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 Kara-Tur and Maztica

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
FridayThe13th Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 15:02:42
I have a question. Currently are there any FR novels set in Kara-Tur, Maztica, Zakhara, or any other remote place on Toril?
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ardashir Posted - 23 Sep 2008 : 23:53:56
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Faraer

There was going to be another novel or novels set in Kara-Tur, starring Doin Sanehiro, who's written up as a 'major character' (i.e. lead novel character) in FR7 Hall of Heroes. I don't recall how close that project got to being written and published -- but Jim Lowder might.

You know, I always wondered about those characters, and why we never saw them anywhere else...

Yeah -- I always wondered what became of them too.

Sigh, remember when the problem with AD&D was that they were throwing out TOO MANY great ideas? Maztica and the kingdoms north of it, Al-Qadim, Kara-Tur...
The Sage Posted - 30 Jul 2006 : 02:32:23
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Oh, okay, an Endless Quest novel. I used to love all of those variable-ending books: Choose Your Own Adventure, Fighting Fantasy, Endless Quest, Super Endless Quest... I've still got some of those books, that I hold on to for nostalgia. And, in fact, the first fantasy book I ever read was one of the Endless Quest books.

"Choose Your Own Adventure" and "Fighting Fantasy" were among some of my favorite variable-ending books when I was a child. I only ever read a few of the "Endless Quest" books, including the Zakharan one.

As for proper brand-title AQ novels however... a novel line was discussed as I recall, similar in style to what was done with the RAVENLOFT books -- a seres of stand-alone novels.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 30 Jul 2006 : 00:49:50
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Faraer

There was going to be another novel or novels set in Kara-Tur, starring Doin Sanehiro, who's written up as a 'major character' (i.e. lead novel character) in FR7 Hall of Heroes. I don't recall how close that project got to being written and published -- but Jim Lowder might.

You know, I always wondered about those characters, and why we never saw them anywhere else...

A few of them showed up as NPCs in Test of the Samurai and Ronin Challenge . . .
FridayThe13th Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 23:10:46
Ok, thanks for all your help everyone.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 21:46:52
Originally posted by Faraer

There was going to be another novel or novels set in Kara-Tur, starring Doin Sanehiro, who's written up as a 'major character' (i.e. lead novel character) in FR7 Hall of Heroes. I don't recall how close that project got to being written and published -- but Jim Lowder might.

You know, I always wondered about those characters, and why we never saw them anywhere else...
Faraer Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 19:22:45
There was going to be another novel or novels set in Kara-Tur, starring Doin Sanehiro, who's written up as a 'major character' (i.e. lead novel character) in FR7 Hall of Heroes. I don't recall how close that project got to being written and published -- but Jim Lowder might.
Kuje Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 18:42:12
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Oh, okay, an Endless Quest novel. I used to love all of those variable-ending books: Choose Your Own Adventure, Fighting Fantasy, Endless Quest, Super Endless Quest... I've still got some of those books, that I hold on to for nostalgia. And, in fact, the first fantasy book I ever read was one of the Endless Quest books.

I miss my choose your own adventure books. :( I had some pretty good ones. But I don't think they were TSR ones.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 18:06:45
Oh, okay, an Endless Quest novel. I used to love all of those variable-ending books: Choose Your Own Adventure, Fighting Fantasy, Endless Quest, Super Endless Quest... I've still got some of those books, that I hold on to for nostalgia. And, in fact, the first fantasy book I ever read was one of the Endless Quest books.
The Sage Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 17:02:41
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by kalin agrivar

There is no novel trilogy based in Zakhara
Not entirely true.

While there is no specific FR series of novels based in Zakhara, the Al-Qadim line did allow for AQ novels taking place in the Land of Fate.

See for copies of several of the AQ novels.

There were Al-Qadim novels? I was unaware of that...

As was I. I never heard of any Al-Qadim novels.

They were the combat-game books -- part story, part game. Not proper novels:- Secret of the Djinn
fitz Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 16:59:07
There isn't, or I search during months to find nothing.

Links, links, links

I want proof
Kuje Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 16:45:07
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by kalin agrivar

There is no novel trilogy based in Zakhara
Not entirely true.

While there is no specific FR series of novels based in Zakhara, the Al-Qadim line did allow for AQ novels taking place in the Land of Fate.

See for copies of several of the AQ novels.

There were Al-Qadim novels? I was unaware of that...

As was I. I never heard of any Al-Qadim novels.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 16:37:46
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by kalin agrivar

There is no novel trilogy based in Zakhara
Not entirely true.

While there is no specific FR series of novels based in Zakhara, the Al-Qadim line did allow for AQ novels taking place in the Land of Fate.

See for copies of several of the AQ novels.

There were Al-Qadim novels? I was unaware of that...
The Sage Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 16:22:39
Originally posted by kalin agrivar

There is no novel trilogy based in Zakhara
Not entirely true.

While there is no specific FR series of novels based in Zakhara, the Al-Qadim line did allow for AQ novels taking place in the Land of Fate.

See for copies of several of the AQ novels.
The Sage Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 16:19:33
There are no current FR novels featuring Kara-Tur, Maztica, or Zakhara. However, there have been past FR novels featuring stories set in both Kara-Tur and Maztica.

Empires Trilogy -- for Kara-Tur
- Horselords
- Dragonwall
- Crusade

Maztica Trilogy -- for Maztica
- Ironhelm
- Viperhand
- Feathered Dragon

As well, The Yellow Silk, a novel from the FIGHTERS series features a character from Kara-Tur (Shou Lung in fact) and offers bits and pieces of Kara-Turan lore.
Lameth Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 15:45:55

The Maztica novel trilogy (can't remember the trilogy's name) is based of course in Maztica

Maztica Trilogy
Feathered Dragon
Kalin Agrivar Posted - 29 Jul 2006 : 15:11:52
Originally posted by FridayThe13th

I have a question. Currently are there any FR novels set in Kara-Tur, Maztica, Zakhara, or any other remote place on Toril?

The first book in the Empires Trilogy is in the Hordelands (which is kinda treated like a seperate sub-continent between Kara-Tur and Faerun), the second book in the Empires Trilogy is in Kara-Tur

The Maztica novel trilogy (can't remember the trilogy's name) is based of course in Maztica

There is no novel trilogy based in Zakhara

the novel "Faces of Deception" is roughly somewhere in the Hordelands/Kara-Tur

in the "Cloakmaster" series of novels (the Spelljammer novel series) there is a bit of Realms lore in that spelljamming port-island near Evermeet

hope that helps

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