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 Song Dragons latest update?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 27 Apr 2007 : 01:53:57

Quick question are the Song Dragon stats in Monsters of Faerun (and updated in the PGTF WE) the latest version of them?
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
warlockco Posted - 28 Apr 2007 : 22:02:27
Originally posted by Dargoth

Follow up question

Half Drow

Are Half Drow just Half elves with Dusky skin and Light hair (Hwich seems to be what 3.5 MM leaves them with) or do they still get 60 feet Darkvision and "Drow blood" (whic is what Races of Faerun gives them)

Also do Half Drow have light Sensitivity?

Mechanically Half-Drow are Half-Elves with 60' Darkvision instead of Low-Light Vision.
And technically if you wanted to draw out the sub-types of a Drow or Half-Drow it would be Humanoid (Drow, Elf) but normally it would be Humanoid (Elf).

Daylight Adaptation is now a "standard feat" no longer a Regional feat.
Kuje Posted - 28 Apr 2007 : 16:49:17
The Daylight Adaption feat was errata'd in the Player's Guide errata, I believe.

Also I agree with Wooly, FR material over core if there is a conflict.
Dargoth Posted - 28 Apr 2007 : 14:45:57
More weirdness

PGTF lists Drow eyes (Feat that doubles the range of a half Drows Dark vision) as a regional feat for Half Drow however Monster Manual 1 doesnt give Half elves (drow or otherwise)Dark Vision they only get Low Light vision...
EytanBernstein Posted - 28 Apr 2007 : 14:33:10
I'm pretty sure it's not a regional feat anymore. It just doesn't have the flavor of a regional feat. Any character with light sensitivity should have this option. It needn't take away their racial feats.
Kajehase Posted - 28 Apr 2007 : 13:52:41
I think that the errata for PGtF states that Daylight Adaptation isn't a regional feat any longer, but I could be wrong (just look further up the thread for proof).
Dargoth Posted - 28 Apr 2007 : 12:08:53
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Dargoth

Follow up question

Half Drow

Are Half Drow just Half elves with Dusky skin and Light hair (Hwich seems to be what 3.5 MM leaves them with) or do they still get 60 feet Darkvision and "Drow blood" (whic is what Races of Faerun gives them)

Also do Half Drow have light Sensitivity?

I'd go with the Races of Faerūn version. Realmslore over generic stuff. I'd not give them light sensitivity, since they're usually born on the surface.

The weird thing is that RoF lists Daylight adaption as one of the Half Drow Regional Feats but PGTF doesnt
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Apr 2007 : 10:54:11
Originally posted by Dargoth

Follow up question

Half Drow

Are Half Drow just Half elves with Dusky skin and Light hair (Hwich seems to be what 3.5 MM leaves them with) or do they still get 60 feet Darkvision and "Drow blood" (whic is what Races of Faerun gives them)

Also do Half Drow have light Sensitivity?

I'd go with the Races of Faerūn version. Realmslore over generic stuff. I'd not give them light sensitivity, since they're usually born on the surface.
Dargoth Posted - 28 Apr 2007 : 08:36:59
Follow up question

Half Drow

Are Half Drow just Half elves with Dusky skin and Light hair (Hwich seems to be what 3.5 MM leaves them with) or do they still get 60 feet Darkvision and "Drow blood" (whic is what Races of Faerun gives them)

Also do Half Drow have light Sensitivity?

sleyvas Posted - 27 Apr 2007 : 20:24:30
<<Almost, but not quite true. The updates in PGtF were good, but I thought that Song Dragons <<should have the Perform skill, so removed Jump and replaced it with Preform. Otherwise, I <<think the stats are pretty much the same.

Nah, what song dragon would ever have perform (singing) as a skill
EytanBernstein Posted - 27 Apr 2007 : 14:42:17
Originally posted by Kajehase

And all Dragons of.. does for the Monsters of... dragons is repeat the update-information in PGtF.

Almost, but not quite true. The updates in PGtF were good, but I thought that Song Dragons should have the Perform skill, so removed Jump and replaced it with Preform. Otherwise, I think the stats are pretty much the same.
Kajehase Posted - 27 Apr 2007 : 14:34:34
And all Dragons of.. does for the Monsters of... dragons is repeat the update-information in PGtF.
Dargoth Posted - 27 Apr 2007 : 03:44:02
Originally posted by Kuje

Pretty much except for any of the one that are stat'd in Dragons of Faerun.

Ok thanks!
Kuje Posted - 27 Apr 2007 : 02:02:43
Pretty much except for any of the one that are stat'd in Dragons of Faerun.

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