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 Lies of Light: Chapters 23 - 33

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alaundo Posted - 02 Sep 2006 : 17:55:03
Well met

This is a Book Club thread for Lies of Light, book 2 of The Watercourse Trilogy, by Philip Athans. Please discuss chapters 23-33 herein:
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dennis Posted - 12 Jan 2011 : 19:01:58
I once asked myself, "When will the canal be finished?" ---Not because I found the story engaging, but because I wanted it to END!
KnightErrantJR Posted - 08 Oct 2006 : 00:49:51
I wonder what Rymut is up to. Its obvious that if he wanted to kill off Ivar, he could, but yet he is harassing the project with black firedrakes instead of pulling out the big guns. Is it because he doesn't want to be suspected? I imagine it wouldn't make a big difference in Innarlith, but now that Cormyr and Chondath are involved, perhaps he is being more careful, or maybe he just wants to mess with the construction, but before he didn't seem too thrilled about its creation, even if he were to aid someone else taking over the project. And again, while I liked this section, Ivar's combat savant abilities just rankle me a bit.

Salatis' deity hopping is funny, as was the discussion of Waukeen's worship by the Ransar's aides. Not exactly the most polished coins in the purse, were they? I still think that Rymut's backing of Salatis is just an in between measure, perhaps even just a trial run to see if he could back a blithering idiot and place them in the Ransar's palace.

Willem is entirely too focused on Weasels. Wonderful way to try out a new "charisma booster" that your Red Wizard friend has given you, try to entertain party guests with weasel trivia . . . it was actually kind of funny though, especially when the other guests were wondering if they were suppose to learn about their animals as well.

Interesting now that we are starting to see what I would imagine is some Zhentarim interest in the Canal as well. It was fun to see a banelar in action, especially against a naga, and interesting to see what a naga's opinion of a banelar is (not that I expected it to be very high).

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