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 Kelemvor and Raise Dead

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chosen of Bane Posted - 19 Apr 2007 : 04:08:56
In the campaign I am currently running a guy in our group is playing a cleric of Kelemvor. Last session, our cleric of Kelemvor died.

What I'm wondering is how Kelemvor would feel about letting one of his clerics be brought back to life? I know most realms novels don't deal with raising the dead and most people who die stay dead, but it is not uncommon in our games for someone to be raised.

How would you guys handle this? I don't want to do anything completely out of character for Kelemvor but I also don't want to be a jerk to the player because his character died.

Is there any established information regarding Kelemvor's view of raising the dead?
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tauster Posted - 19 Apr 2007 : 15:46:40
Originally posted by Halidan

Given those conditions (death by necromancy, major life goal unfinished) I'd certainly think that Kelemvor would allow his raising from the dead. Kelemvor might even do it personally, if it would fit in ith your plot hook and advance the plot of the quest.

Having so recently been mortal, I always portrayed Kelemvor as beening more concerned with mortal obligations than most of the older, more experienced gods. So, I've tended to make him more "hands on" when he chooses to act.

As DM, I wouldn't let Kelemvor do it personally. I try to keep personal appearances of the gods out of the game if not absolutely necessary. Rather, I would introduce a immortal servant of Kelemvor: an "angel of death"... call it whatever you like, but it should be something evocative. This NPC could be a recurring ally, something like a wildcard for the DM to support the player/party when they are in trouble - just to call for a favor sometime later (i.e. plot instrument, story hook).

Halidan Posted - 19 Apr 2007 : 14:09:21
Given those conditions (death by necromancy, major life goal unfinished) I'd certainly think that Kelemvor would allow his raising from the dead. Kelemvor might even do it personally, if it would fit in ith your plot hook and advance the plot of the quest.

Having so recently been mortal, I always portrayed Kelemvor as beening more concerned with mortal obligations than most of the older, more experienced gods. So, I've tended to make him more "hands on" when he chooses to act.
Chosen of Bane Posted - 19 Apr 2007 : 04:25:28
Hmm... The Cleric did not die at the hands of an undead creature, but he did die at the hands (read as spell) of a necromancer who had undead fighting at her side.

The mortal necromacer landed the killing blow on our Doomguide, but he technically was fighting undead as well.

This character already has a major plot hook/character development quest in the running so I'm strongly leaning towards letting him come back.

Thanks for the help.
Dhomal Posted - 19 Apr 2007 : 04:19:53

Ah - a cleric of Kelemvor! I have great memories of playing one myself!

I can't cite the source - but Kelemvor is generally considered to not only disdain Raise / Resurrect magics - but also magics that extend the lifespan beyond normal lengths. Healing is fine, but a Potion of Longevity would not be.

That being said - I also recall seeing somewhere official (again - sorry I know not the actuall source) that Kelemvor could see his way to allowing a Raise or Resurrect if the person had some 'major things' left to accomplish. There is no mention as to who / what decides what 'major things' are considered to be. That being said - if a current priest of kelemvor is the one needing the Raise - I would assume that Kelemvor himself would be the best judge if s/he still had 'unfinished business' as it were.

Sounds like fun - and a quest or three to boot!

KnightErrantJR Posted - 19 Apr 2007 : 04:19:09
I hate to sound evasive, but I think it would depend on how the cleric met his end. Reading over Kelemvor's entry again, it does point out that the senior clergy try to curb the overzealous members of the faith from curbing death too much. This would seem to indicate raising the dead. But later in the entry it also points out that the clergy consideres death by the undead or by rampaging monsters to be unnatural and thus opposed, and as such, perhaps these deaths might be allowed to be "reversed."

I think that if you make it clear that he has a purpose in Kelemvor's grand plan, perhaps huntind down someone that has cheated death or a powerful undead creature, that he will be allowed back to complete this task.

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