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Posted - 07 Oct 2006 :  01:37:21  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic

The Last Mythal Trilogy
The Year of Rogue Dragon Trilogy
City of the SPider Queen
Powers of Faerun
Dragons of Faerun



“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks

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4607 Posts

Posted - 07 Oct 2006 :  01:37:56  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote


1: Shade returns to Faerun

15: Bane god of Tyranny, hatred and fear is reborn





19: The Shadovar begin hunting down the Phaerimm living in Myth Drannor

27: Tilverton is destroyed during a battle between the force of Shade enclave and Cormyrs army.




21: The shadovar loose the Karse stone when several of Mystra’s chosen attack and damage Shades mythallar. The city is temporally crippled.

21: The elves and their allies drive the Phaerimm out of Evereska and cities Mythal is restored

28: Lolth falls silent (City of the Spider Queen and War of the Spider Queen novels, Players guide to Faerun)


3: Duneth Wharreil, Archmage of Maerimydra (A Drow city beneath Mistledale) encourages Kurgoth Hellspawn to attack the city (City of the Spider Queen Timeline)

23: Kurgoth Hellspawn attacks Maerimydra (City of the Spider Queen Timeline)

28: Irae T’sarran a cleric of Kiaransalee kills the Lolth worshiping rulers of Maerimydra and claims Castle Maerimydra (City of the Spider Queen Timeline)


3: Irae T’sarran kills Arch Wizard of Maerimydra and destroys his tower. Irae Tsarran begins researching her Great Revenance spell that will allow her to raise a massive army of undead (City of the Spider Queen Timeline)

14: Metallic dragons hold conclave to discuss the coming rage (The Rage)

18: Dorina T’sarran (Irae T’sarran’s daughter) overthrows the ruling House of Szith Morcane (A drow settlement beneath Daggerdale) and rules the city in Kiaransalee (City of the Spider Queen Timeline)

20: Drow soldiers put down a slave rebellion in Menzoberranzan (Dissolution)

23: Irae T’sarran uses a miracle spell to bring the Undying Temple from Kiaransalees home plane to Maerimydra (City of the Spider Queen Timeline)

25: Dorina sends a drow raiding party from Szith Morcane into Daggerdale (City of the Spider Queen Timeline)

29: Dorina sends a second drow raiding party to the surface (City of the Spider Queen Timeline)

30: Randal Morn ruler of Dagger Dale asks an unknown adventuring party to investigate the drow raids (City of the Spider Queen Timeline)


3: The drow city of Ched Nasad is destroyed (Insurrection)

9: Sammaster meets the Dragons of the Grey Forest and tells them of the coming Rage (The Rage)

15: The Siege of Menzoberranzan begins


“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks

Edited by - Dargoth on 07 Oct 2006 01:51:49
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Posted - 07 Oct 2006 :  01:38:47  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote


23: Ylraphon, a settlement on the Dragon reach is destroyed by a flight of Dragons (the Rage)



12: Abishai devils serving the Cult of the Dragons cell in Lyrabar burns down Nightwind academy, a duelling school owned by an Avariel known as Taegan (The Rage)


1: Taegan meets the Queen of Impiltur and her ministers and tells them about the Cult of the Dragon cell in Lyrabar and the their lair in the Grey Forest (The Rage)

12: The army Impiltur sends into the Grey Forest is routed when one of the armies Bronze dragons betrays them and incites the rage in the armies dragon allies. (The Rage)

12: The Zhentarim garrison of Elmwood and 3 War Galleys are destroyed by a band of dragon hunters (The Rage)

13: Taegan asks the Fey and elves to help rally the remnants of Impiltur’s army (The Rage)

15: Taegan successfully summons Vorasaegha a Bronze Ghost dragon (The Rage)

16: The army of Impiltur and their allies assault the Cult of the Dragons lair in the Grey Wood and destroy it (The Rage)


2: Sammaster raises an army of orcs and giants in Vaasa by pretending to be Zhengyi their former master. The army takes the Bloodstone gates and floods into Damara (The Rite)

3: Gareth Dragonsbane leads an army against the monstrous army but falls when wizards working for the cult of the Dragon betray him. Gareth’s soul is trapped on the shadow plane. (The Rite)

25: The monastery of the Yellow rose is besieged by a score of chromatic dragons (The Rite)


25: Brimstone a former servant of Sammaster travels to Plane of Shadow with a group of Paladins and Dragon slayers and releases Gareth Dragonsbane soul. (The Rite)


