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 Bound by Blood - Rise of the Zhentarim

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lord Bane Posted - 17 Sep 2012 : 15:03:45

Has anyone more information on this by chance, the title and the cover does spark my interest.

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Caolin Posted - 27 Nov 2012 : 23:37:53
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham
3) purchase and promote the upcoming Sundering series. This is a big event and its success could give a huge boost to the FR fiction line. Speaking in generalities, any success opens up new possibilities.

This is a very good point, thanks Elaine! I always see people here saying how they are refusing to buy this novel or support that edition. Which is fine, I believe in capitalism and you have a right not to buy a product that doesn't meet your standards. But that being said, I have also seen a lot of people pre-judging 5E (or whatever it's gonna be called) and saying that they won't support it. This is not any form of noble protest. If we all don't get behind WoTC's genuine effort to fix their past wrongs, then we are going to lose FR for good.

And if you think it's a good thing for FR to fail just as a means to get it out of Hasbro's hands, you are sorely misguided. I just have to point to Battlech as an example of an IP that struggles in an underfunded environment. Yes, Catalyst is doing the best that they can with the resources they have. But they can focus mainly on role playing material and their novel line is all but non-existent.

So if you are one of the curmudgeons who is refusing to support the upcoming Realms materials, please at least give the people at WoTC one more chance. I think Ed and the Forgotten Realms deserves it.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 27 Nov 2012 : 13:22:15
Originally posted by swifty

i find it astonishing that wotc would be unaware of the problem but nothing surprises me with them.not being able to get ebooks in europe is a they not want to make money

It's not difficult for me to understand why WotC might be unaware of the scope and specifics of this issue. I've seen the sort of reports e-bookstores send, and they don't have a category for "sales unsuccessfully attempted." If contractual complications make it impossible for a reader in, say, Austria to download a particular ebook from, the folks at WotC will know the contract exists, but I doubt they know whether there are three frustrated readers in Austria or three thousand. So it seems to me that Erik's suggestion is a good one. Numbers are always useful. As my husband the CPA says, you can't really solve a problem until you can quantify it.

But also keep in mind that knowing a problem exists and coming up with a solution are two different things. The technological changes in publishing have raised a lot of issues and challenges, and it's going to take time to sort through them and come up with new approaches.

In the meanwhile, here's what I'd suggest: 1) Pass along sales data of the sort Erik is collecting, 2) purchase the ebooks if you can and/or let WotC know that you would purchase a book if a POD option was available, and 3) purchase and promote the upcoming Sundering series. This is a big event and its success could give a huge boost to the FR fiction line. Speaking in generalities, any success opens up new possibilities.
swifty Posted - 27 Nov 2012 : 11:04:45
i find it astonishing that wotc would be unaware of the problem but nothing surprises me with them.not being able to get ebooks in europe is a they not want to make money
swifty Posted - 27 Nov 2012 : 11:00:23
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

An open invitation: If you want to download a FR novel and can't because of where you live, please email me the name(s) of the novel(s) you want to download and your general location (as specific as city, country), and I will pass the information along to WotC. They may not even be aware that people can't download the book in a particular locale.

If you aren't looking for a specific novel (i.e., you just want to be able to look at "the catalog" and aren't sure what novels should or shouldn't be available) look for these novels: Shadowbane, Shadowbane: Eye of Justice, Sword of the Gods: Spinner of Lies, Prince of Ravens, and Spider and Stone. Let me know which of these novels is available (if any), and which don't seem to show up.

Email me this information through Candlekeep or at my email addy: erikscottdebie AT yahoo DOT com


Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 25 Nov 2012 : 17:49:43
An open invitation: If you want to download a FR novel and can't because of where you live, please email me the name(s) of the novel(s) you want to download and your general location (as specific as city, country), and I will pass the information along to WotC. They may not even be aware that people can't download the book in a particular locale.

If you aren't looking for a specific novel (i.e., you just want to be able to look at "the catalog" and aren't sure what novels should or shouldn't be available) look for these novels: Shadowbane, Shadowbane: Eye of Justice, Sword of the Gods: Spinner of Lies, Prince of Ravens, and Spider and Stone. Let me know which of these novels is available (if any), and which don't seem to show up.

Email me this information through Candlekeep or at my email addy: erikscottdebie AT yahoo DOT com


The Sage Posted - 25 Nov 2012 : 01:28:04
Originally posted by Derulbaskul

For those of us outside the USA the simplest way of getting access to the full catalogue of eBooks on Kindle is going to "change location" in your Kindle account and including a US address.
I'm afraid that's not entirely applicable for at least one location [and, perhaps, others as well] -- and I'm talking exclusively of Australia -- outside the US. I've tried it, experimentally, and achieved no success.
It may not be legal - and personally, I couldn't give a rat's arse as I am paying for the books rather than pirating them which is my only other option - but it does work.
I'd prefer you not encourage the non-legal use of a service such as this on a public forum.

