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 Mistshore : Ed Greenwood Presents Waterdeep

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
darkcrow Posted - 23 Mar 2008 : 04:47:58
I'm farting around amazon putting books in my wishlist when I came across the book Mistshore : Ed Greenwood Presents Waterdeep by, Jaleigh Johnson. Release Date is September 2, 2008.

- Here

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30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Stout Heart Posted - 07 Oct 2008 : 20:28:08
I'm about 60 pages from the end but this is a damn good book. I really enjoyed blackstaff tower but i didint feel anything for the characters the way I do in mistshore. It's quality all around icelin has a good solid Dwarven constitution to her nature. I hope someday that my writing is on par with JJ's and I say that in all seriousness.
The Red Walker Posted - 23 Sep 2008 : 14:14:39
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

I just finished this novel today, and I was very pleased, entertained, and impressed.

J.J.'s characters just get in your head and stay there. I was completely convinced from page 1 and never, ever knocked out of the story.

(Plus what can I say? I like the sexy elf rogues.)


P.S. Oh, and I wanted to add to Steve's long ago sleep-deprived plugging moment:

Originally posted by Steven Schend

Sorry. Insomnia and silliness have forced me to post plugs for the two books by Waterdhavian natives herein.

BLACKSTAFF TOWER: "Hey! I can see my house from here!"

MISTSHORE: "Gee, I hope I can get back to my house alive from here...."

DOWNSHADOW: "My house is how far above us here?"

CITY OF THE DEAD: "Welp, better make that mausoleum my new house, here."

I was thinking,

City of the Dead : Hey I can see my next home from here!

Mistshore just arrived at my door and the cover is even better than it looks online. As soon as I fininsh the City of Ravens(which I find hard to put down) and Blackstaff tower, since I have read the sample chapter, I cannot wait to devour double J's latest!
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 23 Sep 2008 : 01:55:52
I just finished this novel today, and I was very pleased, entertained, and impressed.

J.J.'s characters just get in your head and stay there. I was completely convinced from page 1 and never, ever knocked out of the story.

(Plus what can I say? I like the sexy elf rogues.)


P.S. Oh, and I wanted to add to Steve's long ago sleep-deprived plugging moment:

Originally posted by Steven Schend

Sorry. Insomnia and silliness have forced me to post plugs for the two books by Waterdhavian natives herein.

BLACKSTAFF TOWER: "Hey! I can see my house from here!"

MISTSHORE: "Gee, I hope I can get back to my house alive from here...."

DOWNSHADOW: "My house is how far above us here?"

CITY OF THE DEAD: "Welp, better make that mausoleum my new house, here."
Alisttair Posted - 18 Sep 2008 : 16:08:17
Yes beautifull cover. I finished reading City of Splendors yesterday so I just started reading Mistshore today
Jaleigh J. Posted - 12 Sep 2008 : 01:48:00
Originally posted by Mo Foard

Here is an interview I did with Jaleigh Johnson that just went up:

Thanks for the heads-up, J. I tried to get on earlier to post about it, but the day job kept getting in the way.

The Book Club scrolls for Mistshore are now open. Enjoy!

Thanks, Sage!
The Sage Posted - 12 Sep 2008 : 01:13:47
The Book Club scrolls for Mistshore are now open. Enjoy!
The Red Walker Posted - 11 Sep 2008 : 21:39:54
Nice interview. Can't wait to read it!
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 11 Sep 2008 : 21:03:56
So the prologue of Mistshore is a letter from grandfather to granddaughter, but it’s also a letter from me to a reader discovering the Realms for the first time. I want them to see the magic of the Realms the way I saw it, and to be swept up the way I was with all the possibilities for stories.

That's quite sweet.
Fillow Posted - 11 Sep 2008 : 20:28:58
Really good !
A bit long for a non English-born but I will try to have a look at it in the week-end.
Thanks for this piece of info Mo Foard... And welcome to the Keep !
Mo Foard Posted - 11 Sep 2008 : 19:39:21
Here is an interview I did with Jaleigh Johnson that just went up:

The Sage Posted - 07 Sep 2008 : 16:28:46
Originally posted by Christopher_Rowe

When are we gonna see book club scrolls for the two newest books?
Alaundo's currently away from the Halls at the moment. I may just have to tackle this myself. I'll look into opening some Book Club scrolls for these books in the next day or two.
Christopher_Rowe Posted - 07 Sep 2008 : 14:03:33
This bit from page 77 made me smile. The protagonist, Icelin, suffers from eidetic memory, and here she's recalling the conversation with an old teacher in which he introduced her to the method of loci:

"Picture your mind as a vast library," Nelzun had described it at the time.

"No vault can contain all of what rattles around in my head," she'd complained. But her teacher had only smiled indulgently.

"Once you have walked the halls of Candlekeep, with permanent wide eyes and slackening of jaw, you may feel quite different," he'd said.

When are we gonna see book club scrolls for the two newest books?

Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 07 Sep 2008 : 00:06:25
Yeah, I have to say, that cover really stirs the imagination.
Jaleigh J. Posted - 06 Sep 2008 : 19:21:44
Originally posted by The Red Walker
Yes, I like the cover very much as well. It reminds me of the pirate city in the last pirates of the carribean flick.

I was very happy with how the cover turned out. I really need to try to get in touch with the artist to see about getting a blown-up print.

