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Kitira Gildragon
Learned Scribe
191 Posts |
Posted - 24 Oct 2003 : 16:53:42
Hey, have any of you sat down and clicked on the character portraits a couple times? After you do it a few times, they say different things. What's your favorite?
Mine: Jaheira- This looks like a good place for a henching!
Also, this is kinda funky. I was playing Baldur's Gate two, and you know that part where you get minsc out of the cage? Well, when I asked him how he managed to hide Boo from Irenicus, his answer was that "Boo was ever so quick and evasive and there was ever so much of Minsc to search". Now, I didn't think much of it until one day when Minsc said this as I read that line: "A den of stinking evil. Cover your nose Boo! We will leave no crevice untouched!" and "Jump on my sword evil, I won't be as gentle."
Now tell me that's not wrong...*shudder*
has anyone else noticed the BG one quotes, or did you find anything else that was *Just wrong* in the games?
-Space for rent- |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 24 Oct 2003 : 23:47:49
He he he,I noticed this too.Sounded like Misc had issues.He and Boo had done some really crazy things together. He always told us Boo was a Giant Space Hamster,he didn't say outerspace. Yuk...... *Double Shutter* |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
Edited by - William of Waterdeep on 25 Oct 2003 19:07:13 |
Senior Scribe
388 Posts |
Posted - 25 Oct 2003 : 11:07:42
wel boo was Gaint Space Hamster and my is you be the first i be the last of Seravok |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 25 Oct 2003 : 19:17:32
quote: Originally posted by Cyric
wel boo was Gaint Space Hamster and my is you be the first i be the last of Seravok
Yes,Cardinal seems to like that too,he has that quote of Saervok.
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
3 Posts |
Posted - 26 Oct 2003 : 00:18:35
what is this,Boo they claim bad things about you and had best explain your action before boo gets upset.this is no den of evil and Boo and Minsc are not either. |
Minsc and Boo
Fighting evil and looking for our witch. |
Great Reader
4740 Posts |
Posted - 26 Oct 2003 : 04:51:29
Most games with character responses will give you funny things after a time. The first game I encountered it will was Warcraft II. Here are some memorable quotes: 
Human footman: "Are you still touching me?" "Don't you have a kindom to run?" "I do have work to do." "Join the army, they said." "See the world, they said." "I'd rather be sailing . . . ." (In the demo:) "In the retail version, I'm much funnier."
Human pesant (stupid-sounding voice): "Now what?" "Mo' work?" "Leave me alone!" "I don't wanna do dis!" [singsong] "I'm not listening . . . ."
Human water craft (any): "Stop rocking the boat." "You're making me seasick." [Vomitting.]
Orc grunt: "I would not touch such things if I were you!" "Wooo-oo-ooo! That tickles!"
Orc death knight: "This is the reason I ended it all!"
Orc hero (forget the name): [singsong] "I am Iron Man!"
Female elven hero (Aleria or something): "You never touch the other elves like that!" "Do that again and you'll pull back a stump."
In Icewind Dale, the only D&D/FR game I've played with character sounds, I had some nice ones:
Male fighter five (I think: "I understood you the first twenty times you selected me."
Male thief two (I think), a very calm personality: "Look out, Faerun, here comes the wackiest man alive. Whoa." "I'm crazy. I'm out of control. Woo."
Can't remember any others offhand . . . probably somebody else can fill them in. I wish I could have extracted the character sounds from the game like I could with Warcraft II, but I couldn't read the file type with anything other than the game itself.  |
Hell hath no fury like all of Candlekeep rising in defense of one of its own.
Download the brickfilm masterpiece by Leftfield Studios! See this page for more. |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 26 Oct 2003 : 10:16:43
Its all alternate voices in the sets that are random or in War Craft it is A.I. controled by number of times you clicked on one of them. I made some from PS Torment of Annah once and used it in Icewind Dale, that has been a while back though. |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
Posted - 26 Oct 2003 : 11:47:59
The only one quote I remember with any real clarity was from the Baldur's Gate series - 'Justice will be swift and final'. The only reason I remember this one, was because one of my DL players made it his beginning-of-combat-motto (a warcry if you will) for his Solamnic Knight PC.