Thank you.
Tanthalas Posted - 24 Nov 2012 : 22:37:31
Originally posted by Derulbaskul

For those of us outside the USA the simplest way of getting access to the full catalogue of eBooks on Kindle is going to "change location" in your Kindle account and including a US address.

It may not be legal - and personally, I couldn't give a rat's arse as I am paying for the books rather than pirating them which is my only other option - but it does work.

Hmm, let me look up the address of the United Nations...
sleyvas Posted - 24 Nov 2012 : 11:52:20
Hmmm, this thread made me spend an hour searching online for 10 inch tablets for cheap. I found some off-brand tablets in the price range I'm willing to pay for something that will basically be a toy that lays beside the bed($139). I'm not trying to promote the below two offerings, because I don't own either, but I found the idea of a 10 inch tablet for $139 with 1 GB RAM/8 GB of storage cheap enough to be worth at least looking at. I figured I'd at least throw this up here in case anyone else was looking. I'm running on the assumption that I'll be able to plug up a USB flash drive full of PDF's and be able to download a good PDF reader. If I can download an app to Remote desktop my desktop pc, that might also work (and if I can RDP my work laptops... well, I'll be in heaven when I work from home). If it can play tv, even better, but I've got company laptops and a home one when I'm travelling. If it doesn't do what I want, I'll make it a gift. Literally, these are only being bought because a 10" google nexus is $399... so $139 is like 1/3 the price.

this one's got a 1.6GHz dual core processor

this one also looks interesting as its got 2 cameras as well, but the processor is a little slower. Still $139.
Derulbaskul Posted - 24 Nov 2012 : 08:49:25
For those of us outside the USA the simplest way of getting access to the full catalogue of eBooks on Kindle is going to "change location" in your Kindle account and including a US address.

It may not be legal - and personally, I couldn't give a rat's arse as I am paying for the books rather than pirating them which is my only other option - but it does work.

Caolin Posted - 22 Nov 2012 : 18:31:12
Originally posted by Lewton

It is sad that I've totally lost my interest in the Realms due to the fact of ebooks only. I still read all of the novels that come out but don't own an e-reader and don't have the time or desire to sit at a computer to read a book. Call me old fashion. I've supported the Realms novels since day one and still do but just not to the extent that I have in the past.

You're old fashion

I wanted to ask a question about when would you get an eReader, if ever. But I think I'll start a new thread on it.
Lewton Posted - 22 Nov 2012 : 15:04:24
It is sad that I've totally lost my interest in the Realms due to the fact of ebooks only. I still read all of the novels that come out but don't own an e-reader and don't have the time or desire to sit at a computer to read a book. Call me old fashion. I've supported the Realms novels since day one and still do but just not to the extent that I have in the past.
sleyvas Posted - 21 Nov 2012 : 21:37:12
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

You really don't need an e-reader. All you need is a computer and one of the free apps, such as this one for the Kindle:


I spend way more time staring at a computer screen than I should. When I want to read a book, I want to be away from my computer.

I've tried reading books on my phone, and I can do it... But I usually forget I have books on there, and reach for a proper paperback, instead. So if I'm going to read eBooks, I need either a tablet or a dedicated eReader. My funding isn't as copious as I should like, and there hasn't been that much of a need for a reader, so...

I echo Wooly's sentiments here. I typically buy a new computer every 2 or 3 years, but I'm not going to sit at my computer to read a book. I'd love to have a tablet that simply linked up to your workstation wirelessly over your home network (like turning your home pc into a citrix server) to take screenscrapes. That way it wouldn't need a bunch of storage, or ram, or a real need to be upgraded.... because all it is is essentially an output device. But, I don't think anyone will ever develop that. They'll sooner make smaller laptops that work as tablets.
Thauranil Posted - 21 Nov 2012 : 15:15:03
I agree with Jornan and the lack of titles available for purchase for overseas buyers has not endeared these ebooks to me either.
jornan Posted - 21 Nov 2012 : 03:30:23
What I do know is that for the past 18 years I have purchased every single FR book that was published and in the past year since ebook exclusive publications have started to happen I have become more choosy in the FR books that I purchase...both paperback and ebook. I like ebooks as an option, but limiting my freedom to choose a format made me choose to buy less books in general from this publisher.
The Sage Posted - 21 Nov 2012 : 00:44:55
Originally posted by ile

Maybe their newest policy,e-books only,didn't bring the results they were hoping for.

I think that's a little harsh.

It's more likely that Wizards still haven't smoothed out all the "e-bumps" in their e-books online distribution policy.

Give them a little more time and patience.
Tanthalas Posted - 20 Nov 2012 : 22:43:55
The only thing I can say about their e-book only policy is that I never had a problem buying their physical books before, but most of their digital catalogue continues to be inaccessible for people living outside North America.

I thought this problem had been sorted out a few weeks ago when a handful of WotC books were made available, but I can't buy Spider and Stone, so yeah.
Caolin Posted - 20 Nov 2012 : 22:29:58
Originally posted by ile

Maybe their newest policy,e-books only,didn't bring the results they were hoping for.

