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 November Book Club - Midnight's Mask

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alaundo Posted - 30 Oct 2005 : 15:36:55
Well met

The month of November sees the release of Midnight's Mask - the third and final book in the Erevis Cale Trilogy, by Paul S Kemp.

Here at Candlekeep, we have new feature, entitled the Forgotten Realms Book Club. This is a area where the current months new Forgotten Realms novel release will get full focus and where readers will be able to participate and post their views and comments in depth. We also hope to have the author of the novel here to join in and answer any questions and respond to thy comments.

There will be a number of threads within the book club which are split into chapters. This is to allow ye to post comments for the chapters thou art reading without hitting spoilers of subsequent chapters and the conclusion of the story.

General queries of the book (for example, the availability, cover art etc.) can be kept within the general thread within the novels section of the forum.

Malarick will be keeping an eye on the book club to ensure all runs smoothly. In addition, all moderators are here to hand, should any assistance be required.

I hope ye will join us for this new feature and will certainly look forward to reading of thy comments on this novel.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SirUrza Posted - 08 Jan 2006 : 04:14:34
Originally posted by Alaundo

The Book Club section can be found by clicking here.

I found it, thanks. :)
Alaundo Posted - 07 Jan 2006 : 15:43:39
Originally posted by SirUrza

Is this book club thing new? Sweet! Good things do happen while I'm away. :)

Well met

Indeed. Welcome back, SirUrza The Son of Thunder book club is set for this month and the book is due for release next week. However, feel free to post any reviews or comments in the previous book club I look forward to reading thy pennings.

The Book Club section can be found by clicking here.
SirUrza Posted - 07 Jan 2006 : 13:42:50
Is this book club thing new? Sweet! Good things do happen while I'm away. :)
Ioulaum Posted - 29 Nov 2005 : 21:47:25
I just finish it over the weekend. Great book, the Crown of Fire was a suprise but fits in very well with the overall plot. Paul was even nice enough to leave open a very big plot hook

Anyone care to speculate who the "Source" was calling and who heard?
hammer of Moradin Posted - 02 Nov 2005 : 17:21:42
I would also like to encourage anyone, at any time in November, to drop by here and see what questions others are posting. A lot of good little bits will slip through that you may not otherwise find out. The Book Clubs are a great way to enhance your reading experience!
So, Mal and Al (hehe), when do the readers get those chapter breaks?

Ooo... found it. It has its own section.
Ignorance Personified Posted - 02 Nov 2005 : 04:08:13
There will be a number of threads within the book club which are split into chapters. This is to allow ye to post comments for the chapters thou art reading without hitting spoilers of subsequent chapters and the conclusion of the story.

Originally, I intended to follow this suggestion and post my comments on a chapter by chapter basis. In contrast, I found this tome to be particularly gripping and devoured the entire book in one sitting. Consequently, not wishing to spoil the experience for others, I will only say (for now) that Midnight's Mask is an entralling novel and a worthy conclusion to the trilogy.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 01 Nov 2005 : 22:30:05
*grins* I will, perhaps after I finish Promise of the Witch-King and Whisper of Waves. Thank you for the recommendation!
Alaundo Posted - 01 Nov 2005 : 21:42:50
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Sounds like a great idea, though I haven't even started the Erevis Cale series yet.

Well met

Then no time to waste, my dear Rinonalyrna Fathomlin. Get reading!
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 01 Nov 2005 : 20:43:03
Sounds like a great idea, though I haven't even started the Erevis Cale series yet.
Alaundo Posted - 31 Oct 2005 : 20:18:36
Originally posted by Kajehase

Well, judging by the fact the title of the thread is November Book Club, I'd guess about a month from now

Well met

In fact, a mere few hours away! Of course, it may take a week or two for the novel to surface in the stores, but it's all set up ready for whenever anyone manages to locate their copy.
Kajehase Posted - 31 Oct 2005 : 17:37:38
Well, judging by the fact the title of the thread is November Book Club, I'd guess about a month from now
hooper101 Posted - 31 Oct 2005 : 17:01:11
when is the next book starting?
Dhomal Posted - 31 Oct 2005 : 01:35:28

This is a wonderful idea! I am also looking forward to participating in this!

However - it will have to wait for another book - as I have read neither the earlier 2 books in the trilogy - nor the Sembia series - and from what I hear - reading That is a pre-cursor to the Cale trilogy!

Have fun all!

Malarick Posted - 30 Oct 2005 : 17:12:11
Originally posted by Alaundo

Malarick will be keeping an eye on the book club to ensure all runs smoothly.

Thank you Alaundo for the introduction, and thanks to Paul for making himself available for these discussions.

I encourage anyone who is reading this novel to post in this area. You can tell us what you liked, what you disliked (no flaming of course) and also if you have any questions related to the characters or scenarios.

The book clubs are here to provide more of a spoiler free environment than a single (SPOILERS) type thread.

You can just just post here on between chapters, maybe at the end of a day or when you just have to get an answer to that burning question.

Sometimes the answer might present itself later on in the book, and I am sure Paul will just tell you to keep reading in that case.

We have run these book clubs for some time now for various campaign settings (on other boards). The Eberron one has been an amazing success, and I hope that we can see a high level of participation here.

Like Alaundo mentioned, Paul will only answer questions regarding the novel content on these threads. But still feel free to use the General thread for anything else.

I look forward to discussing this book with you!

PaulSKemp Posted - 30 Oct 2005 : 16:08:53
Thank you, Alaundo. I'm looking forward to participating.


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