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)
"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood
Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage |
Senior Scribe
South Africa
442 Posts |
Posted - 27 Oct 2003 : 06:00:55
Neverwinter Nights has some howlers...
Select the Pious Evangelist script and laugh your head off as he preeches your enemies' doom |
MuadDib - Candlekeep Inn Barhand |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
Posted - 27 Oct 2003 : 06:30:56
I agree, although I always preferred the 'Swashbuckler' script. I tended to find most of the other scripts just didn't fit the category or the class they were trying to convey.
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)
"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood
Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 27 Oct 2003 : 14:16:44
quote: Originally posted by Sage of Perth
The only one quote I remember with any real clarity was from the Baldur's Gate series - 'Justice will be swift and final'. The only reason I remember this one, was because one of my DL players made it his beginning-of-combat-motto (a warcry if you will) for his Solamnic Knight PC.
Have you looked at the thread ,"New infintity engine mods". There is a Dragonlance mod for BG2ToB,Its a complete conversation so you start in a forest not in a dungeon.I started it and think its great.The reason I mentioned this is that you are met in the forest by a young Solamnic Knight and you can be one yourself If you wish. |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
The Cardinal
Senior Scribe
647 Posts |
Posted - 28 Oct 2003 : 06:03:37
I Always like Xan. So miserable so depressing, one of my favorite party members!
" Let us just save our efforts and lie down and die..."
Hey leave poor minsc Alone Kitira.. as disturbing as his phrases are,he is after all " two or three at least." 
Still I figre morst of the evil characters have some of the more intresting little rants... on a funny side note the voice that sounds like saervok in icewind dale finally says that the party should "head south ot Baldur's Gate." shameless promotion...
Still they are all hilarious... " Who DARES prod Tiax!?" |
It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me. -Unknown |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 28 Oct 2003 : 15:16:21
quote: Originally posted by Cardinal Deimos
I Always like Xan. So miserable so depressing, one of my favorite party members!
" Let us just save our efforts and lie down and die..."
Hey leave poor minsc Alone Kitira.. as disturbing as his phrases are,he is after all " two or three at least." 
Still I figre morst of the evil characters have some of the more intresting little rants... on a funny side note the voice that sounds like saervok in icewind dale finally says that the party should "head south ot Baldur's Gate." shameless promotion...
Still they are all hilarious... " Who DARES prod Tiax!?"
I agree with you on Xan,poor fella always says,"Whats the use,we are all doomed anyway." My favorite saying wasn't from one of the NPCs but the dude with the boots of speed on at the Iron Throne's Cloakwood mine.When he sees you he makes a comment and if you say,"Kill the mouthy one first is what they say," he laughs and says,"Thats a good saying and after I kill you I will cut off your head and make it say that over and over while I drink lots of ale." That may not be exact but I am sure you will remember it. |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
Kitira Gildragon
Learned Scribe
191 Posts |
Posted - 28 Oct 2003 : 16:32:27
OY! you all mistake me! I love minsc! It is actually a requirement that my friends be able to quote at least one line with me.
Anyhow, I also noted a few others I liked
Bandit: "So I kick you in the head and your dead ahaha."
Montaron: "AND LET THE RIVERS RUN REEEEDDDD!" (This was in my prof for a while) |
-Space for rent- |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 29 Oct 2003 : 04:02:39
"Sorcerer's Place" has all the voice sets of the BG characters. Check it out lots of custom stuff,click Games and you can choose from several. |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Senior Scribe
South Africa
442 Posts |
Posted - 29 Oct 2003 : 05:47:14
what about that weirdo in BGII that throws his scimiatar at you, and then flees? Classic
I have also dloaded a bunch of the BG dialogues, the funny ones, i will post them up soon. Some of the ones with Korgan and Minsc are classic |
MuadDib - Candlekeep Inn Barhand |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 29 Oct 2003 : 19:48:34
The files that I told you can convert above are wavc and must be converted w/Infinity Sound Converter (ISC) v2.0.2 from TeamBG, down load it and the VB6pkg.exe run files.You can convert single or mass files,select this under options,then find the files and convert from wavc. to wav. |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
Edited by - William of Waterdeep on 29 Oct 2003 19:55:05 |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 29 Oct 2003 : 19:51:03
Check out all>TeamBG..Look to the left top,under Resources. |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
Edited by - William of Waterdeep on 30 Oct 2003 00:03:08 |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
Posted - 30 Oct 2003 : 05:30:34
William of Waterdeep said -
quote: Have you looked at the thread ,"New infintity engine mods". There is a Dragonlance mod for BG2ToB,Its a complete conversation so you start in a forest not in a dungeon.I started it and think its great.The reason I mentioned this is that you are met in the forest by a young Solamnic Knight and you can be one yourself If you wish.
