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 New Richard Lee Byers SS

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mnb128 Posted - 25 Feb 2009 : 20:37:06
There's a new RLB short story online call Serpentsong. I haven't read the Undead trilogy yet (or the ss for that matter), so I don't know where it fits into the trilogy timeline. If somebody could let me know for future reference I'd appreciate it. I'm looking forward to it myself.
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Penknight Posted - 27 May 2010 : 05:04:07
I actually just recently read the short story in Realms of the Elves by Mr. Byers. I'm aware that gold dragons are supposed to be Lawful Good and all that, but the one presented in this story seemed anything but. There was nothing seemingly Good about him at all. And summoning a demon or devil is an act of Evil, right? And going against one of his loyal sevants and chasing the girl that the main character loved to bed her, that was just underhanded, especially when the dragon admits that the main character's death passed through his mind on the mission given him. Can someone explain this to me, please?

Oh, I went looking for a proper place to add this to, but couldn't find anything. I hope this is all right.
Richard Lee Byers Posted - 27 Feb 2009 : 05:45:28
I'm glad you liked it, Red. I enjoyed providing a look at Bareris at a different point in his development, before his life went to hell.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 27 Feb 2009 : 01:09:16
Yes, now I remember Gorstag of Deepingdale, from one of the first Realms novels I ever read.
The Red Walker Posted - 26 Feb 2009 : 13:11:58
Gorstag....Jeff Smith....same diference

I enjoyed the tale, it was interesting to see Baeris before he got so confident in his abilities.
mnb128 Posted - 26 Feb 2009 : 13:11:19
Well, thank you all for the clarification on the many Gorstag's of The Realms. I already know the one from The Rising Moon. I'm looking forward to getting to know the other two.
Alisttair Posted - 26 Feb 2009 : 12:17:57
I'm gonna have to check out this story at home.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Feb 2009 : 08:11:17
Originally posted by Richard Lee Byers

The guy in the short story is a different Gorstag.

Thank you for clearing that up.
Brimstone Posted - 26 Feb 2009 : 05:25:50
-Same name different guy.

Richard Lee Byers Posted - 26 Feb 2009 : 05:11:48
The guy in the short story is a different Gorstag.
The Sage Posted - 26 Feb 2009 : 02:29:19
Indeed. We know the Gorstag in "Shandril's Saga" is not the same Gorstag featured in The Rage. I seem to recall some confusion over that initially, back in late '04.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Feb 2009 : 02:23:32
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Originally posted by mnb128

Thanks for the reply. I also noticed that there's a character named Gorstag in the story. I haven't read The Year of Rogue Dragons yet either, but I know there's a Gorstag in there. Same guy? Just curious. Thanks.

I think it's just a common name in the Realms. There's a Gorstag in the campaign I'm in, too.

Don't forget the proprietor of the Rising Moon in Deepingdale, too. He, too, was named Gorstag -- and since he was in one of the earliest Realms novels, he's likely one of the most well-known ones.
The Red Walker Posted - 26 Feb 2009 : 00:47:28
Originally posted by mnb128

Originally posted by The Red Walker

And having read it and the trilogy, it can be read before, during or after the trilogy and not spoil anything for you.

Thanks for the reply. I also noticed that there's a character named Gorstag in the story. I haven't read The Year of Rogue Dragons yet either, but I know there's a Gorstag in there. Same guy? Just curious. Thanks.

I don't think it is the same Gorstag.....but it has been quite a bit since I read the rogue dragon stuff.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 26 Feb 2009 : 00:41:38
Originally posted by mnb128

Thanks for the reply. I also noticed that there's a character named Gorstag in the story. I haven't read The Year of Rogue Dragons yet either, but I know there's a Gorstag in there. Same guy? Just curious. Thanks.

I think it's just a common name in the Realms. There's a Gorstag in the campaign I'm in, too.
The Sage Posted - 25 Feb 2009 : 23:11:03
Originally posted by The Red Walker

Originally posted by mnb128

There's a new RLB short story online call Serpentsong. I haven't read the Undead trilogy yet (or the ss for that matter), so I don't know where it fits into the trilogy timeline. If somebody could let me know for future reference I'd appreciate it. I'm looking forward to it myself.

It happens before the trilogy, and shows some backstory for a major player in all three novels.

It is also mentioned in Richard's scroll in the chamber of sages.

Aye. It's best to leave this scroll open for the time being, in case scribes wish to discuss this particular tale.
mnb128 Posted - 25 Feb 2009 : 22:16:09
Originally posted by The Red Walker

And having read it and the trilogy, it can be read before, during or after the trilogy and not spoil anything for you.

Thanks for the reply. I also noticed that there's a character named Gorstag in the story. I haven't read The Year of Rogue Dragons yet either, but I know there's a Gorstag in there. Same guy? Just curious. Thanks.
The Red Walker Posted - 25 Feb 2009 : 20:44:47
And having read it and the trilogy, it can be read before, during or after the trilogy and not spoil anything for you.
The Red Walker Posted - 25 Feb 2009 : 20:42:59
Originally posted by mnb128

There's a new RLB short story online call Serpentsong. I haven't read the Undead trilogy yet (or the ss for that matter), so I don't know where it fits into the trilogy timeline. If somebody could let me know for future reference I'd appreciate it. I'm looking forward to it myself.

It happens before the trilogy, and shows some backstory for a major player in all three novels.

It is also mentioned in Richard's scroll in the chamber of sages.

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