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 Can't remember which FR book this was...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
canine Posted - 10 May 2010 : 03:13:01
And I only remember one scene. Maybe it will be enough for someone to remember though. I'd like to get this book again.

The scene I remember is of Artemis Entreri hiding inside someones house near the beginning of the book. He hollows out the inside of their bed and waits there to strike. Afterwards, the town guards come, but Artemis is again hidden inside the bed, and he waits there until the guards finally leave and then escapes.

I know its not much to go on, but anyone recognize this?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sill Alias Posted - 28 May 2010 : 04:06:17
AH! No wonder I felt hesitant about answer! I remember clearly scene with Morik.
BEAST Posted - 28 May 2010 : 03:03:50
Originally posted by canine

And I only remember one scene. Maybe it will be enough for someone to remember though. I'd like to get this book again.

The scene I remember is of Artemis Entreri hiding inside someones house near the beginning of the book. He hollows out the inside of their bed and waits there to strike. Afterwards, the town guards come, but Artemis is again hidden inside the bed, and he waits there until the guards finally leave and then escapes.

I just remembered this thread. Others answered it right away, and then it disappeared for a while.

Actually, all of you guys are confusing two separate scenes from two different novels:

  • In The Silent Blade, Chapter 9, Basadoni soldiers come after Entreri in an inn in Calimport, and he escapes out the window.

  • In Servant of the Shard, Chapter 3, Entreri sneaks into Morik the Rogue's room in a Luskan inn and hollows out a hiding place in the bed, surprises Morik, then leaves out the front door and re-sets all the locks and wards that Morik had originally placed there.

So you see, those were actually two different scenes from different books.
Kyrene Posted - 11 May 2010 : 08:27:36
Lady Fellshot is correct. It is during an assassination (or retrieval of an important object) mission in Luskan as I recall...
Lady Fellshot Posted - 10 May 2010 : 16:44:15
That scene is in Servant of the Shard, chapter 3.
Sandro Posted - 10 May 2010 : 09:00:52
Maaaaaybe Servant of The Shard (which, incidentally, is part of the Sellswords Trilogy, but was originally part of Paths of Darkness), but other than that I have no idea.
Zireael Posted - 10 May 2010 : 08:50:31
Servant of the Shard, I suppose. That's definitely not Starless Night nor is it Legacy. And it's not one of the Sellswords trilogy.

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