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 Unclean: Chapters 4 - 7

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alaundo Posted - 05 Apr 2007 : 09:11:54
Well met

This is a Book Club thread for Unclean (Book 1 of The Haunted Lands), by Richard Lee Byers. Please discuss chapters 4 - 7 herein:
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dennis Posted - 12 Jan 2011 : 18:32:12
Originally posted by Braveheart

But back to topic: I love these references to things long past, especially referencing really old novels like "Red Magic". It somehow gives me the feeling that I'm meeting some very old friends again and reading more about them and the loose ends that were left over.

That's part of what makes this book (and the entire trilogy) interesting! Not just references to Red Magic, BTW. But to The Simbul's Gift and Red Ambition as well.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 25 Apr 2007 : 23:36:56
The griffon was definately a high point.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 25 Apr 2007 : 23:13:04
Originally posted by Braveheart

I envy this griffon-rider/mage, having such a familiar would be great to have in any campaign .

Other than the fact that this particular griffon seems to be a bit of a smart aleck.
Braveheart Posted - 25 Apr 2007 : 13:32:17
I agree with you (I could go on and on about some people who don't read the novels because of "spells that don't function that way" etc.). But back to topic: I love these references to things long past, especially referencing really old novels like "Red Magic". It somehow gives me the feeling that I'm meeting some very old friends again and reading more about them and the loose ends that were left over.

I envy this griffon-rider/mage, having such a familiar would be great to have in any campaign .
KnightErrantJR Posted - 24 Apr 2007 : 22:14:37
Oh I agree. We've had discussions here before about what the "common" folk of the Realms would know about "official" terminology, and I see no reason that (just as older editions used the term sorcerer often, even though it wasn't a class then) various names for arcane spellcasters wouldn't be used interchangably by many in the Realms.
Kajehase Posted - 24 Apr 2007 : 17:37:20
And may he keep doing it - there's a limit as to how far the rules of the D&D-game should affect the narrative of the FR-novels.

(Particularly considering that the novels span three rules-changes).
KnightErrantJR Posted - 18 Apr 2007 : 11:23:50
Richard uses "warlock" interchangeably with other terms for arcane casters, not as a specific reference to a class. He has been doing this since before there was a warlock class specifically, but if you aren't familiar with the rest of his work, this might throw you off a bit.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 18 Apr 2007 : 09:40:00
Okay something happened last night…. I got this great idaer about calling my boos and tell him that I were sick and had to stay in bead and drink te and read..

and what happend, I am home drinking te and reading……

I really liked the way Dmitra the Red wizard of illusion (princes of Mulmaster) is described, and the situation with Bareris and the watchman in the slave house.

And the battle and Aoth and Brightwing… Realy Great.. But having a hard time finding out if he is a mage ore a warlock? Maybe I missed something. He casts some kind of hast on Brightwing, and another place they call min a warlock?

I can’t wait to hear more about the Red wizards and our heroes… I fell a little sick and need some more time, Ill call “the boos” tomorrow and say that I need some more days in bead
RodOdom Posted - 15 Apr 2007 : 17:54:29
It's really interesting to see events from the villains' POV as well as the heroes. Szass Tam remains mysterious, though, which is a good thing.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 11 Apr 2007 : 04:48:15
Goodness, I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow, or I'd read this straight through. So that's how you make a swarm shifter form of undead . . .

Excellent story so far. I know Szass obviously has something going on, but I'm not sure yet that he is behind the atropal in Delhumide and all of the undead raiders in Thay. Its interesting seeing the defenders from the perspective of defending their homeland. While its easy to see Thay as "them" from the point of view of the other characters and regions, seeing them as "us" is an interesting perspective.

Love the blood fiend as well. Can't wait to see where all of this is heading.

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