Actually I had already know about the module, almost from the earliest point that it was first conceived. In fact, looking over the 'better' version of the Solamnic Knights PrC's in the DLCS was what originally triggered a resurgence of anticipation for that particular module. I have downloaded a copy, but have yet to play it.
I would very much like to hear your thoughts on it though William, if you have the time?.
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)
"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood
Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage |
Senior Scribe
South Africa
442 Posts |
Posted - 30 Oct 2003 : 08:54:31
here are some nice funnies from BGII:SoA
Coordinator: This is Tiax. Not too much is known about him. He was found raving on the side of some road.
Tiax: Tiax Rules all! You are but grease for the wheels of his rule! Silence the squeeking of those that protest! He rules all!
Jaheira: Ok, I'm not quite so concerned about this little freak. Rule as you will little tyrant, just as long as it is from a cell.
Coordinator: Obviously a danger, as you can see
Ertof Dand: We get what we want and ye get...well, perhaps we just get what we want. That's good enough for me.
Jaheira: I'm not going to let a fool like you threaten me! You want a fight? You've got one!
Ertof Dand: Oh for shame. That was simply a mistake, especially for the little lassie. Oops, there goes my shakey wrist. Aw, that has got to sting.
Jaheira: Gllgghh!
Ertof Dand: *Gllgghh* indeed. Now for the rest of you!
Derg the Orc: Pleeze, mercy on us! Me Sorry. Don't kill. Me just following orders. Didn't want to eat children on ick old people. Just job!
Jaheira: Flee from here, foul creature, and never harm another!
Derg the Orc: Tank yous tank yous. I promising, no more killings here. Not as job anyway. Maybe hobby. That ok, I think.
Viconia: Minsc, that tattoo on your face. Does it have tribal significance or did some nursery's fingerpainting class assault you with blue pastels?
Minsc: I do not like the tone of your voice, Dark Elf! The face I have is the face the ladies love! Boo loves Minsc's face too. Don't you Boo?
Minsc: Tiny has met a God before this?
Jan: It was Oghma, the God of knowledge. Although I can't really say I met him, I suppose, as he was drunk and fast asleep in cousin Roffer's back lawn. Or perhaps I should say ON cousin Roffer's back lawn...he was a giant of an avatar, sprawled out and snoring. I wonder how you get a God drunk?
Pixie: I truly doubt that happened Jan.
Jan: But it's true! Someone had drawn a moustache on him and yanked his underwear clear up to his shoulderblades. No idea who, but all I can think is that it must have been one hell of a party. But if you wont believe me...well, as much as it hurts old Jan I suppose there is nothing I can do about it. (sniff) Poor Jan Jansen, he's such a liar (boohoo)
Korgan: One of these days, ye'll be squashed like a bug for yer impudence, Gnome. Not even I would make such casual mockery of the Gods.
Minsc: We do good things here. All will remember the heroes that are Minsc and Boo and you!
Pixie: Right you are Minsc, only good things will come of the examples we set.
Minsc: Yes! Lead evil by example, and one day we need no longer put the boot to those who stray off the path of goodness into the muck and bile of of villainy and track great bloody footprints across our lily white tiles! Boo will have clean wood shavings you evil bastards!
Pixie: Oooooh Kaaaaaay
Minsc: You will not! I will fight to save each and every creature, Dwarf! The forest feeds and nurtures, and I will not hesitate to put a birch up your backside!
Korgan: I will if I wish to, ye blasted tree-hugging pansy-eating dirt-lover. I'll bite th' head off a dove if th' thought crosses me mind.
