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 Promise of the Witch king sample chapter

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 19 Oct 2005 : 08:13:50

I dont know if this is old news or not but Wizards have posted a sample chapter for Promise of the Witch King
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 01 Nov 2005 : 20:35:58
Originally posted by The Blue Sorceress

Originally posted by hooper101

Spoiler alert

I wouldnt even call her that, he hates her guts. ANd she hates him worse. Its Jarlaxle that gets the love bug.

I'd finish the book before weighing on in on that matter.


*nods* I see Jarlaxle as more the type who just listens closely to his hormones rather than one who is easily "lovestruck".
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 01 Nov 2005 : 20:33:57
Reading a book about Jarlaxle and Entreri is very refreshing after the now-rather-stale Drizzt. Their cameraderie is as entertaining as ever--Jarlaxle is, as expected, a complex and interesting character, and I am enjoying the way Entreri is growing now that he no longer is stuck playing the part of Drizzt's "Dark Mirror" foil. What's more--both characters have a sense of humor.

I have about 100 pages left to read, and I'm not as enthralled with the plot so far: there have been a few "filler" battles, and since the group got to the castle, the story has felt more and more like a dungeon crawl in the form of a novel. I don't much like Athrogate (how do you pronounce that name, anyway???), but hopefully Entreri will gut him later on.

Nevertheless, the book is worth a read because of it's two starring characters.
Adam_Garou Posted - 31 Oct 2005 : 18:50:04
Having read the Hunter's Blades Trilogy (and having purchased all three of them in hardcover), I'm going to have to wait until PotWK comes out in paperback. As a general rule, I love RAS's writing--and predictably enough, it's the individual combat scenes that I really enjoy.

Maybe it's just that Drizzt's character is starting to wear on me a little. Maybe it's that I sometimes get the feeling that Drizzt's story really HAS already been told, and RAS is just churning out more Drizzt stuff because the dark elf's a cash-drow (lame pun on "cash cow" ).

Anyway, while I've always liked Jarlaxle and Entreri, and while I've greatly enjoyed the RAS stories featuring them in the "Realms of Shadow" and "Realms of the Dragons" anthologies, I'm going to have to wait until paperback to purchase Promise of the Witch King.

That being said, if anyone who has read the book wants to post a non-spoiling review, I suppose I might be tempted...
hooper101 Posted - 31 Oct 2005 : 17:56:57
Spoiler alert

Okay I was wrong!
The Blue Sorceress Posted - 29 Oct 2005 : 05:37:40
Originally posted by hooper101

Spoiler alert

I wouldnt even call her that, he hates her guts. ANd she hates him worse. Its Jarlaxle that gets the love bug.

I'd finish the book before weighing on in on that matter.

hooper101 Posted - 28 Oct 2005 : 18:52:39
Spoiler wrning

Arthrogate is hilarious!!!!!!!! but it does ring of princess bride, I like it though. I am never really turned off by things like that we all make reference like that at the table top dont we?
hooper101 Posted - 28 Oct 2005 : 18:41:32
Spoiler alert

I wouldnt even call her that, he hates her guts. ANd she hates him worse. Its Jarlaxle that gets the love bug.
Ignorance Personified Posted - 28 Oct 2005 : 17:19:15
Originally Posted by hooper101

14 chapters in and and it is a fun read some of the things that occur are true laugh out loud stuff

I concur, Entreri and Jarlaxle's relationship drives the novel and creates some very funny moments. In addition, Athrogate's rhyming (and Entreri's reaction to it) caused me to laugh out loud at least half a dozen times.

Originally Posted by CrennenFaerieBane

I have heard that Artemis gets some kind of love interest, though I am not sure.


Well, I would not call Calihye a "love" interest exactly...The relationship seems to be somewhere between lust and love--though probably nearer to the latter than the former.
hooper101 Posted - 28 Oct 2005 : 16:10:38
14 chapters in and and it is a fun read some of the things that occur are true laugh out loud stuff
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 28 Oct 2005 : 14:35:48
The book flows really well - I have read the first couple of chapters so far, and am loving it. And, if I am not correct, I have heard that Artemis gets some kind of love interest, though I am not sure.

The sample chapter is great and shows a lot of what this book has in store (least I hope the rest of the book is like that!)

The Sage Posted - 28 Oct 2005 : 03:42:02
Okay, that's enough of the references to real world political leaders.

Let us return to discussing PotWK by RAS .
Ignorance Personified Posted - 28 Oct 2005 : 03:30:47
Originally Posted by Lameth

Wasn`t there a FR short story in THE HIGHWAYMAN?
What titel has this Short Story?

Yes, "The Dowry".

Mod Edit: Let's keep the discussion to Realms topics fellow scribes
hooper101 Posted - 27 Oct 2005 : 19:20:00
I was speaking of W's Dad and the Desert Storm, not of our current stint
Lameth Posted - 27 Oct 2005 : 18:15:44
Originally posted by Belthor

You should try The Highwayman for an entertaining and yet poignant non realms novel. Bob rocks!

Wasn`t there a FR short story in THE HIGHWAYMAN?
What titel has this Short Story?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Oct 2005 : 17:29:20
Originally posted by hooper101

The woods outback is okay, its good for a chuckle but honestly RAS puts too much of his liberal anti-bush-war feelings into it.

