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T O P I C    R E V I E W
canikoblivan Posted - 14 Dec 2008 : 17:13:55
Yay! My first official post in the novels section :)

I live in Turkey and it's really hard to get my hands on the Forgotten Realms novels as there's not much of a demand to fantasy books over here. I try to buy what I can, and so far I've managed to gather 140+ Forgotten Realms novels for my little library.

I, shamefully, admit that I haven't been able to read the Avatar Series and its sequel, The Shadow of the Avatar Trilogy. I managed get a hold on the first 4 books of the Avatar Series (the new editions), however, it's impossible to find the 5th book, Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad with a decent price tag.

Is there anyone here with an extra copy of that book around here? We can talk more details about it if you're willing to part with it. I have some extra books myself and I'm sure we can reach to an agreement over it.

I hope to see you in many other scrolls! Thanks in advance!
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
canikoblivan Posted - 17 Jul 2009 : 16:11:56
Sana da merhaba DragonReader (Hello to you as well :))

It's so nice to see a Turkish word here :)
DragonReader Posted - 15 Jul 2009 : 20:30:46
Merhaba canikoblivan!

I don't have much to add other than to say hello.
Rosemary Jones Posted - 15 Jul 2009 : 02:54:04
You are all very welcome. I didn't write an encyclopedia on collectible children's books for nothing :)

Remember sites like aren't one set shipping price -- it's searching many different dealers on the web and the results of a search can be very different a week, a month, or a year from now. On sites like and, you can also create "want" lists. The site will email you when a book comes available. Then you decide whether or not it's a price that you want to pay.

Obviously, book collecting is one of my passions! Happy to introduce others to the addiction....uh...hobby.

(Echoes of wild laughter)

canikoblivan Posted - 13 Jul 2009 : 14:25:34
Thanks a lot Rosemary! I added both sites to my favourites and will definitley use them in my future purchases. Oh, and the great news is I finally found a copy of Crucible in perfect condition and for a ridicilously low price on eBay among several other novels.

There are still some novels that I'm missing but I'm thinking of hunting them when I come back from my military service of 6 months, starting this August :(. Anyways, thanks to everyone who tried to help me out :)
edappel Posted - 13 Jul 2009 : 13:47:25
Thanks Rosemary!
I've tagged this sites as my favorites..

(Even so... Crucible is very expensive on them.. And the shipping rate worst than Amazon... but probably i'll use this sites on the near future)

Teloriun Posted - 13 Jul 2009 : 13:43:11
re: Bookfinder - That's a fabulous site! I've managed to get hold of two books from Lost Empires at a price than wont break the bank. Thanks again :D
Rosemary Jones Posted - 12 Jul 2009 : 19:14:16
If you're looking for books and can't find them on Amazon or Ebay, try the used book sites like or You might find the prices better there -- many dealers aren't that familiar with the genre fantasy and tend to average out their prices rather than cull out the rarer titles. will search a number of sites and you can even add details like you only want dealers who ship to Turkey.

Trust me, there are many fabulous ways to add to your collection. My biggest problem is expanding the bookshelves!

Best wishes,

Teloriun Posted - 12 Jul 2009 : 11:33:11
Normally, i would say thanks for the nobleknight site...but seeing as i've just bought 11 books from there, myabe not, lol.

I can't believe how difficult it is to get hold of decent copies (ie. near new / mint) of the FR novels... :(
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 18 Dec 2008 : 20:52:56
That is really odd, especially since the Year of Rogue Dragons trilogy isn't even that old, as far as Realms books go.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Dec 2008 : 02:39:18
I've noticed an odd phenemenon, myself, with particular Realms novels.

I've replaced most of my Realms novels without too much difficulty. There are a couple that it's taken longer to get my hands on, but most of them were easy to replace. I got most of them off of eBay.

But not the Rogue Dragons trilogy. For some reason, it just doesn't seem to pop up on eBay all that oft. When it does, it's usually one or two of the books, but not all three.

I finally went to Amazon to get them. But it just seems odd to me that those books, which are relatively recent and still available new, almost never turn up on eBay.

The Cormyr books don't seem to show up there very often, either. And it took me a while to find the last Pools novel...

Of course, there were also a couple of modules that never turned up on eBay... until I got them elsewhere. And then they started showing up on eBay for a much more reasonable price!
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 16 Dec 2008 : 01:36:47
Originally posted by canikoblivan

Ahh, thanks a lot for the info, although I have to find the 1st and the 3rd books of the SotA trilogy before I can do that.

You're welcome; I hope you find the books you want.
canikoblivan Posted - 15 Dec 2008 : 22:43:25
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Originally posted by canikoblivan

I, shamefully, admit that I haven't been able to read the Avatar Series and its sequel, The Shadow of the Avatar Trilogy. I managed get a hold on the first 4 books of the Avatar Series (the new editions), however, it's impossible to find the 5th book, Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad with a decent price tag.

I just would like to point out that the Shadow of the Avatar Trilogy isn't a sequel of the Avatar Series--the books take place at around the same time, and you can read the SotA trilogy without having even touched the Avatar series. I know that, because that's what I did.

Ahh, thanks a lot for the info, although I have to find the 1st and the 3rd books of the SotA trilogy before I can do that. My priority was getting the 5th book of the Avatar series.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 15 Dec 2008 : 14:40:34
Originally posted by canikoblivan

I, shamefully, admit that I haven't been able to read the Avatar Series and its sequel, The Shadow of the Avatar Trilogy. I managed get a hold on the first 4 books of the Avatar Series (the new editions), however, it's impossible to find the 5th book, Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad with a decent price tag.

I just would like to point out that the Shadow of the Avatar Trilogy isn't a sequel of the Avatar Series--the books take place at around the same time, and you can read the SotA trilogy without having even touched the Avatar series. I know that, because that's what I did.
canikoblivan Posted - 15 Dec 2008 : 06:47:06
Thank you Sage, I've made some purchases off nobleknight and also hitpointe sites before, but that 5th book eludes me all the time

Anyway, I'll keep my eyes open for it here too
The Sage Posted - 14 Dec 2008 : 23:30:59
We also, occasionally, have scribes who come to Candlekeep looking to sell some, or all, of their FR novel collections for various reasons. So long as you check-in every now and then, you may learn of a coming sale which includes the novels you're looking for.

And, if online purchasing isn't a problem for you, I'd recommend sites like, which offer second-hand copies of many FR novels for reasonable prices [in US$].
canikoblivan Posted - 14 Dec 2008 : 19:12:16
Thanks a lot Braveheart, I've been looking for the 5th book for a while now, including on those sites you've mentioned. I've never come across that novel in stock on any Amazon sites so far, occasionally someone at eBay lists it but along with an outrageous price :(.

Well, I wanted to try my luck here too, who knows? Maybe some kind soul has an extra copy. :)

P.S. Gotta love Leevoth! :)
Braveheart Posted - 14 Dec 2008 : 19:07:23
Hi Canikoblivan, welcome to Candlekeep!

Try looking on Amazon or EBay or [fillInYourFavouriteTradingPlace], especially on the
.com sites - there are usually a few offers willing to ship international.

P.S.: Nice Avatar you chose

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