8: Kara and Dorn travel to the metallic dragons hidden lair in the Galena Mountains, Tamarand is forced to kill Lareth, the metallic dragons king when he falls to the rage. (The Rite)

11: The metallic dragons leave their refuge in the Galena’s. They successfully attack and destroy the chromatic dragons besieging the Monastery of the Yellow rose (The Rite)

11: The Damarans battle the Orcs and giant army in Damara. Gareth leads the Damarans to victory when he and Brimstone trick “Zhengyi” army into believing he vanquished the Lich. (The Rite)






6: Sammaster is destroyed and the rage comes to an end (The Ruin)

8: The chromatic dragons take their revenge on the Cult of the Dragon (The Ruin)

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks

Edited by - Dargoth on 07 Oct 2006 01:54:54
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Posted - 07 Oct 2006 :  01:39:32  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote


15: The Highmages of Tower Reilloch tell Araevin that he will have to wait 50 years until they will begin his training as a High Mage (Forsaken House)

18: The Daemonfey attack Tower Reilloch in Evermeet and steal part of the Gatekeeper crystal (Forsaken House)


16: Sarya Dlardrageth uses the Gatekeeper crystal to free the Fey’ri of the Nameless dungeon. (Forsaken House)

17: Daelegoth leads an attack on Shades in the ruined city of Karse (Ascension of Amaunator timeline in Powers of Faerun)


10: Seiveril Miritar resigns from Evermeets ruling council and declares he will lead a volunteer army of Elven crusaders to help Evereska. (Forsaken House)

14: Seiveril begins organising his 10,000 crusaders into an army (Forsaken House)

15: Selunites from Hydcont Abbey attack the western tower of the Eternal Eclipse but are repulsed.

16: Troops from the Crusade begin to arrive in Evereska (Forsaken House)

19: A Selunite prior in Imnescar is assassinated Cyricsts are suspected

20: Seiveril resurrects Fflar Shardrow Melruth (Forsaken House)

28: Lathanders church in Telpir issues edicts that support the Risen sun heresy (Ascension of Amaunator timeline in Powers of Faerun)


12: Araevin cleanses Myth Glaurach mythal banishing Sarya’s demon army (Forsaken House)

16: Daelegoth raids Hulrundrar/Balagos horde and recovers the Shard of the Sun a holy relic of Amaunator. (Ascension of Amaunator timeline in Powers of Faerun)

19: The high priests of Lathanders churches in Waterdeep, Marsember and Ordulin meet in secret to discuss the risen sun heresy. (Ascension of Amaunator timeline in Powers of Faerun)

19: The elven crusade arrives in Myth Glaurach (Forsaken House)


5: Word reaches Daelgoth of the secret meeting (Ascension of Amaunator timeline in Powers of Faerun)

6: Daelegoth casts a miracle spells in Elversult calling on his god to break they drought that afflicts much of Faerun. His god seems to grant the miracle and Elversult receives abundant rainfall and perfect weather (Ascension of Amaunator timeline in Powers of Faerun)

6: The Daemonfey destroy the temple of Lathander in Myth Drannor killing most of the Clerics, a few escape through a portal (Farthest Reach)

10: The Zhentarim become aware of the Daemonfey presence in Myth Drannor (Farthest Reach)

13: Sarya summons Malkizid to Myth Drannor (Farthest Reach)

19: The Crusaders uncover the portal network Sarya used to move her army to Myth Drannor. (Farthest Reach)

19: Devils from Myth Drannor appear around Mistledale (Farthest Reach)

22: Seiveril begins sending his army to Semberholme through the portal network (Farthest Reach)

24: Sarya meets with Maalthiir first Lord of Hillsfar and tells him of the elven army. (Farthest Reach)


4: Sarya meets with Maalthiir and Sembian Borstag Duncastle High master of Ordulin and forms alliance with them against the elven army (Farthest Reach)

12: Fzoul and Maalthiir meet in the ruined city of Yulash, which ends with Zhentil Keep joining the alliance against Seiveril’s army (Farthest Reach)

16: Sembias mercenary army crosses Blackfeather Bridge and occupies Battledale. (Farthest Reach)

16: News of a Zhentlar army marching on Shadowdale reaches Seiveril. Seiveril splits his army sending most of it to Shadowdale but leaving some troops in Mistledale. (Farthest Reach)

18: Seiveril army skirmishers with the Zhentlar army advancing on Shadowdale (Farthest Reach)