Minsc: Why? I have never heard of such head-biting villainy, expect perhaps in the larger cities, but what passes for entertainment these days is not for me to decide.
korgan: I care not ye blasted twit! Open yer mouth once more an' ye'll have an axe hilt in it! I'll nay be mocked by forest vermin!
Minsc: Your strange jest is wearing thin, Dwarf. I suggest you sate yourself with chicken in the proper place and time, and leave the woodland creatures as they were.
love that last one. more to come! |
MuadDib - Candlekeep Inn Barhand |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 31 Oct 2003 : 04:22:44
quote: Originally posted by Sage of Perth
William of Waterdeep said -
quote: Have you looked at the thread ,"New infintity engine mods". There is a Dragonlance mod for BG2ToB,Its a complete conversation so you start in a forest not in a dungeon.I started it and think its great.The reason I mentioned this is that you are met in the forest by a young Solamnic Knight and you can be one yourself If you wish.
Actually I had already know about the module, almost from the earliest point that it was first conceived. In fact, looking over the 'better' version of the Solamnic Knights PrC's in the DLCS was what originally triggered a resurgence of anticipation for that particular module. I have downloaded a copy, but have yet to play it.
I would very much like to hear your thoughts on it though William, if you have the time?.
William: I have been playing it Sage, but give me a little more time and I shall post my thoughts in the ,"New infintity engine mods".
MaudDib,I like loved some of those.I really liked Jan too,although he did get on my nerves sometimes. |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 01 Nov 2003 : 03:08:59
quote: Originally posted by Sage of Perth
There's no rush William, take your time...when it's Dragonlance, it deserves 'real' attention.

Thanks Sage,this is as they say ,"The demo",but I have ran into some bugs and I lost all the TeamBGTools when my computer died here several months ago so I have downloaded them again and looking into it.The Areas are new,other than the insides of buildings and that is a plus in my opinion.I will give it more play time and take notes,I want to be fair.I have tried my hand at Modding for BG2 and so I am impressed so far.  |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
Edited by - William of Waterdeep on 01 Nov 2003 03:10:55 |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 01 Nov 2003 : 15:39:01
quote: Originally posted by Sage of Perth
Do you visit Istar at all during the game?. What Age is it set in?.
I am just in the beginning right now but you start in the farmlands of Ishtar so says the story.You actually begin outside of Brushome,north of the Astvar Mtns.The date is 1Corinj 652 l.A. |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 13:51:20
Blast...652 l.A. . It would have been interesting to see and hear the Kingpriest's Proclamation of Manifest Virtue, which is the period I had heard was the modules original setting time.
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)
"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood
Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 18:19:05
quote: Originally posted by Sage of Perth
Blast...652 l.A. . It would have been interesting to see and hear the Kingpriest's Proclamation of Manifest Virtue, which is the period I had heard was the modules original setting time.
I don't know that much about the Kingpriest except you can join his men or take a different side.I have a couple DL books but I need more, I would love to have a world map most of all. |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
The Cardinal
Senior Scribe
647 Posts |
Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 23:12:55
Join! By the Gods Join the Kingpriest! He's a man with a plan...(True, it may not turn out.... ok.. but still, He's a guy I can respect... A guy with goals ) |
It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me. -Unknown |
William of Waterdeep
Senior Scribe
829 Posts |
Posted - 02 Nov 2003 : 23:26:28
quote: Originally posted by Cardinal Deimos
Join! By the Gods Join the Kingpriest! He's a man with a plan...(True, it may not turn out.... ok.. but still, He's a guy I can respect... A guy with goals )
Sorry,His self-righteous men were going to kill ogres for no reason at all,I couldn't allow such an unhonorable slaughter to proceed.
Why don't you try it Cardinal.->IE mod thread |
Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.
Edited by - William of Waterdeep on 03 Nov 2003 00:23:50 |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
Posted - 05 Nov 2003 : 02:24:30
William of Waterdeep said -
quote: I would love to have a world map most of all.
The DLCS has some nice maps of each section of the continent, but no world maps. For that, I would suggest you wait until the release of the Atlas of Krynn due sometime next year.
Candlekeep Forums Moderator
Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore -- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct
Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)
"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood
Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage |
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