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 1372 to 1374 FR Timeline: A work in progress

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 07 Oct 2006 : 01:37:21

The Last Mythal Trilogy
The Year of Rogue Dragon Trilogy
City of the SPider Queen
Powers of Faerun
Dragons of Faerun


30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Akeri Rualuavain Posted - 19 Nov 2007 : 02:44:11
Ha ok ! thanks very mush !!!
Ergdusch Posted - 18 Nov 2007 : 10:03:28
Originally posted by Akeri Rualuavain

Maybe it's becaus i'm dumb, but i don't understand to what are refering the numbers before the event...

Well, good lady, I doubt that you are dumb. In my eyes that is a proper question, as any question is always a proper one. To answer it: the numbers stand for the actual day of the month. As today is the 18th of Nov.

(e.g. 18: Ergdusch replied to your post!)
Markustay Posted - 18 Nov 2007 : 05:01:12
Originally posted by Dargoth

The events in the novel Darkvision
From the authors forum, when I asked about Darkvision -

Originally posted by BruceCordell

Actually, the bulk of the novel takes place in Spring, 1374 DR. No date is provided for the prologue :-)

Hope that helps.
Akeri Rualuavain Posted - 18 Nov 2007 : 00:25:54
Maybe it's becaus i'm dumb, but i don't understand to what are refering the numbers before the event...
Lady Kazandra Posted - 07 Aug 2007 : 16:52:39
Day by day, you say? That's even better. Especially for those of us who prefer such Realms minutiae!
George Krashos Posted - 07 Aug 2007 : 11:48:02
Make that day by day, month by month. And yes, Paul Kemp's latest novel will feature in the events.

-- George Krashos
The Sage Posted - 07 Aug 2007 : 02:13:06
Grand History will provide a month by month break down of every major event from the Year of Wild Magic (1372 DR) through the Year of Risen Elfkin (1375 DR).
Dargoth Posted - 07 Aug 2007 : 00:49:47
Originally posted by Alexander Heppe


Are you going to update your lists anytime soon? I suppose that the events detailed in Cormyr - Tearing of the Weave and Shadowdale - Scouring of the Land would make perfect additions. And it would help those of us who would like to advance their timeline (skipping a few years inbetween) so that they can play in the year 1375.

Thanks so far for this really good topic.

Im currently waiting for Grand History of the realms to be released

How Grand History of the realms has been written (Particularly the years since 1372)will affect how I write the next update

If Brian and the other GHotR authors have included a detailed timeline of the last few realms years (ie something similar to what Ive done here) then I may well write future updates assuming that the readers own the published GHotR and roll on from there. Another thing that will affect a future update is at what date WoTC cut GHotR off at (Both real world and realms) For example GHotR may not have included the 2nd book in both Paul Kemps and Lisa Smedmans trilogy (both trilogies contain realms shaking events)

So at present the timeline thread is waiting on GHotR
George Krashos Posted - 06 Aug 2007 : 23:36:14
I think you should wait for the release of "Grand History of the Realms" and then build off that.

-- George Krashos
Alexander Heppe Posted - 06 Aug 2007 : 16:43:07

Are you going to update your lists anytime soon? I suppose that the events detailed in Cormyr - Tearing of the Weave and Shadowdale - Scouring of the Land would make perfect additions. And it would help those of us who would like to advance their timeline (skipping a few years inbetween) so that they can play in the year 1375.

Thanks so far for this really good topic.
Zanan Posted - 30 Nov 2006 : 16:47:07
Vendui again!

Well, I did a re-read of WotSQ IV & V with regard to the timelines of the other main characters, but in all honesty, they are even more imprecise than the one I gave above. At least with regard to the end of it all. My impression though is, that the Silence was actually shorter rather than longer, i.e. the time which has passed since the last official date (16 Uktar (11) 1372) was at least 27 days, but more likely not much more than 40 in total. I leave the total amount of days which passed during the Silence for others to calculate though.

I hope this helps.

Aluve, Zanan!

PS: Has there been any response from the Wizards whether they intend to spell some light on the Timeline and/or events during the Silence in any upcoming book, web-enhancement, or the like?
LucianBarasu Posted - 29 Nov 2006 : 20:52:50
This is by far, the most informative forum post i've seen in awhile. Lets talk about crib notes for novels I can't get in my bookstores!!!!
congrats on the fine detailing work.
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 21 Nov 2006 : 17:59:46
Originally posted by Zanan

NB: Lest I forget, Ghostwalker was a real treat!

Thanks! Though I wasn't fishing for any compliments.

If you'd like to discuss it or give me any feedback at any time, that would be wonderful. Either here on the boards or drop me an email: erikscottdebie AT

Zanan Posted - 20 Nov 2006 : 20:55:52
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie
Wow! I'm very impressed by all this research and reasoning.