19: Several Princes of Shade attack Daelegoth and his congregation despite heavy casualties the Shades are driven off and Daelegoth performs a second miracle raising the dead and healing the victims of the Shade attack. (Ascension of Amaunator timeline in Powers of Faerun)

21: Sarya meets with Maalthiir for a third time; Maalthiir informs Sarya that he has no intention of honouring his agreement with Fzoul. He refuses to move his army into Mistledale and then attempts to kill Sarya (Farthest Reach)

23: The Crusader army and its Dale allies mount a night attack on the Zhentlar army and route them. (Farthest Reach)

24: Daela Swiftarrow is possessed by the ghost of Baron Erthaer Javilarhhsson while sheltering in the ruins of Starshadow tower. (Barony of Starshadow campaign timeline in Powers of Faerun)

25: Scyllua Darkhope arrives in Voonlar with her remaining troops where she meets Fzoul. Fzoul becomes aware of Maalthiirs betrayal he orders Scyllua to rebuild the army. (Farthest Reach)

26: Sarya uses an army of Demons, Yuggoloths and Devils to attack the first lord’s tower in Hillsfar. Maalthiir has fled the city Sarya leaves the First Lords Tower a smoking ruin.

26: A Daemonfey army attacks Hillsfars army at the Standing Stone


12: The High priests of Waterdeep, Marsember and Ordulin declare that the risen sun is a heresy and that Daelegoth risks excommunication. (Ascension of Amaunator timeline in Powers of Faerun)

12: The Western tower of the Eclipse falls to the army of three stars made up troops from the Dark Embrace (Cyric), Hydcont Abbey (Selune) and the Blackspires of the Maiden (Loviatar). The cyricists of the Dark Embrace claim ownership of the tower.

14: Hronkil Elgresson leader of the Sun Soul monk order in Waterdeep public endorses Daelegoth and the Risen Sun heresy. (Ascension of Amaunator timeline in Powers of Faerun)

21: Emissaries from Lathanders churches in Waterdeep, Marsember and Ordulin fail to meet Daelegoth (Ascension of Amaunator timeline in Powers of Faerun)

21: Sarya orders the Standing Stone destroyed and allies with Jezz the lame and the drow of Cormanthor

29: Word of a Stinger colony in Xothaerin spreads throughout Amn

30: Daelegoth calls the faithful to Elversult to witness the first sign of Amaunators return (Ascension of Amaunator timeline in Powers of Faerun)


1: Daelegoth casts Amaunators eternal sun in Elversult a sun that never sets hangs over the city (Ascension of Amaunator timeline in Powers of Faerun)

1: The Stinger emerge from the Underdark and attack Murann and settlements along the tradeway. The Stingers demand the return of all plunder taken from maztica.

5: Ilsevele Miritar meets Lord Miklos Selkirk, which ends with Miklos agreeing to a truce with Elves and their allies. Ilsevele proposes an alliance with the Sembians against the Daemonfey but Miklos tells her he will have to consult with his father. (Final Gate)

5: The Daemonfey raid the Crusade encampment at Semberholme but are repulsed (Final Gate)

6: The leaders of Lathanders churches in Waterdeeep, Marsember and Ordulin announce that they will study the Risen Sun heresy further. (Ascension of Amaunator timeline in Powers of Faerun)

6: Zhentil Keeps army crushes the Hillsfar garrison at Yulash (Final Gate)

9: Drow working for Sarya attack the Sembian and elven delegations in Tassledale they are driven off but both delegations take casualties. (Final Gate)

10: A battle is fought several days west of the city of Hillsfar between the army of Zhentil Keep and a brigade of Hillsafrs Red Plume mercenaries. The battle ends with the annihilation of the Red Plume brigade; Scyllua Darkhope continues her march on the city of Hillsfar (Final Gate)

11: Seiveril Mirtar and Milklos Selkirk meet in Battledale, which results in the Sembians formally allying with the elves and Dalesmen against the Daemonfey (Final Gate)

17: Fzoul issues his terms to Hardil Gearas High Warden of Hillsfar (Final Gate)

17: The elves and their human allies fight 2000 Fey’ri and a number of ancient Golems and the Arch devil Malkizid in the Vale of Lost Voices. The elves suffer severe casualties (Final Gate)

17: Daela and her settlers found a town around the ruins of Starshadow tower (Barony of Starshadow campaign timeline in Powers of Faerun)

18: The battle for the Vale of Lost voices rages for second day. During battle Seiveril calls on Guardians of the Vale to rise from their tombs and fight the Daemonfey. Malkizid almost kills Seiveril but is forced to return to his homeplane. The Fey’ri army withdraws from the Vale (Final Gate)

