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 Once (More) Around the Realms

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 20:30:23
Over in Ed's thread it was mentioned of Brian Thomsen's passing this weekend.

I thought I'd share some praise for one of his (too) few novels for the Realms, Once Around the Realms. It focused on Volo's being tricked into traveling around Faerūn, in the vein of Around the World in 80 Days.

This was not a novel of serious Realmslore, but of a light hearted look at the world itself, taking the reader to most of the familiar places, like Cormyr and Waterdeep, and the less-familiar, like Maztica and Kara-tur.

Not everyone liked the book (in fact, I believe I'm in a minority), mainly because of Brian's 'borrowing' of pop-culture TV characters to round out the supporting cast of the novel. But I enjoyed it immensely and consider to be one of my favorites. No one else took the challenge of showing off the entire world in a single story and, even with the cheesy nature, it still rang true with the various lands and, most importantly, the hero of Volothamp Geddarm.

Mr. Thomsen was an editor for most of his career and helped a lot of our favorite storytellers get their books to print with their style and 'voice' intact. Which is a feat unto itself.

As Ed saith, "I will raise a book to Brian Thomsen." And so shall I.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alisttair Posted - 25 Sep 2008 : 11:46:49
A sad time in the world of Fantasy Fiction indeed. I enjoyed the Volo novel and even the follow up, Mage in the Iron Mask.
BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 25 Sep 2008 : 08:58:49
Sad news ... may rest in peace..!!
The Sage Posted - 25 Sep 2008 : 01:55:22

'Twas a very fun FR take on one of my favorite Verne novels.


To Brian, whose still exploring the Realms in his own way.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 22:03:25
I had the honor to meet Brian this last GenCon--the first and last time I'll get to laugh so much at that man's sense of humor or benefit from such a vast sea of learning he kept locked inside his head, and freely dispensed to us wide-eyed writers. A loss indeed.

He'll not be forgotten.

The Red Walker Posted - 24 Sep 2008 : 22:00:29
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Over in Ed's thread it was mentioned of Brian Thomsen's passing this weekend.

I thought I'd share some praise for one of his (too) few novels for the Realms, Once Around the Realms. It focused on Volo's being tricked into traveling around Faerūn, in the vein of Around the World in 80 Days.

This was not a novel of serious Realmslore, but of a light hearted look at the world itself, taking the reader to most of the familiar places, like Cormyr and Waterdeep, and the less-familiar, like Maztica and Kara-tur.

Not everyone liked the book (in fact, I believe I'm in a minority), mainly because of Brian's 'borrowing' of pop-culture TV characters to round out the supporting cast of the novel. But I enjoyed it immensely and consider to be one of my favorites. No one else took the challenge of showing off the entire world in a single story and, even with the cheesy nature, it still rang true with the various lands and, most importantly, the hero of Volothamp Geddarm.

Mr. Thomsen was an editor for most of his career and helped a lot of our favorite storytellers get their books to print with their style and 'voice' intact. Which is a feat unto itself.

As Ed saith, "I will raise a book to Brian Thomsen." And so shall I.

Aye! I second that, I liked it as well and Brian will be missed.

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