The Red Walker Posted - 06 Sep 2008 : 01:14:42
Originally posted by Christopher_Rowe

Not to judge a book by its cover, but. Just got home and my copies of Blackstaff Tower and Mistshore were on the doorstep, hurrah. These continue the trend of what I've found to be better and better design from WotC's book department all the time. And Jaleigh, I think yours will turn out to be my single favorite FR novel cover ever--I love that illustration!

Now, to actual reading!

Yes, I like the cover very much as well. It reminds me of the pirate city in the last pirates of the carribean flick.
Christopher_Rowe Posted - 05 Sep 2008 : 23:53:10
Not to judge a book by its cover, but. Just got home and my copies of Blackstaff Tower and Mistshore were on the doorstep, hurrah. These continue the trend of what I've found to be better and better design from WotC's book department all the time. And Jaleigh, I think yours will turn out to be my single favorite FR novel cover ever--I love that illustration!

Now, to actual reading!
Jaleigh J. Posted - 05 Sep 2008 : 21:29:28
Originally posted by Fillow
What is the year this novel takes place please ?

It takes place in 1479 DR.
Fillow Posted - 05 Sep 2008 : 20:54:13
Originally posted by Jaleigh J.

The novel does take place in the new 4th editon Realms, but it is not connected as a sequel to Blackstaff Tower, so reading the books out of order will not matter, was the point I was trying to make. Sorry if I was unclear.

What is the year this novel takes place please ?
MerrikCale Posted - 24 Apr 2008 : 03:50:41
I'm not sure what I will do myself about reading 4e novels. I have read virtually all the previous edition novels, but I don't envision myself following this horrorific 4e stuff. But I always enjoyed the novels. I don't know what to do
The Red Walker Posted - 20 Apr 2008 : 22:50:23
Oh, the title is Mistshore.
I will still buy and read it asap, but it does not have the appeal it did when I Mis-heard the title. My bookseller mentioned it and I though it was about Mirt's ....oh well, rhymes with shore.
What a great Waterdeep tale that would be.

I loved Delve, so I can't wait for JJ's take on our favorite city!
Steven Schend Posted - 20 Apr 2008 : 03:34:41
Sorry. Insomnia and silliness have forced me to post plugs for the two books by Waterdhavian natives herein.

BLACKSTAFF TOWER: "Hey! I can see my house from here!"

MISTSHORE: "Gee, I hope I can get back to my house alive from here...."

Thank you. We now return you to your regularly scheduled discussions.

who really, really needs more sleep....
BlackAce Posted - 28 Mar 2008 : 22:27:34
Heck! That's me with another two novels to add to the list. At this rate, I'm going to have to replace "the FR bookcase" with "the FR Library!"
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 28 Mar 2008 : 14:04:05
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Mace, Ed of the Greenwood tells me that although there are two elements of the story of Mistshore that are definitely "of the new," a good story can be enjoyed regardless of when it's set...

Definitely true.
Jaleigh J. Posted - 28 Mar 2008 : 03:55:15
Originally posted by Steven Schend
And, of course, the Moonpenguin of Boof.

Oh, wasn't I supposed to mention that?

See now, you went and ruined the surprise. ;)
Jaleigh J. Posted - 28 Mar 2008 : 03:50:18
Originally posted by Nimriel

As far as I understand it's set in the new realm, but since I liked The Howling Delve I'll still read it .

Thanks, Nimriel, I'm happy you enjoyed Delve. :)
Steven Schend Posted - 28 Mar 2008 : 03:45:17
Originally posted by Jaleigh J.

... unlike the War of the Spider Queen series, Mistshore is not connected to Blackstaff Tower, so you can read one independent of the other. The common element is, of course, Waterdeep.

And, of course, the Moonpenguin of Boof.

Oh, wasn't I supposed to mention that?

who thinks "Powerful big rats, gen'lmen" is a perfectly fine phrase for those who live down Dock Ward way....
Jaleigh J. Posted - 28 Mar 2008 : 03:43:47
Originally posted by Mace Hammerhand

Do I understand this correctly: your novel takes place before the "abomination" of the new and improved and cool Realms?

Sorry, I can't hide the sarcasm and my feelings about the changes

Hi Mace. :) The novel does take place in the new 4th editon Realms, but it is not connected as a sequel to Blackstaff Tower, so reading the books out of order will not matter, was the point I was trying to make. Sorry if I was unclear.
The Hooded One Posted - 28 Mar 2008 : 01:38:11
Mace, Ed of the Greenwood tells me that although there are two elements of the story of Mistshore that are definitely "of the new," a good story can be enjoyed regardless of when it's set, just as we real-world people can enjoy good "historical" novels AND modern "set right now" yarns.
And he also told me that he really enjoyed Mistshore, and Blackstaff Tower, too, and another book in the series that he can't name just yet: "All quite different from each other, but all of them darned good reads. Yes, I'll be buying copies for my shelves, even though I've already read them each twice on my computer screen. I'm REALLY pleased with what I'm seeing."
Remember, all of these books are about Waterdeep, so if you truly hate all the rest of the Realms, just ignore it, and think of this series as possible futures of Waterdeep, just like all of the visions Scrooge experiences, in A CHRISTMAS CAROL . . .

Nimriel Posted - 27 Mar 2008 : 22:38:17
As far as I understand it's set in the new realm, but since I liked The Howling Delve I'll still read it .
Mace Hammerhand Posted - 27 Mar 2008 : 22:17:58
Do I understand this correctly: your novel takes place before the "abomination" of the new and improved and cool Realms?

Sorry, I can't hide the sarcasm and my feelings about the changes

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