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 I wonder if they come with black boot polish...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 05:42:27
and white hair dye...




Mod Edit: Shortened the links.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BlackAce Posted - 03 Jan 2007 : 18:14:23
I remember these being advertised on the RA Salvatore EZboard a few years ago. IIRC, the cutler was working on sketches of Twinkle and Icingdeath done by Todd Lockwood (From the 3ed FRCS - I think).

Alaundo Posted - 03 Jan 2007 : 17:25:16
Originally posted by Ergdusch

Originally posted by Reefy

Originally posted by Dhomal

And with recent news of a third party printing a Deck of Many Things - not necessarilly out of the question!


Really? Now *that* sounds intriguing.

Look at this then: Deck of many Things Could this be it??!

I actually created one myself with a self-build deck published in one of the many Dragon magazines IIRC. But that was some time ago...

Well met

Marvelous I'd be interested to hear any reviews of this product, should anyone lay their hands on deck.
Ergdusch Posted - 03 Jan 2007 : 11:30:24
Originally posted by Reefy

Originally posted by Dhomal

And with recent news of a third party printing a Deck of Many Things - not necessarilly out of the question!


Really? Now *that* sounds intriguing.

Look at this then: Deck of many Things Could this be it??!

I actually created one myself with a self-build deck published in one of the many Dragon magazines IIRC. But that was some time ago...
Reefy Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 23:28:39
Originally posted by Dhomal

And with recent news of a third party printing a Deck of Many Things - not necessarilly out of the question!


Really? Now *that* sounds intriguing.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 23:20:25
Yeah, I agree that these swords don't really look distinctive or even much like scimitars. I thing the whole thing is rather...goofy.
Wandering_mage Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 22:59:08
I see where you are coming from Wooly. I should say though that despite the length of time that has passed from when I last read a Drizzt book I was able to recognize the sword as one of the swords depicted in the recent deluge of Drizzt comics and novel covers. I don't even read the comics but from time to time a Realms fan sees things and remembers them. :) I mark this sword off as the latest marketing representation of one of Drizzt's swords. Worry not though. We shall forge the true Icingdeath and Twinkle! To my garage! Get Salvatore on a plane! I'll need mithral ore and some forge tools as well. :) hahahaha
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 20:25:56
Originally posted by Wandering_mage

I like the sword despite Wooly's well stated points (I agree with him). On the other hand it's always fun to have a piece of a movie or novel in the form of memorabilia (misspelled most likely). I laughed when I saw that it was on Amazon.

See, I don't see it as memorabilia. To me, memorabilia is things like movie props (or replicas of props) or promotional material like theater posters. And -- most importantly -- memorabilia should be directly identifiable by someone familiar with the source as being connected to that source. These are just slightly curved swords with a couple of names slapped on them. If the names weren't on them, I can't see them bringing anything other than "Ooh, pretty sword!" to mind.

If these were just generic swords, I'd have no issue with them. My issue is with them being tied to a specific novel line when, other than the marketing, nothing supports that connection.
Wandering_mage Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 19:53:29
I like the sword despite Wooly's well stated points (I agree with him). On the other hand it's always fun to have a piece of a movie or novel in the form of memorabilia (misspelled most likely). I laughed when I saw that it was on Amazon.
Dhomal Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 19:47:07
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

It's been a while since I read any of those novels, but I'm thinking these particular blades don't match the descriptions we've been given. And I'm certainly no sword expert, but those swords fail to resemble what I think of as a scimitar.


I completely agree on this point. (no pun intended)

I had always envisioned a scimitar as being more curved - though I seem to recall finding out that they were not as curved as I once thought.

Also - I always pictured Icingdeath as having a white-ish hue to the blade - but perhaps that was my own mind adding in unmentioned details. :)

On a related thought:
I dont wee why it would be hard to create a whole line of "collectibe" Figures of Wondrous Power. Not only does that seem fairly easy - bu they could be a neat visual for players:

"I set this down (*placing figurine on gaming table*) and say the command word, Plugh!"

Could be a neat thing - include a stat car for the figure item - as well as the actual creature - possibly similar to the D&D Minis stat cards even.

And with recent news of a third party printing a Deck of Many Things - not necessarilly out of the question!

Anyway - just a thought!

Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 17:18:09
If I had money to spend on swords, I think I'd go for something other than a sword with a name from popular series slapped on it. This is just an attempt to cash in on the character's popularity.

It's been a while since I read any of those novels, but I'm thinking these particular blades don't match the descriptions we've been given. And I'm certainly no sword expert, but those swords fail to resemble what I think of as a scimitar.
Mace Hammerhand Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 16:26:46
I'd rather have Elminster's pipe...figure out the rest for yerselves
Tyr Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 15:40:20
Most likely they're two copies of the same sword, just the runes spell out the names for each.
Ergdusch Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 12:28:11
Originally posted by Dargoth

and white hair dye...


Could have used a pic of Drizzt, really.

Besides, is it just me that has a little difficulties in finding big differences in the two swords? To me they almost seem alike. I always pictured the two swords to differ in various points (hilt, runes, curving of blade ect.).

Just a thought.........

Mace Hammerhand Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 08:20:26
You might also get a live panther...

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