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 Drizzt in BG2

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Zaknafein Posted - 31 May 2003 : 04:37:23

The appearance of Drizzt in BG2 is different than in BG1. Not only does his fellow companions follow him way down south into Amn, but he can also help you in your struggle against Bodhi and the vampires. Of course, there is the temptation of wanting to do the evil thing and kill his party. Yes I admit I tried this one time around. Winning this fight can get you the two scimitars, his chainmail, Aegis-Fang, and Heartseeker (Cattie-Bries bow). However, killing this reknown group has terrible consequences. If Keldorn is in your party he talks bad of you and leaves your party and attacks you. Jaheira will leave the party and go away for good too. After you take the items off their corpse, a man named Harpell (from the Salvatore novels..) will come up to you and demand them back. He really doesnt do anything, he just follows you forever and can lead to other bugs in the least for me. Did anything like this happen to anyone else?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alruane Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 08:55:54
If I did kill him, it was using Console cheats. I usually accepted his aid if anything.
branmakmuffin Posted - 05 Jun 2003 : 23:14:00
This has been said and said again, but I'll say it again.

By the time you meet Drizzt in BG2, your own equipment is probably way more powerful than anything he has, especially if you are able to easily kill him.

Cattie-Brie's bow is not much different from the Gesen bow.
Aegis Fang is nothing compared to Crom Faer.
I guess Twinkle is OK, but Icingdeath is nothing I wouldn't immediately sell by that point in the game.
Edain Shadowstar Posted - 02 Jun 2003 : 06:04:45
The only trouble that Malchor Harpell ever caused for me was that he imprisoned me in the earth (effectually killing my party). Frankly, killing Drizzt is pointless because of Malchor, which annoys me because Drizzt's gear is very nice, very, very, very nice. In the end, do not do it, even if you're evil, it's utterly pointless.

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