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 The Shield of Weeping Ghosts: Chapters 6 - 13

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alaundo Posted - 05 May 2008 : 10:13:34
Well met

This is a Book Club thread for The Shield of Weeping Ghosts (Book 3 of The Citadels), by James P. Davis. Please discuss the chapters 6 - 13 herein.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ada Posted - 01 Oct 2012 : 15:34:06
Stopping to gather myself from all the excitement from reading this book, I had to compose myself just to write this book club part so I could regurgitate all the information that was flowing out of the pages. I was suspecting that there was something between Duras and Thaena due to the way they acted around each other. When Bastun separated himself from the group, I was thinking why he chose to do that route? After reading further into the book, I realize that he knew more about the citadel and was being hindered by the group leading him to the shield. As more and more of the passage is played in Bastun’s head, the story of how to defeat whatever the Nar or Creel have released upon the world comes together. I did not expect the Breath to be a sword that would slay the shield with the word. But the creature that Bastun must face intrigues me as to what it is.
Dennis Posted - 27 Dec 2010 : 08:40:44
Originally posted by James P. Davis

Originally posted by The Red Walker

[quote]Yes you have set the bar quite high for that one you know!

No! No bar! (what have I done?)

I'll just say that I think Restless Shore is a different kind of animal. I'm curious to see how it's received.

It's definitely on my To Read List.
Dennis Posted - 27 Dec 2010 : 08:38:47
I like how Anilya seems to be cloaked with layers and layers of mystery...
James P. Davis Posted - 07 Feb 2009 : 07:13:58
Originally posted by The Red Walker

[quote]Yes you have set the bar quite high for that one you know!

No! No bar! (what have I done?)

I'll just say that I think Restless Shore is a different kind of animal. I'm curious to see how it's received.
The Red Walker Posted - 06 Feb 2009 : 13:59:36
Originally posted by James P. Davis

Red and Kyrene, you guys rock.

But I do enjoy discussing the middle chapters as well, so I'm good hanging out either way. Beginning, middle, or end, I'm happy to get comments at all.

(I'm definitely looking forward to discussing Restless Shore in May, that should prove interesting.)


Yes you have set the bar quite high for that one you know!
James P. Davis Posted - 06 Feb 2009 : 09:41:38
Red and Kyrene, you guys rock.

But I do enjoy discussing the middle chapters as well, so I'm good hanging out either way. Beginning, middle, or end, I'm happy to get comments at all.

(I'm definitely looking forward to discussing Restless Shore in May, that should prove interesting.)

Kyrene Posted - 05 Feb 2009 : 06:56:33
Besides, James knows (in the githzerai sense) that we love his work, even if some scrolls are empty-ish.
The Red Walker Posted - 04 Feb 2009 : 14:27:52
I know I myself was in a spot where I was able to keep reading and blew right through this scroll as I was enjoying the read to much to stop.
James P. Davis Posted - 04 Feb 2009 : 08:28:44
Originally posted by Lady Fellshot

*looks around at the sad empty post count for this topic*
*crickets chirp*
*hedgehogs root about in piles of leaves and unused pages*

Right, so continuing with the book...

No, I haven't spotted any facial expression slips so far, so you are safe from scolding for that so far

I'll admit that I facepalmed and groaned as soon as the word "Ilythiiri" appeared in the narrative. Mostly in a "Oh no, not again" kind of way. I was rather hoping for something more interesting relating to the Nar or Thay or something not drowish-ly related.

Anyway, I like how the tensions between Thaena and Anilyn seem to be growing more and more strained.It looks like when their cooperation is at an end, it will be rather messy for all and sundry. I appreciated the exposition on how Thaena thinks of Bastun and her relationship with Duras.

I'm still liking Bastun too. I hope he does something nice for all the ghost children

Yeah, I think most everyone skipped to the last chapters thread on this one, heh!

And I will say the ancient drow only lend their name and magic to the tale. Considering their past presence in the region (and at the southern end of the portal) and the age of the portal, they were the most likely candidates for its creation. I have nothing against the drow, I just haven't had a story that needed one yet.

As for Bastun and the children, well, I had fun with that.

(mask-expression description good so far, whew!)
Lady Fellshot Posted - 04 Feb 2009 : 07:15:02
*looks around at the sad empty post count for this topic*
*crickets chirp*
*hedgehogs root about in piles of leaves and unused pages*

Right, so continuing with the book...

No, I haven't spotted any facial expression slips so far, so you are safe from scolding for that so far

I'll admit that I facepalmed and groaned as soon as the word "Ilythiiri" appeared in the narrative. Mostly in a "Oh no, not again" kind of way. I was rather hoping for something more interesting relating to the Nar or Thay or something not drowish-ly related.

Anyway, I like how the tensions between Thaena and Anilyn seem to be growing more and more strained.It looks like when their cooperation is at an end, it will be rather messy for all and sundry. I appreciated the exposition on how Thaena thinks of Bastun and her relationship with Duras.

I'm still liking Bastun too. I hope he does something nice for all the ghost children

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