I don't mean to throw another wrench into the process (and perhaps this has already been addressed), but I know that time flows differently on some planes than on others -- is this the case in Lolth's new Demonweb Pits?



Well, it wasn't that difficult, since I just flipped through the other chapters

But you are right. When the drow return to the temple entrance, the very place they have been only days before, it seems to them that it has been empty for about 1000 years. Thatswhy I noted the Abyss and Demonweb timeline as the problem here. I would not overstretch this though - if anyone was asking me, that is - and gave a good 30 days on top of what I collected in "real" data. The holding line here is that the other chapters, at least the one happening in Menzo, do not stretch on for dozens of days or months after the siege began (more or less at same time of the fight between Selvetarm and Vhaeraun) and ends (Dyrr fighting Gromph). So there is a frame we can hang on for FR time too.

BTW, this different time flow in the Abyss could also explain why there has not been any mentioning of Lolth's planar shift in core material so far. (If we go that far and try to explain in-game things with logic, things which could otherwise be easily adressed in a new sourcebook.)

NB: Lest I forget, Ghostwalker was a real treat!
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 20 Nov 2006 : 18:31:35
Originally posted by Zanan

- Arrival somewhere in the Abyss and travel to the entry to the old Demonwebs - major problem, as we are given no clue on the length of the journey, nor can we actually guess, how much time passes by on Faerūn - xx days (Chapter 23 WotSQ V)

- Demonwebs ... same again, we have no clue how long they travel from the entrance of the Demonweb to the temple of Lolth. Then again, Pharaun might have used a teleport spell, as he has been to the place before - xx days

- at the entrance to the temple there is a discussion - guessed stay 1 day

- venture into the temple and the "city" beyond - hard to distinguish anything in here. Given the place dwarved Menzo (their standard of measure), one may assume that they needed 1 or 2 days to get to the fallen spider construct temple (Chapter 24 WotSQ V)

In there, the Silence ends. (Chapter 26, WotSQ V)

I reckon that 27 days have surely passed, while the stay in the Abyss and later on in the Demonweb is somewhat edgy.

Wow! I'm very impressed by all this research and reasoning.

I don't mean to throw another wrench into the process (and perhaps this has already been addressed), but I know that time flows differently on some planes than on others -- is this the case in Lolth's new Demonweb Pits?


Zanan Posted - 20 Nov 2006 : 08:50:00
It would be grateful if one of the designers could leak at least the date of her "official" return in advance of any book. Don't think this will hurt the selling numbers and I would assume that those in power at the Wizards will not object.

Maybe a web-enhancement to CotSQ or F&P would do the trick, and more quickly than another book.
ericlboyd Posted - 19 Nov 2006 : 18:15:53
Thanks for all the feedback. This is very helpful.

KnightErrantJR Posted - 19 Nov 2006 : 01:43:26
Originally posted by Dargoth

1) The WOSQ novels lasted only 6 months and during that time the Drow Dragons where able to resist the rage (they may well have fallen to the rage after the events of Book 6)

2) The WoSQ takes around 12 months and the Drow Dragons have developed a counter to the rage and are unaffected by Sammasters rage in 1373 (Im not a fan of this idea as it adds another "get out of Rage free card" to setting)

I'm actually fine with Faezress interfering with the effects of the Mythal, thus causing some dragons in the underdark to be able to resist the Rage better than their surface cousins.

Also, the main drow dragon that we see active during the whole series is Nimor. The others we see in Chaulssin near the begining of the series, and in Ched Nassad's ruins towards the end of the series. Its entirely possible that they are spending a lot of time in the Plane of Shadows during this time, thus limiting the amount of time they actually are exposed to the mythal's effects, and coupled with the faezress theory, this could have made the rage less of a factor for them.

Now, if any dragons figure out that Rage is going on, and that faerzress interferes with it (though perhaps doesn't fully block it), I imagine that a lot of faezress sites came under serious contention during this time period.
Kajehase Posted - 18 Nov 2006 : 20:04:19
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Zanan

On a sidenote, are half-dragons or were-dragons actually subjected to the Rage? Or does it only affects "true dragons"?

Were-dragons are song dragons. They were affected. And I don't see why half-dragons wouldn't be affected, though certainly not quite to the same extent as true dragons. I'd say they'd be constantly edgy and prone to anger, and would maybe, regardless of class, wind up in barbarian-type rages if they did let go.

If memory serves me right, one of the stories in Realms of the Dragons was about a half-dragon having to cope with the Rage.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 18 Nov 2006 : 17:21:01
Originally posted by Zanan

On a sidenote, are half-dragons or were-dragons actually subjected to the Rage? Or does it only affects "true dragons"?

