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 Cities series question?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hooper101 Posted - 01 Nov 2005 : 17:19:38
What is the order of the Cities series?
23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kzia Posted - 11 Nov 2005 : 01:13:16
Originally posted by Dremvek

A great site to try for finding these FR books is

It worked, got them both,
Thank you Dremvek!
Dremvek Posted - 09 Nov 2005 : 19:08:39
Originally posted by Kzia

Thanks, I will check this out. Nice to meet you btw.......

Kzia Posted - 09 Nov 2005 : 03:17:04
Originally posted by Dremvek

A great site to try for finding these FR books is

Thanks, I will check this out. Nice to meet you btw.......

Kzia Posted - 09 Nov 2005 : 03:15:19
Originally posted by The Sage

I'd purchase and ship them to you, but postage and handling to the US will likely be just as expensive .

Well thank you! Postage would be a killer, but I will keep it in mind, I seem to have developed an obsession to collect all of the FR novels........

Dremvek Posted - 08 Nov 2005 : 20:55:20
A great site to try for finding these FR books is This site is basically a bot that combs through several online used book sites, including Abebooks, biblio and powells. I use it all the time for those hard-to-find books. They have Tymora's Luck for as low as $7.64, and The Shadow Stone as low as $3.00 in the US.
The Sage Posted - 08 Nov 2005 : 17:31:22
Hehe... I can find you both Tymora's Luck and The Shadow Stone for $4.95 AUS (the owner of the bookstore where these novels are located doesn't realise how rare these two books have become ). I'd purchase and ship them to you, but postage and handling to the US will likely be just as expensive .
Kzia Posted - 08 Nov 2005 : 17:09:34
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Kzia

Has anyone found any online used bookstores that have alot of FR books? There are still several I need.
It depends... Where are you currently located? I know of a few online retailers, but shipping to specific countries can be costly depending upon where you live.

I'm in the USA, almost ordered a book from GB until I did the conversion, ouch!

Just ordered another 12 from Amazon and Ebay (that echo you hear is the sound of my empty purse). I still can't find Tymora's Luck (at a reasonable price) or The Shadow Stone.
The Sage Posted - 05 Nov 2005 : 00:36:47
Originally posted by Kzia

Has anyone found any online used bookstores that have alot of FR books? There are still several I need.
It depends... Where are you currently located? I know of a few online retailers, but shipping to specific countries can be costly depending upon where you live.
Kzia Posted - 05 Nov 2005 : 00:22:36
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Oh well, I can still get City of Ravens online, but I'd rather just find it in a bookstore (it's nice not to have to pay for shipping).

Me too. But there are so many that I can't find anywhere. I've bought quite a few from Amazon, but you have to make sure that you are not ordering from too many different sellers. I've made several great buys from ebay recently, and their shipping charges are usually much more realistic. Has anyone found any online used bookstores that have alot of FR books? There are still several I need.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 04 Nov 2005 : 20:24:07
Oh well, I can still get City of Ravens online, but I'd rather just find it in a bookstore (it's nice not to have to pay for shipping).
The Sage Posted - 03 Nov 2005 : 03:08:23
Originally posted by Ignorance Personified

Originally posted by Thysl:
That's a shame, after City of Splendors its the best one, IMHO.

Agreed, it is certainly "a shame" that the book is so difficult to locate--I still view Ravens as the best book in the series.

And until the release of CoS, I would have agreed with you.

Ed and Elaine's grand work however, changed my opinion. 'Twas a pleasure to experience.
Ignorance Personified Posted - 03 Nov 2005 : 02:25:17
Originally posted by Thysl:
That's a shame, after City of Splendors its the best one, IMHO.

Agreed, it is certainly "a shame" that the book is so difficult to locate--I still view Ravens as the best book in the series.
The Sage Posted - 03 Nov 2005 : 00:55:55
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

From what I've heard, City of Splendors was to be the last Cities novel.

Quite true. It seems in keeping with the other "title-like" series of FR novels with which there are four books -- Priests, Rogues, and now Fighters being the more recent examples.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 02 Nov 2005 : 19:09:55
From what I've heard, City of Splendors was to be the last Cities novel.
Beezy Posted - 02 Nov 2005 : 07:16:55
Are there plans to continue the cities series after The City of Splendors? There was quite a break between The Jewel of the Turmish and City of Splendors was there not?
The Sage Posted - 02 Nov 2005 : 01:12:50
Just to add some basic details to Kaje's post -

Originally posted by Kajehase

1. The City of Ravens by Richard Baker
See here:-

2. Temple Hill by Drew Karpyshyn (whose forefathers, considering the last name, obviously weren't treated badly enough at Ellis Island)
See here:-

3. The Jewel of Turmish by Mel Odom
See here:-

4. The City of Splendours by Ed Greenwood & Elaine Cunningham
And finally, see here:-
hooper101 Posted - 01 Nov 2005 : 22:12:48
Thank you all for the help, ordering them now
Thysl Posted - 01 Nov 2005 : 21:26:31
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Originally posted by Kajehase

And thank goodness for that, The Jewel of Turmish is nigh well impossible to find in Sweden

*chuckles* With me, it's the opposite--I found The Jewel of Turmish easily, but I've never seen The City of Ravens in any store.

That's a shame, after City of Splendors its the best one, IMHO.
Kajehase Posted - 01 Nov 2005 : 21:09:49
I saw it yesterday, guess you'll have to pay Gothenburg a visit
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 01 Nov 2005 : 20:37:04
Originally posted by Kajehase

And thank goodness for that, The Jewel of Turmish is nigh well impossible to find in Sweden

*chuckles* With me, it's the opposite--I found The Jewel of Turmish easily, but I've never seen The City of Ravens in any store.
Kajehase Posted - 01 Nov 2005 : 20:30:18
And thank goodness for that, The Jewel of Turmish is nigh well impossible to find in Sweden
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 01 Nov 2005 : 20:27:13
As far as I know, though, they are all stand-alone novels--you don't have to read them in any particular order.
Kajehase Posted - 01 Nov 2005 : 17:45:59
1. The City of Ravens by Richard Baker
2. Temple Hill by Drew Karpyshyn (whose forefathers, considering the last name, obviously weren't treated badly enough at Ellis Island)
3. The Jewel of Turmish by Mel Odom
4. The City of Splendours by Ed Greenwood & Elaine Cunningham

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