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T O P I C    R E V I E W
RemembedRealms Posted - 05 Oct 2008 : 11:22:47
Hey, I have been reading FR books (never play the game though) for a long time. I usually just go to the bookstore/ebay and buy whatever interests me that I haven't read before. I'm starting to have trouble finding books that I haven't read. I've been keeping up with the new books religiously hoping to learn more about all that crazy stuff that happened at the end of the Realms grand history book with no luck (are there any books that are specifically about the spell plague?).

Anyway, my main question is does anyone have a list of all FR books based on a FR timeline? This would be much better than hopping around here and there like I have been doing. I recently got the books about Azoun's crusade so I'm good for a little bit but I'm trying to plan ahead here.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lord Karsus Posted - 08 Oct 2008 : 04:36:42
-You can find an index of Forgotten Realms novels by dates (and in nice colors) in one of the fanwork links found HERE.

Mod edit: added quotation marks around the URL to make the coding work right.
Fillow Posted - 05 Oct 2008 : 11:42:54
Well met RemembedRealms
Welcome to the Keep.

About your first question, have a look at these threads :
- The post-Spellplague novels listing which deals only with novels
- A Working Bibliography of the 4E Realms which deals with all the 4E (post-spellplague) Realmslore books.

About the books timeline, have a look at o-love's website : here

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