Were-dragons are song dragons. They were affected. And I don't see why half-dragons wouldn't be affected, though certainly not quite to the same extent as true dragons. I'd say they'd be constantly edgy and prone to anger, and would maybe, regardless of class, wind up in barbarian-type rages if they did let go.
Zanan Posted - 18 Nov 2006 : 12:08:05
Silence of Lolth

Right, I take it on from the end of WotSQ III and after the fight between Selvetarm and Vhaeraun at the Gates to Lolth's Temple city. 16 Uktar (11) 1372

Only reference for the length of time which has passed here is the journey of Quenthel's group.

(WotSQ IV)
- escape from the Abyss and the Jaelre compound to a woodland cave near an old temple, stay of 2 days (guessed from chara talk) to get a way out

- Pharaun prepares summoning spell for Jeggred's father, guessed 1 day

They are, apparently in or near the Velarswood, as the group parts company and this is where Halisstra meets the Eilistraeens soon after.

- Underdark travel from the temple in the Velarswood to Lake Thoroot - roughly guessed at 50 miles, with a 10 mile per day rate by the Quenthel group - guessed 5 days

- Valas scouts there and meets aboleth - guessed 1 day

- after Valas' return, Pharaun learns spell to meet the aboleth - guessed 1 day

- Quenthel / Pharaun meet aboleth - guessed 2 days

- Underdark travel from Lake Thoroot to Lake of Shadows via portals - noted 4 days (Chapter 3 WotSQ V)

- stay and waiting to gain access to and arriving on the Chaos Ship (in that vortex) - guessed 1 day

- feeding the ship to make a journey - noted at least 5 days (summoning manes et al)

- after return of Valas and Danifae from Sschindylryn, Pharaun prepares ship for jump - guessed 1 - 2 days (Chapter 2 WotSQ V)

- shadow fringe journey - which is not long by the description, though time passed on Prime Material might be longer (which I actually doubt, as shadow travel is usually shorter) - if at all, no more that 1 day (guess) (Chapter 18 & 19 WotSQ V)

- Arrival somewhere in the Abyss and travel to the entry to the old Demonwebs - major problem, as we are given no clue on the length of the journey, nor can we actually guess, how much time passes by on Faerūn - xx days (Chapter 23 WotSQ V)

- Demonwebs ... same again, we have no clue how long they travel from the entrance of the Demonweb to the temple of Lolth. Then again, Pharaun might have used a teleport spell, as he has been to the place before - xx days

- at the entrance to the temple there is a discussion - guessed stay 1 day

- venture into the temple and the "city" beyond - hard to distinguish anything in here. Given the place dwarved Menzo (their standard of measure), one may assume that they needed 1 or 2 days to get to the fallen spider construct temple (Chapter 24 WotSQ V)

In there, the Silence ends. (Chapter 26, WotSQ V)

I reckon that 27 days have surely passed, while the stay in the Abyss and later on in the Demonweb is somewhat edgy. First part of the travel to an entry to the Demonwebs could have lasted anywhere inbetween 1 day to whatever, yet, Quenthel knew the way. The travel in the Demonwebs is also unsure, as either Pharaun teleported them directly to the entry to the Pits, or they traveled on foot. In this case, I would assume a teleportation spell. Within the Pits / temple, a city the size of 20 Menzoberranzans is noted and finding their way through to the spider could have taken another few days, though they may have seen the temple from afar and headed straight towards it.

So what we are left is a date that could lie within 30 to x days after the party left the battle scene between Vhaeraun and Selvetarm, though I would have serious doubts if it all lasted longer than 50 to 60 days in total - i.e. that divine battle and the end of the Silence.

17th of Nightal 1372 up to 16th of Hammer 1373 is as good a guess as any.
Zanan Posted - 18 Nov 2006 : 08:54:09
On a sidenote, are half-dragons or were-dragons actually subjected to the Rage? Or does it only affects "true dragons"?

Checking on the timeline of events in WotSQ IV, V and VI as I write ... well, more or less.
Dargoth Posted - 17 Nov 2006 : 20:57:54
We know the Rage actually kicked off in late 1372

Richard Lee Byers included 2 "Flash back" chapters in the Rage (Book 1 of the YoRD)

14 Marpenoth 1372: Metallic dragons hold conclave to discuss the coming rage

9 Uktar 1372: Sammaster meets the Dragons of the Grey Forest and tells them of the coming Rage

Note: Ched Nesad is destroyed on 3 Uktar and the Siege of Menzoberrzan begins on the 15th of Uktar
Romaal Posted - 17 Nov 2006 : 17:59:08
Ok, thank you for the answer.
Kuje Posted - 17 Nov 2006 : 17:01:07
Originally posted by Romaal

Just a short question to the timeline. When do they events around Obould and Mithril Hall excactly occur?

