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 Spoiler for Lerial ( horrible spelling, i know)

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Chataro Posted - 08 Mar 2006 : 11:34:26
In the novel windwalker, she betrays lolth and reounces lolth forever, does this mean that she has no more lvl in cleric class or does it mean she is now a fallen cleric?
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kajehase Posted - 09 Mar 2006 : 05:16:13
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Shall we now talk about square-dancing liches?

Ack! Sudden mental image of liches wearing ruffly dresses in pink gingham.

Sounds like something Ed could've written about.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 09 Mar 2006 : 03:29:39
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Shall we now talk about square-dancing liches?

Ack! Sudden mental image of liches wearing ruffly dresses in pink gingham.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 08 Mar 2006 : 17:56:58
Originally posted by ElaineCunningham

The mental image of a literal tango with a vampire tickled me.

I'm glad to have offered amusement, even if it wasn't intentional.

Shall we now talk about square-dancing liches?
Kajehase Posted - 08 Mar 2006 : 17:14:20
And for a moving (in the literal sense) rendition of a Danse Macabre, watch the final scene of The 7th Seal (after you've watched the rest of the movie, of course, it's one of two Ingmar Bergman-movies I've actually been able to enjoy).

And for less moving illustrations, go into pretty much any old church that still displays its medieval decorations. It used to be a quite common painting.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 08 Mar 2006 : 15:20:19
Originally posted by Winterfox

I'm surprise Laurell K. Hamilton hasn't named her Anita Blake books something like that yet. Oh, wait... Danse Macabre.

The concept of the Danse Macabre has been around for quite some time. Its origins are, I believe, a medieval allegory. It works very well as a title for a vampire book, in that any affair with a vampire is dancing with death.

The mental image of a literal tango with a vampire tickled me. But yes, it does portray much the same idea.
Winterfox Posted - 08 Mar 2006 : 14:05:42
I'm surprise Laurell K. Hamilton hasn't named her Anita Blake books something like that yet. Oh, wait... Danse Macabre.
ElaineCunningham Posted - 08 Mar 2006 : 13:53:18
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Kaladorm

Additionally, a character would never 'lose' class levels due to being cut off from his/her deity,but the worst case would be that they could prepare no spells, or turn/rebuke undead

Exactly. She might not have any divinely-granted abilities (turning, spells, etc), but she's still got the basic, purely mechanical aspects of the class. It's difficult to actually lose levels, unless you do something like tango with a vampire.

Tango With A Vampire--what a great title that would be! Hmmm . . .
Wooly Rupert Posted - 08 Mar 2006 : 13:34:12
Originally posted by Kaladorm

Additionally, a character would never 'lose' class levels due to being cut off from his/her deity,but the worst case would be that they could prepare no spells, or turn/rebuke undead

Exactly. She might not have any divinely-granted abilities (turning, spells, etc), but she's still got the basic, purely mechanical aspects of the class. It's difficult to actually lose levels, unless you do something like tango with a vampire.
Kaladorm Posted - 08 Mar 2006 : 11:50:13
I think it's also possible for another god to interpret the incantations/prayers/etc and supply the power. It's been a long time but I remember Talos gave someone magic in the avatars trilogy, and the user believed it to be granted by someone else.
It's indeed possible that Eilistraee answers the prayers directed towards Lolth.

Additionally, a character would never 'lose' class levels due to being cut off from his/her deity,but the worst case would be that they could prepare no spells, or turn/rebuke undead
Winterfox Posted - 08 Mar 2006 : 11:41:51
*Liriel. I was surprised -- I thought you were mangling Laeral's name.

It's not clear whether she still has clerical powers at the end of the trilogy, but there've been signs that Eilistraee favors her, so it's possible that she can still pray to the Dark Maiden and be answered, despite the attitude of the Promenade priestesses toward her.

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