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 How About a Drizzt game for PS2

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darkcrow Posted - 07 Dec 2005 : 06:42:15
I sure wish them game designers would make a video game (I say PS2 only because thats what I have) on Drizzt and based on one of his many books. Not no birds eye view thing like BG. I want it closer up kind of like Resident Evil or something. With different comination buttons for all his alsome moves, like XXO for his famous double down cross. Most games have a Training option in the main screen so you can learn all the moves and stuff before you start the game. You can have Zak training him on all the fighting moves and You can have his sister training him on all the inherited Drow spells like when he was levetating to clean the statue. LOL, yeah, I have been thinking about this unborn game from time to time. But I say it's way over do and should have been released yesterday.
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Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 21:48:03
Alright, let's find our way back to the topic...
GothicDan Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 20:50:37
Winterfox Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 08:46:06
The FANBOI'S CAPSLOCK OF EXCITEMENT can only tell truth.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 02:37:35
Originally posted by Alisttair
The game would HAVE to be called "The Legend of Drizzt" It would have to be like the re-releases of the novels and corresponding comic books and graphic novels, just another format (video game)....and you would go through everything from the novels in video game would be so AWESOME

Are you sure?
Alisttair Posted - 28 Jul 2006 : 16:31:01
I have the same thoughts from time to time. Have it similar but longer and more complex than Demonstone. You could have the training mode which is Zak teaching a younger Drizzt how to fight, and his sister teaching how to use the innate Drow abilities (faerie fire, darkness, etc...). The game would HAVE to be called "The Legend of Drizzt" It would have to be like the re-releases of the novels and corresponding comic books and graphic novels, just another format (video game)....and you would go through everything from the novels in video game would be so AWESOME (I can see Icingdeath as a fun boss, as well as multiple battles with Entreri, slaughtering orcs, drow, Drizzt's bro as a Drider as a boss....) The possibilities are endless. SOMEBODY OUT THERE WHO RUNS A GAME COMPANY GET IN TOUCH WITH SALVATORE AND DO THIS GAME PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU!!!!!!!!
Winterfox Posted - 28 Jul 2006 : 09:25:06
Uh-huh. FF-type games aren't RPGs. So... no.
FridayThe13th Posted - 28 Jul 2006 : 02:10:36
Well, if you hate mindless fighting games(which can be a little annoying after a while), you could always make a Final Fantasy type game with the turn-taking system and all. The plot woudn't be untouched and you will still have great gameplay.
Mace Hammerhand Posted - 27 Jul 2006 : 14:33:05
Originally posted by Winterfox

Well, if a Drizzt game does come out, I'll at least have the dubious pleasure of being an RPG elitist beotch and scorning said game for being a mindless fighting game.

Do you have to be so negative? could be an interesting plot in the game and lots of dwarves and lots of character the hell am I kidding

It would be a mindless fighting game, since everything that came out after BG2
Winterfox Posted - 27 Jul 2006 : 13:02:22
Well, if a Drizzt game does come out, I'll at least have the dubious pleasure of being an RPG elitist beotch and scorning said game for being a mindless fighting game.
Eluril Posted - 27 Jul 2006 : 12:54:20
Originally posted by ode904

I loved Demon Stone, good graphics and story including Drizzt... A whole game about Drizzt would be wonderful!

Would like to see a game based on the Dark Elf Trilogy perhaps,
then a sequel based on the Icewind Dale Trilogy etc...!
A Demon Stone 2 would be nice as well on the PS3 when it comes out!!!
Winterfox Posted - 27 Jul 2006 : 12:37:56
Originally posted by Chyron
I would not mind to see 'other' characters of Mr. Salvatore's in some games (If memory serves I have seen Jarlaxle and Cadderly make cameos, but can't recall the games off hand...I am thinking BG2 or NWN)

Jarlaxle has a cameo in BG2. Cadderly has a cameo in neither game.
Eluril Posted - 27 Jul 2006 : 12:32:08
Originally posted by Belthor

In Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, after beating the game in extreme mode, you could play Drizzt

Is that in the 1st Dark Alliance???
I know you can play as Drizzt in Dark Alliance 2 after you complete the game,but haven't played the 1st one yet....
TheInsaneCalling Posted - 03 Jun 2006 : 08:41:18
Yeah, a Drizzt game would be cool, if only they fashioned it after a game like God of War, but allowed GTA style movement around Faerun. that would be totally awesome. especially on the nezt gen platforms. they could continuously keep adding new levels for you to donwload onto your 360, or PS3's hardrive. Something that would be incredibly awesome would be allowing Artemis Entreri to be a playable charcter and give him his own story line. Along with Jarlaxle. Those are the only three great charcters in the book series, not saying the other aren't good. They would also have to add create a evil drow priestess. cuz who wouldn't want to be the master of chaos in the Underdark.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 May 2006 : 10:12:33
Originally posted by Chyron

Drizzt, Drizzt, Drizzt...

Am I the only one here who has had his fill of this character?

Nope. There's a lot of us who feel Drizzt has already had way too much air time. In fact, my first thought when I saw this scroll was "oh gods, someone wants to see more of him?"

I don't dislike Drizzt, and I'll be the first to admit that he's done good things for the game. But it'd not bother me any if the character was retired. I want to see other characters get some of the limelight, not just more Drizzt.
Chyron Posted - 22 May 2006 : 07:19:19
Drizzt, Drizzt, Drizzt...