I think it may be too early to tell at this point. But they haven't done a very good job of marketing their novels. I mean, people are having to hunt for Spider and Stone.
ile Posted - 20 Nov 2012 : 20:59:59
Maybe their newest policy,e-books only,didn't bring the results they were hoping for.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 20 Nov 2012 : 19:56:15
To echo Elaine, keep the faith, and do not lose hope!

Express your opinions to WotC--they are listening. Tell them what you want.

ElaineCunningham Posted - 20 Nov 2012 : 13:29:45
Originally posted by Zireael

Originally posted by jornan

I'm not particularly dissapointed. I would much rather have a book written about the Zhentarim that is more like Cormyr: A Novel or Evermeet: Island of the Elves. Or a series or books set-up like the Harpers but about the Zhents.

I have had much bigger dissapointments with cancelled FR books than this.

*ahem* Reclaimation/Serpent's Daughter

Serpent's Daughter was cancelled? Oh my gosh... *sits down and weeps*

With all the cancelling going on, I think I might just give up on the Realms...

Don't give up on the Realms just yet...
Zireael Posted - 20 Nov 2012 : 08:40:12
Originally posted by jornan

I'm not particularly dissapointed. I would much rather have a book written about the Zhentarim that is more like Cormyr: A Novel or Evermeet: Island of the Elves. Or a series or books set-up like the Harpers but about the Zhents.

I have had much bigger dissapointments with cancelled FR books than this.

*ahem* Reclaimation/Serpent's Daughter

Serpent's Daughter was cancelled? Oh my gosh... *sits down and weeps*

With all the cancelling going on, I think I might just give up on the Realms...
jornan Posted - 20 Nov 2012 : 03:31:12
I'm not particularly dissapointed. I would much rather have a book written about the Zhentarim that is more like Cormyr: A Novel or Evermeet: Island of the Elves. Or a series or books set-up like the Harpers but about the Zhents.

I have had much bigger dissapointments with cancelled FR books than this.

*ahem* Reclaimation/Serpent's Daughter
lordduck Posted - 20 Nov 2012 : 03:05:21
Was really looking forward to these novels, especially Demon Weave, hope they have been postponed and not cancelled :/
Caolin Posted - 19 Nov 2012 : 19:43:29
I have made a post over there concerning the lack of upcoming novel releases. But it didn't get much interest from the posting public.

Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 19 Nov 2012 : 16:59:29
Originally posted by Clad In Shadows

I was gonna add Nook, but then I realized that there is no Nook Android app. I read these things on my Nexus 7 tablet.
I'm willing to get your Shadowbane books on the Kindle app. I would just prefer Google Books. But it's not a dealbreaker.
I definitely appreciate that! Generally, I'm a proponent of wider distribution (WotC should sell books through Google, iTunes, etc). I suspect it's a money issue, but I'm really not party to the google books discussion.

Originally posted by Zacas

Any ideas if this has been officially cancelled? Amazon took down the preorder option and pricing info saying it's no longer available... and had listed its publication before as jan 1, 2035... and the wizards' page for it is gone too... so another mysterious cancellation like Demon Weave?
As far as I know, Bound by Blood is off the table at this point. I'm not a WotC employee or official, however, so an official release trumps anything I might say.

Originally posted by Caolin

This is something that has me extremely upset with WoTC. They seemed to have had a pretty good lineup set for the end of this year and the beginning of the next. But now they appear to have axed 3 novels (Rise of the Zhentarim, The Spider and the Stone, and Demon Weave) and moved back the Lesser Evils novels. Now there are only 2 novels coming out over the next 4 months.
It's pretty damn disappointing. Erik, do you have any knowledge of why they have thinned out the novel heard for the upcoming future? Don't they want our money?
I have no official comment on their motivations or technique. All I can do is recommend you go on the WotC boards and express your opinions. If you want more books, more of your favorite authors, etc., you need to go say so. You should be posting reviews online, talking up the books on forums, and posting on WotC's boards. WotC needs to hear your voice.

Tanthalas Posted - 16 Nov 2012 : 22:50:52
Oh well, hopefully the book will be made available overseas in the next few weeks.
Caolin Posted - 16 Nov 2012 : 21:48:29
Definitely not canceled. I'm reading it right now.

Ugh, that sucks Tanthalas. It's a shame how messed up foreign distributions are.
Tanthalas Posted - 16 Nov 2012 : 21:42:00
I thought the problems WotC was having with the international distribution of e-books was resolved. I can't buy the book. /sigh

EDIT: So if the book is cancelled, the guy that posted a review of the book was lying?
jornan Posted - 16 Nov 2012 : 21:41:13
Spider and Stone has been cancelledÉ
Caolin Posted - 16 Nov 2012 : 19:25:15
Originally posted by Tanthalas

Has it really been released? Still shows up as a 2013 book for me on amazon.

I'm not sure if this is Amazon's bad or if it's WoTC's bad. But there appears to be two pages for this novel. Either way, WoTC should get on Amazon to fix the issue.

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