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 Beneath the Lonely Tower (PHB3 Game Day)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 19 Jan 2010 : 22:55:55
(Psst, now, while no one's looking!)

I wanted to share some news with you guys, now that it's been announced and I can do so:

The March 20 Game Day may bear some particular interest for Realms fans. While the product itself is not FR, exactly (PHB3), the corresponding adventure (written by that one tall guy) is indeed set in the Realms. Specifically in the area near Beorunna's Well, for you sages who recognize the name.

Says Chris Tulach:

Beneath the Lonely Tower
Written by Erik Scott de Bie

"In the frontier village of Beorunna’s Well, all is not well. Villagers have disappeared without a trace, and the locals fear to walk alone in the dark. Now, the villagers hear distant cries of terror at night, echoing from an abandoned fortress outside the village. A group of brave heroes must step forward to explore the Lonely Tower and end the threat to Beorunna’s Well. “Beneath the Lonely Tower” is a 6th-level adventure with six pre-generated characters included, all using options from the new Player’s Handbook 3."

(Full article here:

So come play my adventure!

I also hope (and have reasonable confidence) that there will be more of these sorts of things. Keep your eyes peeled!

16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
heidy_james Posted - 26 Apr 2010 : 10:09:49
This is easier, easier and easier.....

Thanks for sharing.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 22 Mar 2010 : 23:30:22
Wandered too close to the otyugh, did we? (melee 3)

And dude, if I *reminded* you, then it wouldn't be a *sucker* punch, would it? Just a punch. To the face. By an ex-marine.

Yeah, we'll call that plan B.

Matt James Posted - 22 Mar 2010 : 21:52:42
Erik, the first encounter was a bruiser. Remind me to sucker-punch you when I see you next ;)
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 19 Mar 2010 : 14:31:24
Also, since the PHB3 Game Day is tomorrow, I wanted to pop in and let any local Seattle folks know that I will be running it hereabouts:

Diffan Posted - 22 Jan 2010 : 07:36:17
If I were to join in on the fun (I've never been involved in an RPGA even before) would I have to use a pre-made character or can I make one up using the Character Builder I have from DDI? And if I can create one, would I have to only use classes from the PHB3?
The Sage Posted - 20 Jan 2010 : 23:19:10
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

Sage, I will see what I can do about getting you a copy.
Awesome, Erik! You've my thanks.
The Sage Posted - 20 Jan 2010 : 23:18:44
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

Originally posted by The Sage

So, I may have missed it earlier, but I'm assuming this adventure will be made available for download after Game Day, yes?

I think you're thinking of Free RPG Day which is on Saturday, June 19th this year. Worldwide D&D Game Day is in March, and the adventure and characters are part of the kits sent to the stores holding Game Day events. I believe you've been able to download the characters for past events, but I don't think you can download the adventures.

That's it. I had a feeling I was confusing it all with something else. Much appreciated Ashe.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 20 Jan 2010 : 20:01:17
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

I think you're thinking of Free RPG Day which is on Saturday, June 19th this year. Worldwide D&D Game Day is in March, and the adventure and characters are part of the kits sent to the stores holding Game Day events. I believe you've been able to download the characters for past events, but I don't think you can download the adventures.
Sage, I will see what I can do about getting you a copy.

Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 20 Jan 2010 : 19:25:06
Originally posted by The Sage

So, I may have missed it earlier, but I'm assuming this adventure will be made available for download after Game Day, yes?

I think you're thinking of Free RPG Day which is on Saturday, June 19th this year. Worldwide D&D Game Day is in March, and the adventure and characters are part of the kits sent to the stores holding Game Day events. I believe you've been able to download the characters for past events, but I don't think you can download the adventures.
Brimstone Posted - 20 Jan 2010 : 19:15:35
I will keep my eyes open for this.

I would enjoy a 4E version of Forgotten Realms Adventures.
Brian R. James Posted - 20 Jan 2010 : 18:59:28
Right on Erik! I may just take my boys out to play your adventure on Game Day.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 20 Jan 2010 : 15:03:37
Originally posted by Penknight

Mr. de Bie, I'd like to say congratulations on your first module!
Thank you! I had a lot of fun with this project, and I hope you guys will too!

Originally posted by The Sage

So, I may have missed it earlier, but I'm assuming this adventure will be made available for download after Game Day, yes?
I don't know exactly how it all works, but I think it will be available, yes. I guess we'll see!

The Sage Posted - 20 Jan 2010 : 06:02:43
So, I may have missed it earlier, but I'm assuming this adventure will be made available for download after Game Day, yes?


And I only just noticed all the cool DARK SUN promotional material being announced on Game Day as well. Neat. August can't arrive fast enough.

Penknight Posted - 20 Jan 2010 : 05:24:18
Mr. de Bie, I'd like to say congratulations on your first module!
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 20 Jan 2010 : 04:22:52
Well, I can't really take credit for the githzerai monk. That was another enterprising designer.

I do take credit for the XXXXXXX that'll squish said githzerai monk, backed up by the XXXXXXX XXXXXXX and the XXX XXXXXXX. But that's all that.

The Sage Posted - 19 Jan 2010 : 23:38:46
A Githzerai Monk?

Erik, you're just made of WIN!

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