20: The crusade reaches Myth Drannor (Final Gate)

22: The elven crusaders and their Dale and Sembian allies drive the Daemonfey out of Myth Drannor. Seiveril dies fighting Xhalph, Sarya’s half fiend son. Araevin uses the Gatekeeper crystal to destroy Waymeet, Sarya and Xhalph are killed during their escape (Final Gate)


5: The council of six and Murkul declare a ceasefire and alliance between Amn and the Sothillisian Empire against the Stingers of Oaxaptupa


1: An unnamed Dracolich an earths an orcish burial barrow awakening a large group of Orcish wights who begin preying on the settlers (Barony of Starshadow campaign timeline in Powers of Faerun)

23: A plague known as “the blush” appears in Logfell a village north of Qurth forest in the Border Kingdoms (Bloodwalk)

3: The order of Twilight a cult that follows Gargauth, god of corruption arrives in the village of Logfell. (Bloodwalk)

8: The Order of Twilight attacks the town of Brookhollow (A town south west of Splondar) with an army made up of gnolls, half fiend fey, undead and clerics of Gargauth. Despite heavy damage to the town the defenders (who include the Ghedia, the Oracles and the Hunters of the Hidden circle) they manage to repulse the attack and drive enemy off. (Bloodwalk)

9: The Dracolich attacks the reconstructed Starshadow Tower killing the tower guards (Barony of Starshadow campaign timeline in Powers of Faerun)

28: Blackstaff novel begins. Blackstaff tower is breached when 3 artefacts are brought into close proximity

30: Khelben Blackstaff dies creating the City of Hope in the High Moor (Blackstaff)

30: The Dracolich attacks the Tower for a 2nd time but is driven off by Lady Daela but not before it destroys the tower roof (Barony of Starshadow campaign timeline in Powers of Faerun)


1: Lady Daela and the settlers of Starshadow retreat into the orcish burial barrows and seal themselves inside. (Barony of Starshadow campaign timeline in Powers of Faerun)

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks

Edited by - Dargoth on 07 Oct 2006 02:01:35
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Posted - 07 Oct 2006 :  01:40:05  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote

This post is a place holder, as of yet nothing has been published for 1375

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks

Edited by - Dargoth on 07 Oct 2006 02:07:10
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Posted - 07 Oct 2006 :  01:40:39  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Buchembrallors attacks on merchant vessels along the Sea lanes of Wealdath

Iryklathagras attack on the Eastern tower of Twin towers of Eclipse and her attack on Calimport

Klauths attack on Mirabar

Dragons including Arrauthators and Thalagyrt attack the Host Tower Arcane in Luskan

Balagos attack on Mintar and Saelmur

Hoondarrths attack on Callidyrr

Iymriths attack on Hartsvale

Lhammaruntosz attacks on the Nethanther isles (including Skaug)

Nurvureems attack on Uluvin

Voaraghamanthar and Waervaerendors attack on Leilon

The date Sammaster raised Alagshon as a Banelich

Dates involving the take over of the Cult of the Dragon post Sammaster

Recent events in Unther and Threskel

The events in the novel Darkvision

The events from the last 3 novels of War of Spider Queen series (Including that date Lolth returns)

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks

Edited by - Dargoth on 07 Oct 2006 01:47:29
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Posted - 07 Oct 2006 :  02:23:07  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thats it for now


“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 07 Oct 2006 :  02:38:04  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dargoth


Iryklathagras attack on the Eastern tower of Twin towers of Eclipse and her attack on Calimport

Can you check the Cale trilogy? There's a date in late 1373 DR that I need in order to pin this one down.


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Posted - 07 Oct 2006 :  02:49:02  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Can you check the Cale trilogy? There's a date in late 1373 DR that I need in order to pin this one down.


The Cale Trilogy unfortunatly isnt date stamped so Im waiting for a response from Paul on that and a couple of other events from his novels

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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Brian R. James
Forgotten Realms Game Designer

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Posted - 07 Oct 2006 :  05:46:00  Show Profile  Visit Brian R. James's Homepage Send Brian R. James a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Quite impressive Dargoth. Excellent work.

Brian R. James - Freelance Game Designer

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Posted - 07 Oct 2006 :  07:54:18  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Brian R. James

Quite impressive Dargoth. Excellent work.

