am AMAZED we live to see another DAY."
Cherrn Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 16:36:36
omnipresent ? Is that even a word ? Wouldn't it be more likely if it was omnipotent ?
Arivia Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 15:20:15
Originally posted by Forgotten One

I really liked Jaheiras Quote from BG1. How was it again...

"What is it, oh only present [something about reality... sorry. Can't remember]-character?"

What is it, oh omnipresent (I've forgotten the next part)
EcThelion Posted - 19 Jan 2004 : 12:52:25
I really liked Jaheiras Quote from BG1. How was it again...

"What is it, oh only present [something about reality... sorry. Can't remember]-character?"
The Cardinal Posted - 26 Nov 2003 : 07:07:16
Hands down the funniest stuff is after Edwin uses his Nether scroll... and I can see why it was hidden away for good reason .
And the gnome, Crazy Canter, or something, actually sings a few different rhymes. Personally I like the mage in the Den of the Seven Vales:
Learned of spells and casting well but always wanter better,
To sing of knights and days of yore, to leave the robes that.. that fetter,
A wizard prone to song and prose but oft accused of failing,
But I shall sing dispite the odds....
*From somewhere in down the halls*

...W..well it did end like that.. well put...
Kitira Gildragon Posted - 25 Nov 2003 : 19:10:00
I think this was in BG 2- did any of you go down by the docks and talk to the people? One of them sings a ballad about Minsc and Boo...

Also, there was a part of TOB (I think) that had animals attacking you. Didn't one of them say some pretty funny stuff? I can't remember exactly, but I remember laughing my *** off at the bunny.
Cyric Posted - 15 Nov 2003 : 21:57:32
okey you do that, what was you where talking abut priestking and thsi is. my is you be the first i be the last i just love that game.
Alexis Merlin Posted - 12 Nov 2003 : 13:22:15
Hi all,

In BG2 I particularly liked the exchanges between Keldorn and Yoshimo...there's one about a rhyme that Keldorn found scrawled on the page of a book he was studying or something...I know I have a saved game just before he says it so will look it up and post once I've got it....
Alaundo Posted - 06 Nov 2003 : 22:21:52
Well Met

hmmmmm, cant remember the last time I saw a Baldurs Gate quote here Please all keep to the topic. A number of topics lately have slipped into general discussion......woe be tide!
The Cardinal Posted - 06 Nov 2003 : 21:04:36
I was digging through my papers of various junk, when I had found a BG quote (or more of a rant the Main character can say) to a beggar in the middle of nowhere. it goes like this... Enjoy:

" Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle-asking, quest-assigning, insult-throwing, pun-hurling, hostage-taking, Iron-mongering, smart arsed fool, freaks and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all PATIENCE! If you got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object, roughly the size of Eliminster AND his hat, and stuff it LENGTHWISE into a crevise of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the Nine Hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!"

Yep, no one dares mess with Deimos...
The Sage Posted - 06 Nov 2003 : 07:23:54
Well, I have a copy of the original DL Atlas, and I can say without hyperbole that it is one of the most treasured tomes in my entire DL collection. I was reading through it at the same time I was reading the Chronicles and Legends trilogies, so the advantages were great indeed.

In fact when I find out people around me are starting out on DL, I lend them mt copy of the Atlas just so they can understand their way around the world, and the way it ties in with both trilogies enchances the stories I think.

William of Waterdeep Posted - 05 Nov 2003 : 05:18:04
Originally posted by Sage of Perth

William of Waterdeep said -
I would love to have a world map most of all.
The DLCS has some nice maps of each section of the continent, but no world maps. For that, I would suggest you wait until the release of the Atlas of Krynn due sometime next year.

Sounds like good advice,Sage.What I have with the Players guide is not really very good detailed maps.I understand that Karen Wynn Fonstad that did such a great job with The Forgotten Realms Atlas also made The Atlas Of Dragonlance,what did you think of it?
The Sage Posted - 05 Nov 2003 : 02:24:30
William of Waterdeep said -
I would love to have a world map most of all.
The DLCS has some nice maps of each section of the continent, but no world maps. For that, I would suggest you wait until the release of the Atlas of Krynn due sometime next year.

William of Waterdeep Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 23:26:28
Originally posted by Cardinal Deimos

Join! By the Gods Join the Kingpriest!
He's a man with a plan...(True, it may not turn out.... ok.. but still, He's a guy I can respect... A guy with goals)

Sorry,His self-righteous men were going to kill ogres for no reason at all,I couldn't allow such an unhonorable slaughter to proceed.

Why don't you try it Cardinal.->IE mod thread
The Cardinal Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 23:12:55
Join! By the Gods Join the Kingpriest!
He's a man with a plan...(True, it may not turn out.... ok.. but still, He's a guy I can respect... A guy with goals)
William of Waterdeep Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 18:19:05
Originally posted by Sage of Perth

Blast...652 l.A. . It would have been interesting to see and hear the Kingpriest's Proclamation of Manifest Virtue, which is the period I had heard was the modules original setting time.

I don't know that much about the Kingpriest except you can join his men or take a different side.I have a couple DL books but I need more,
I would love to have a world map most of all.
The Sage Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 13:51:20
Blast...652 l.A. . It would have been interesting to see and hear the Kingpriest's Proclamation of Manifest Virtue, which is the period I had heard was the modules original setting time.

William of Waterdeep Posted - 01 Nov 2003 : 15:39:01
Originally posted by Sage of Perth

Do you visit Istar at all during the game?. What Age is it set in?.

