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 Restless Shore: Worth Reading

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jornan Posted - 28 Jul 2011 : 03:38:28
Up until this point I have been a FR completionist (I've read ever book to date, except a mere four). However, I'm not sure I can stand to read James P Davis' latest book Restless Shore. I really didn't care for his previous three realms books and while they do contain some very powerful imagery and some sometimes unique and interesting characters, the books always end up missing the mark being slow and confusing.

I have read reviews that say this is his best book, does anyone here have any thoughts on it?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Artemas Entreri Posted - 24 Aug 2011 : 19:47:56
Originally posted by jornan

Up until this point I have been a FR completionist (I've read ever book to date, except a mere four). However, I'm not sure I can stand to read James P Davis' latest book Restless Shore. I really didn't care for his previous three realms books and while they do contain some very powerful imagery and some sometimes unique and interesting characters, the books always end up missing the mark being slow and confusing.

I have read reviews that say this is his best book, does anyone here have any thoughts on it?

I feel the same way about MANY of the Realms authors nowadays. I miss Troy Denning, Douglas Niles, etc. However, i too am a completionist and will be forced to push through. At least they are short books. :)
Clad In Shadows Posted - 05 Aug 2011 : 15:37:55
Personally, it was my least favourite of The Wilds books. It was a bit slow, and I found myself unable to stay focused on the plot.
Brimstone Posted - 05 Aug 2011 : 01:08:45
Finished it. Good read. The ending was anti-climatic for me. Good book IMO.
Caolin Posted - 30 Jul 2011 : 08:35:07
Originally posted by jornan

Up until this point I have been a FR completionist (I've read ever book to date, except a mere four). However, I'm not sure I can stand to read James P Davis' latest book Restless Shore. I really didn't care for his previous three realms books and while they do contain some very powerful imagery and some sometimes unique and interesting characters, the books always end up missing the mark being slow and confusing.

I have read reviews that say this is his best book, does anyone here have any thoughts on it?

I didn't care for it at all. Out of all of the 4E FR novels this one is the most divergent from the feel of an old school Realms novel....if that makes sense. It was also kind of hard to follow. I was a bit surprised by this seeing that I LOVED Davis' other Realms novels.
Brimstone Posted - 28 Jul 2011 : 08:21:47
Just started reading it. Pretty good so far. Intrigued by "the choir."
Dennis Posted - 28 Jul 2011 : 04:57:36

This has been in my To-Read stacks for some time now, so as his Bloodwalk. I'm also interested what others think about the novel.

I love his Shield of the Weeping Ghosts, so one way or another, I might also like this.

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