Around 1371 and 1372 according to RAS and Silver Marches.
ericlboyd Posted - 17 Nov 2006 : 13:47:41
Originally posted by Dargoth

Going off little evidience we have to support a date

Lolth stops granting spells 28 Eleasis 1372 (Players guide to Faerun/City of the Spider Queen)

Around Mirtul 1374 Sarya makes mention of a "Spider demon" (Halstria post WOSQ)in Farthest reach (Book 2 of the last Mythal trilogy)

and lastly thanks to sage we have Richard Bakers comment about the WOSQ novels taking 6-12 months to unfold which puts Lolths return between Ches and Eleasis of the Year of rogue Dragons

OK, agree on these points.

Now we have a few months Eleasis, Eleint, Marpenoth, Uktar and Nightal in 1373 that at present dont have any events however if we choose to take the longer end of Mr Bakers suggestion then we create a problem. Why werent the Drow Dragons in the novels effected by Sammasters rage?

I'm not worried about "filling in dates" here. However, you bring up a good point about the drow-dragons not being affected by the Rage.

The Rage kicks off 2 months after Lolth falls silence

Where do you get this 2 month interval?

FWIW, the Rage has to begin sometime between 1 Hammer and 16 Hammer 1373 DR. Look at the first chapter of The Rage. Kara has already succumbed, and it's only 16 days into the year. I figure the Rage started on 1 Hammer.

and according to the YoRD Trilogy becomes harder and harder to resist so the Drow Dragons should have had the rage chewing at there minds through out the WoSQ series. I can see 2 potential ways to make this work

1) The WOSQ novels lasted only 6 months and during that time the Drow Dragons where able to resist the rage (they may well have fallen to the rage after the events of Book 6)

2) The WoSQ takes around 12 months and the Drow Dragons have developed a counter to the rage and are unaffected by Sammasters rage in 1373 (Im not a fan of this idea as it adds another "get out of Rage free card" to setting)

This actually makes an argument for having the Silence end in the month of Nightal 1372.

The problem is that Lisa says her novel took place "in winter", Phil thinks his novel took "several tendays", and Paul thinks his novel took "about a tenday".

Balancing the two, this suggests late Alturiak for the end of Lolth's Silence, with the drow-dragons only having to resist about 2 months worth (or less, since they are relatively far from the mythal stone).


Gray Richardson Posted - 17 Nov 2006 : 13:35:11
Originally posted by Dargoth

2) The WoSQ takes around 12 months and the Drow Dragons have developed a counter to the rage and are unaffected by Sammasters rage in 1373 (Im not a fan of this idea as it adds another "get out of Rage free card" to setting)
Could areas of strong Faezress provide some protection from the Rage?
Romaal Posted - 17 Nov 2006 : 12:59:23
Just a short question to the timeline. When do they events around Obould and Mithril Hall excactly occur?
Dargoth Posted - 17 Nov 2006 : 12:51:30
Going off little evidience we have to support a date

Lolth stops granting spells 28 Eleasis 1372 (Players guide to Faerun/City of the Spider Queen)

Around Mirtul 1374 Sarya makes mention of a "Spider demon" (Halstria post WOSQ)in Farthest reach (Book 2 of the last Mythal trilogy)

and lastly thanks to sage we have Richard Bakers comment about the WOSQ novels taking 6-12 months to unfold which puts Lolths return between Ches and Eleasis of the Year of rogue Dragons

Now we have a few months Eleasis, Eleint, Marpenoth, Uktar and Nightal in 1373 that at present dont have any events however if we choose to take the longer end of Mr Bakers suggestion then we create a problem. Why werent the Drow Dragons in the novels effected by Sammasters rage?

The Rage kicks off 2 months after Lolth falls silence and according to the YoRD Trilogy becomes harder and harder to resist so the Drow Dragons should have had the rage chewing at there minds through out the WoSQ series. I can see 2 potential ways to make this work

1) The WOSQ novels lasted only 6 months and during that time the Drow Dragons where able to resist the rage (they may well have fallen to the rage after the events of Book 6)

2) The WoSQ takes around 12 months and the Drow Dragons have developed a counter to the rage and are unaffected by Sammasters rage in 1373 (Im not a fan of this idea as it adds another "get out of Rage free card" to setting)

ericlboyd Posted - 17 Nov 2006 : 11:56:06
Originally posted by Dargoth


Got an email back from Lisa today and Eric, Phil Athans and Lisa are comimg up with a date for Lolths return.

So that will fill in one of the most significant undated events

I'm working on it, but if anyone has a pet theory (with evidence, including reference material and page number), I'm very open to input for a short amount of time. In other words, no complaining after the fact if you don't like the date but didn't offer a suggestion! ;-)


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