I am just in the beginning right now but you start in the farmlands of
Ishtar so says the story.You actually begin outside of Brushome,north of the Astvar Mtns.The date is 1Corinj 652 l.A.
The Sage Posted - 01 Nov 2003 : 06:17:33
Do you visit Istar at all during the game?. What Age is it set in?.

William of Waterdeep Posted - 01 Nov 2003 : 03:08:59
Originally posted by Sage of Perth

There's no rush William, take your time...when it's Dragonlance, it deserves 'real' attention.

Thanks Sage,this is as they say ,"The demo",but I have ran into some bugs and I lost all the TeamBGTools when my computer died here several months ago so I have downloaded them again and looking into it.The Areas are new,other than the insides of buildings and that is a plus in my opinion.I will give it more play time and take notes,I want to be fair.I have tried my hand at Modding for BG2 and so I am impressed so far.
The Sage Posted - 31 Oct 2003 : 06:44:21
There's no rush William, take your time...when it's Dragonlance, it deserves 'real' attention.

William of Waterdeep Posted - 31 Oct 2003 : 04:22:44
Originally posted by Sage of Perth

William of Waterdeep said -
Have you looked at the thread ,"New infintity engine mods". There is a Dragonlance mod for BG2ToB,Its a complete conversation so you start in a forest not in a dungeon.I started it and think its great.The reason I mentioned this is that you are met in the forest by a young
Solamnic Knight and you can be one yourself If you wish.
Actually I had already know about the module, almost from the earliest point that it was first conceived. In fact, looking over the 'better' version of the Solamnic Knights PrC's in the DLCS was what originally triggered a resurgence of anticipation for that particular module. I have downloaded a copy, but have yet to play it.

I would very much like to hear your thoughts on it though William, if you have the time?.

I have been playing it Sage, but give me a little more time and I shall post my thoughts in the ,"New infintity engine mods".

MaudDib,I like loved some of those.I really liked Jan too,although he did get on my nerves sometimes.
MuadDib Posted - 30 Oct 2003 : 08:54:31
here are some nice funnies from BGII:SoA


Coordinator: This is Tiax. Not too much is known about him. He was found raving on the side of some road.

Tiax: Tiax Rules all! You are but grease for the wheels of his rule! Silence the squeeking of those that protest! He rules all!

Jaheira: Ok, I'm not quite so concerned about this little freak. Rule as you will little tyrant, just as long as it is from a cell.

Coordinator: Obviously a danger, as you can see



Ertof Dand: We get what we want and ye get...well, perhaps we just get what we want. That's good enough for me.

Jaheira: I'm not going to let a fool like you threaten me! You want a fight? You've got one!

Ertof Dand: Oh for shame. That was simply a mistake, especially for the little lassie. Oops, there goes my shakey wrist. Aw, that has got to sting.

Jaheira: Gllgghh!

Ertof Dand: *Gllgghh* indeed. Now for the rest of you!



Derg the Orc: Pleeze, mercy on us! Me Sorry. Don't kill. Me just following orders. Didn't want to eat children on ick old people. Just job!

Jaheira: Flee from here, foul creature, and never harm another!

Derg the Orc: Tank yous tank yous. I promising, no more killings here. Not as job anyway. Maybe hobby. That ok, I think.



Viconia: Minsc, that tattoo on your face. Does it have tribal significance or did some nursery's fingerpainting class assault you with blue pastels?

Minsc: I do not like the tone of your voice, Dark Elf! The face I have is the face the ladies love! Boo loves Minsc's face too. Don't you Boo?



Minsc: Tiny has met a God before this?

Jan: It was Oghma, the God of knowledge. Although I can't really say I met him, I suppose, as he was drunk and fast asleep in cousin Roffer's back lawn. Or perhaps I should say ON cousin Roffer's back lawn...he was a giant of an avatar, sprawled out and snoring. I wonder how you get a God drunk?

Pixie: I truly doubt that happened Jan.

Jan: But it's true! Someone had drawn a moustache on him and yanked his underwear clear up to his shoulderblades. No idea who, but all I can think is that it must have been one hell of a party. But if you wont believe me...well, as much as it hurts old Jan I suppose there is nothing I can do about it. (sniff) Poor Jan Jansen, he's such a liar (boohoo)

Korgan: One of these days, ye'll be squashed like a bug for yer impudence, Gnome. Not even I would make such casual mockery of the Gods.



Minsc: We do good things here. All will remember the heroes that are Minsc and Boo and you!

Pixie: Right you are Minsc, only good things will come of the examples we set.

Minsc: Yes! Lead evil by example, and one day we need no longer put the boot to those who stray off the path of goodness into the muck and bile of of villainy and track great bloody footprints across our lily white tiles! Boo will have clean wood shavings you evil bastards!

Pixie: Oooooh Kaaaaaay



Minsc: You will not! I will fight to save each and every creature, Dwarf! The forest feeds and nurtures, and I will not hesitate to put a birch up your backside!

Korgan: I will if I wish to, ye blasted tree-hugging pansy-eating dirt-lover. I'll bite th' head off a dove if th' thought crosses me mind.

Minsc: Why? I have never heard of such head-biting villainy, expect perhaps in the larger cities, but what passes for entertainment these days is not for me to decide.

korgan: I care not ye blasted twit! Open yer mouth once more an' ye'll have an axe hilt in it! I'll nay be mocked by forest vermin!

Minsc: Your strange jest is wearing thin, Dwarf. I suggest you sate yourself with chicken in the proper place and time, and leave the woodland creatures as they were.


love that last one. more to come!

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