That's a neat trick, considering that the book was originally published in 1993.
Belthor Posted - 27 Oct 2005 : 16:52:00
Is it a bad thing to be compared to Raiders of the Lost Ark? I think that Bob has outdone himself with Promise. This is the best sample chapter that we've gotten from him in a while; even if it is high tension, high action. Admittedly, I'm a big Salvatore fan, realms or non realms. You should try The Highwayman for an entertaining and yet poignant non realms novel. Bob rocks!
hooper101 Posted - 27 Oct 2005 : 16:38:19
Well Winterfox, The demon war stuff is great. Salvatore writes at a much more mature level in his own world. There he is allowed todo the things he wants. I will tell you most put them down after the first two because the person you percieve to be the main character is killed. Sorry for a bit of a spoiler but a friendly one. The world is so different from FR Salvatore gets his hands on something of his very own. If you like Villans who seem unbeatable and odds that really are impossible to overcome then read them. One of the novel (Mortalis) is about a plauge that cant be cured by the priest. While he was writing his mother-in-law and Brother died of cancer. I dont know about you, but I like the novels where a bit of the authors heart slips in. Read them I promise you will not be disappointed. If you are I will be suprised and we can talk about it. As for the others the Luthien gamble or Crimson Shadow series is a fun read where one of his funniest characters resides (Oliver Deburrows the highway halfling). The woods outback is okay, its good for a chuckle but honestly RAS puts too much of his liberal anti-bush-war feelings into it. It does have some funny moments like a lepracaun named Mickey reading Tolkien while the group is being chased by trolls in broad daylight and say to the main character " you go back to your world an tell Mr. Tolkien that ye seen a troll by the light o day". Those novels would probablly be great starter novels for a ten to twelve year old to read, My nine year old nephew loved them after he read Tolkien. As for echoes and those, I have them, I have started to read them and never been caught up by them. Then again, I dont really like the idea of a human from our realm going into another realm of fantasy.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Oct 2005 : 01:00:19
Well, not liking those two, I've not read them in many years. So I'm not the best person to ask.
Winterfox Posted - 27 Oct 2005 : 00:00:07

I keep being told that his non-FR books are far superior to his FR ones. Have never read any of them, though. Could I have your thoughts on the ones that you've read?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Oct 2005 : 23:47:47
Originally posted by Winterfox

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

The two non-Realms books by RAS that I've read were enough to convince me to stick to his Realms stuff.

Was one of them Vector Prime, by any chance?

Nope. Echoes of the Fourth Magic and The Woods Out Back. Other than a single Stackpole novel, the only Star Wars novels I've read have been the Zahn books.
sleyvas Posted - 26 Oct 2005 : 23:14:51
Being that RAS wrote the original Bloodstone lands accessory (granted he had help from the modules), and I love that accessory... I'm gonna pick it up even in hardcover.
Winterfox Posted - 26 Oct 2005 : 23:06:20
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

The two non-Realms books by RAS that I've read were enough to convince me to stick to his Realms stuff.

Was one of them Vector Prime, by any chance?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Oct 2005 : 22:55:48
Originally posted by hooper101

If you dont like Drizzt try Demon War stuff, I know I am about to be slandered for a non realms reference.

The two non-Realms books by RAS that I've read were enough to convince me to stick to his Realms stuff.
hooper101 Posted - 26 Oct 2005 : 22:19:16
I dont know what everybody else is talking about! This was Salvatore at his best, I admit the giant ball was arip but I felt that was the least of his worries. I found it the action packed stuff Bob is famous for. I am a fan boy though but I am a literature teacher and found value and excitement in the story. If you dont like Drizzt try Demon War stuff, I know I am about to be slandered for a non realms reference.
hammer of Moradin Posted - 23 Oct 2005 : 05:05:57
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by hammer of Moradin


Hey Hammer, I just released you've taken the same quote from CoS that I did. You even used it for your sig .

I marked this quote when I came across it. It took me at least a week to get on here to add it to my sig even though I knew when I read it that I would have to put it in there.
Such a true statement. I wonder which of the two great authors came up with it.
The Sage Posted - 22 Oct 2005 : 01:51:20
Originally posted by hammer of Moradin


Hey Hammer, I just released you've taken the same quote from CoS that I did. You even used it for your sig .
hammer of Moradin Posted - 21 Oct 2005 : 21:38:28
One of the benefits of working in a bookstore is the chance to view some of the upcoming books before the release date. I have not purchased this, yet, but I have been reading it. So far, I must say I am surprised. This is the Bob Salvatore writing that hooked me on his other books years ago.
Doing a little research revealed that Bob wrote the sourcebook for the setting of PotWK, which is reflected in his material making it that much more interesting. I've wanted to set a campaign in the area, the Bloodstone Lands, for several years, and now I must!
I agree that some of the last few books have become staid and redundant, but check this one out, you will not be disappointed. That said, I'm into chapter four right now, so I'm not quite done.
The Destroyer Posted - 20 Oct 2005 : 11:14:55
The chapter was enough to fuel my thirst for more of the story, I am currently still seeking the book.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 20 Oct 2005 : 03:35:11
Okay, I skimmed the sample chapter. I thought some parts of it were kinda corny, but eventually I'll read it.
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 20 Oct 2005 : 02:06:58
Well, Wooly - if you want to borrow mine after I read it, I will gladly let you.

Have to promote dark elves where and when I can!


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