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T O P I C    R E V I E W
FireKnife Posted - 17 May 2007 : 05:59:02
what is the result of a half-fiend human and elf? i know i should be able to find this info somewhere.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kuje Posted - 17 May 2007 : 18:21:53
Originally posted by FireKnife

thanks for the input, i was thinking the result would be a half elf with a few demonic traits and a few abilities. Any thing with game rules made me think tiefling, FR Lore made me think fey'ri except it's a half fiend not a true demon.

Well, I keep the original tiefling, which is an offspring of any humanoid that mates with a half-creature of the lower planes, usually half-demons or half-devils. I know, a lot of the current lore states that tieflings are usually only descended from humans and half-fiendish types, but that's wrong from what tieflings were originally.
FireKnife Posted - 17 May 2007 : 17:37:10
thanks for the input, i was thinking the result would be a half elf with a few demonic traits and a few abilities. Any thing with game rules made me think tiefling, FR Lore made me think fey'ri except it's a half fiend not a true demon.
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 17 May 2007 : 14:16:52
Tiefling more or less. It would show the outer-planar influence over the creature. Fey'ri seemed to have been an evolved sort of race based on Sarya's bloodline. IMO, anyway. :)
Nighttfall Posted - 17 May 2007 : 07:09:12
How about "Something that should be done with extra caution." too Kuje? ;)
Kuje Posted - 17 May 2007 : 07:03:36
I'd go with a tiefling also but not a fey'ri.
Nighttfall Posted - 17 May 2007 : 06:50:53
Yeah those are generally long time breeding thingies.

Still would be very, very, very naughty. ;)
warlockco Posted - 17 May 2007 : 06:47:48
Mechanics-wise it would be a Tiefling, and no not a Fey'ri.
Nighttfall Posted - 17 May 2007 : 06:47:40
It would be very, very, very naughty. ;)
Skeptic Posted - 17 May 2007 : 06:08:14
Originally posted by FireKnife

what is the result of a half-fiend human and elf? i know i should be able to find this info somewhere.

In FR lore? in D&D rules ?

Is it a theorical question or something relevant in actual play ?

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