Am I the only one here who has had his fill of this character? Sure he was and is a great character, I liked the book series alot and the PnP references too. I liked the publicity that he gave to D&D and the Realms...but do I have to come across him in nearly every PC/Platform game that has a FR on the label? Is there no one else in all the realms who can pick up the mantle? I would not mind to see 'other' characters of Mr. Salvatore's in some games (If memory serves I have seen Jarlaxle and Cadderly make cameos, but can't recall the games off hand...I am thinking BG2 or NWN) How about the Bouldershoulder brothers? Or from other novels...characters like Dorn (YoRD)or Valas Hune (WotSQ).

Personally I would like to see the return of some 'old-school' characters...Alias and Dragonbait, or The Knights of Myth Drannor....
Lord of the Undead Posted - 18 Apr 2006 : 03:30:11
Originally posted by Shadovar
What we really need is a VR simulation style of Drizzt where the player can simulate Drizzt in a VR world, that would be more fun.

VR gaming currently seemed experimental and quite hazardous(in any crisis, the player's mind can be sort of trapped in the VR world) but I still say it would change the gaming perspective and experience by allowing the player to be "Drizzt" in an artificial computer simulated world.
Shadovar Posted - 17 Apr 2006 : 10:26:57
For Drizzt game, it should be on a platform of either XboX 360 or PS3 where the graphics and sound would honor and do justice to Drizzt fighting maneuvres. PC platform? I won't favor it as it might demand greater graphics and so on. I prefer using established powerful platforms to play it.

What we really need is a VR simulation style of Drizzt where the player can simulate Drizzt in a VR world, that would be more fun.

Besides that, new storylines and new fighting maneuvres are needed for a new Drizzt game.
SirUrza Posted - 17 Apr 2006 : 07:26:01
Play the old Menzoberrazan SSI game for a Drizzt game. You can recruit him into your party fairly early. ;)
ode904 Posted - 13 Apr 2006 : 07:15:11
I loved Demon Stone, good graphics and story including Drizzt... A whole game about Drizzt would be wonderful!
Drakul Posted - 05 Mar 2006 : 14:52:31
I too have Demon Stone and I beat the game. You get some awesome gear after you beat it.


Your fighter gets Red Dragon Armor.

(P.S. I would love to see a game based on Drizzt and his adventures)
SirUrza Posted - 11 Feb 2006 : 05:47:50
Originally posted by CrennenFaerieBane

Well, you do get to play Drizzt for one level in Demon Stone, which is awesome. It's got great graphics and the story was written by Salvatore.


One of the best levels of the game was playing Drizzt!

I doubt they will make a game that thorough on Drizzt, though. And my gosh, after playing Call of Duty 2 all weekend on my 360, I would love to see a Drizzt game on it!!!

I was always hoping for a Demonstone 2, it's still possible on 360, but the days of the Lord of the Rings engine are wearing thing, so I doubt we'll see another one unfortunately... especially not with games like God of War 2 coming to PS2 and GoW3 on PS3.
Milith holder of HB8 Posted - 25 Dec 2005 : 04:36:47
The Revolution would be the best console for a drizzt based game, but since Nitendo dosn't really go well with 3rd party games it probably won't happen.
scererar Posted - 22 Dec 2005 : 01:44:05
Make it look and act something like NWN and I feel that a Drizzt game would be outstanding
Rory Posted - 20 Dec 2005 : 19:18:20
Originally posted by CrennenFaerieBane

Well, a fantasy fighting game might be neat, but most people who flock to a D&D marketing icon will want adventure and not straight up fighting. But then again, look what they did with Marvel vs. Capcom. Guess it could happen!


Aye thats what I say Wizards needs to think out of the box. An arcade fighter would add people to the flock and give them a fighting engine for action adventure games and action RPGs. I would like to see a deep story mode in the fighter. Maybe they could create each charcters real battles from the novels/comic book.
Belthor Posted - 09 Dec 2005 : 23:49:56
In Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, after beating the game in extreme mode, you could play Drizzt. The problem was that after unlocking Drizzt, it wasn't much fun because my other character was so much tougher than he was. I still only have a Gamecube, so whatever might be released, I hope it comes out on the Cube as well.
Khaa Posted - 09 Dec 2005 : 15:37:41
There are just so many possibilities, They need to get crackin'!
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 09 Dec 2005 : 14:48:14
Well, a fantasy fighting game might be neat, but most people who flock to a D&D marketing icon will want adventure and not straight up fighting. But then again, look what they did with Marvel vs. Capcom. Guess it could happen!

Rory Posted - 09 Dec 2005 : 07:34:29

I’m just sick of the Japanese lock on fighting games. Its not that they dont deserve the lock. If you ask me the last two Virtual Fighters are as great as great can be, even DOA 4 is a very polished game, it captures martial arts fairly well and its fun but the characters are so pretentious and shallow. Soul Caliber has some decent characters but the sword juggling is kinda fake. That is the main game that needs an M rating.

I would love to see the Battlerager from Bruenor’s clan fighting the Darkhope woman that leads the Zhents military in arcades around the world. Controlling the Icewind Dale heroes in a five player online game with action in the same vain as Ninja Gaidens would be sweet too. That would be gorgeous too. I still would rather have a fighting game that would deal with a huge void and add new character, flavor and soul to pretentious genre.
Beezy Posted - 08 Dec 2005 : 20:41:22
I did like the game but I never got aroudn to replaying that level where I got really frustrated. I have been busy with school work, but I will definitely play the game over. I will most likely have to restart
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 08 Dec 2005 : 16:19:44
Hmm, I really enjoyed Demonstone a lot. I have actually played through it a couple of times. But then again, I do have Lockwood's portrayal of Zhai hanging up in my living room, so it shows I am a fan.


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