When Ive tied up most of the loose ends Im going to go back through the entries and add the sources for them


AUTHORS: Is the end of 2006 the cut off point for the Year of Lightning Storms? Or are books coming in 2007 set in 1374? (I know Ed and RAS will continue to write in the past)

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks

Edited by - Dargoth on 07 Oct 2006 07:56:53
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Posted - 08 Oct 2006 :  00:45:53  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Originally posted by Dargoth


Iryklathagras attack on the Eastern tower of Twin towers of Eclipse and her attack on Calimport

Can you check the Cale trilogy? There's a date in late 1373 DR that I need in order to pin this one down.


Pauls just responded and unfortunatly the Cale trilogy was never dated out. He said "The entire trilogy occurs in a short span of time in 1373 -- maybe early summer to early autumn."

So we might have to make some dates up for the events

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 08 Oct 2006 :  01:35:48  Show Profile  Visit Reefy's Homepage Send Reefy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dargoth

Pauls just responded and unfortunatly the Cale trilogy was never dated out. He said "The entire trilogy occurs in a short span of time in 1373 -- maybe early summer to early autumn."

So we might have to make some dates up for the events

There's no harm in that really. And nice work, Dargoth, I'm going to find it a rather valuable resource.

Life is either daring adventure or nothing.
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Posted - 08 Oct 2006 :  02:03:18  Show Profile  Visit KnightErrantJR's Homepage Send KnightErrantJR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Really awesome job Dargoth. I'm definately going to get some use out of this in my campaigns, and thank you very much for putting the effort into this. I look forward to the updates to it, and I definately wouldn't worry too much if you have to assign some dates or leave some things a bit ambiguous . . .
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Posted - 08 Oct 2006 :  03:47:39  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Thanks to Sephris rather cryptic answers we know that he met Jak and Cale on the 17th of Kyhorn and he tells them about star gem. Hopefully ill also get a date for when the Shadow temple returns to Faerun

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 08 Oct 2006 :  22:41:02  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dargoth

Iryklathagras attack on the Eastern tower of Twin towers of Eclipse and her attack on Calimport

I'll go with Marpenoth here. Say Marpenoth 23 to pick an arbitrary date.

The Cale trilogy seems to have unfolded around mid-summer 1373 over 2-3 months and I'd like that attack by the Sojourner on the western tower unfolds before Sharpfangs assault on the eastern towern. This means the towers are repaired later in the year, say by the end of Marpenoth, 1373 DR.

This sets up the Twin Towers in their original configuration for the events related in Power of Faerun, page 41, 43, on Flamerule 12 in 1374 DR.


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Posted - 09 Oct 2006 :  00:33:42  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ericlboyd

I'll go with Marpenoth here. Say Marpenoth 23 to pick an arbitrary date.

The Cale trilogy seems to have unfolded around mid-summer 1373 over 2-3 months and I'd like that attack by the Sojourner on the western tower unfolds before Sharpfangs assault on the eastern towern. This means the towers are repaired later in the year, say by the end of Marpenoth, 1373 DR.

This sets up the Twin Towers in their original configuration for the events related in Power of Faerun, page 41, 43, on Flamerule 12 in 1374 DR.


Ah thanks

Do we want to make her attack on Calimport a couple of days later? or move it into early Uktar. The rage comes to an end in early Nightal

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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Posted - 10 Oct 2006 :  20:36:44  Show Profile  Visit ShadowJack's Homepage Send ShadowJack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Most impressive Dargoth! I assume that the sages of Candlekeep have rewarded you with titles, land, gold and the oft-mentioned Calishite dancing girls?

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Posted - 11 Oct 2006 :  02:53:29  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ShadowJack

Most impressive Dargoth! I assume that the sages of Candlekeep have rewarded you with titles, land, gold and the oft-mentioned Calishite dancing girls?

Not yet and Alaundo took the Calishite dancing girls with him when he went on holidays

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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The Sage
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Posted - 11 Oct 2006 :  03:09:55  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Not all of them...

Afterall, he had to leave some entertainment for the mods.

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Chosen of Moradin
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 11 Oct 2006 :  14:43:50  Show Profile  Visit Chosen of Moradin's Homepage Send Chosen of Moradin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I just want to add my voice to the choir: excellent work, Dargoth. I will use it in all my campaigns - it´s good always start in 1372 , and it´s my opinion that, when all is over, your Timeline gain a proper place in an upcoming issue of Candlekeep Compendium!

Dwarf, DM, husband, and proud of this! :P

twitter: @yuripeixoto
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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 11 Oct 2006 :  20:01:48  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm sorry I didn't see this before! What an excellent timeline.

Originally posted by Dargoth

AUTHORS: Is the end of 2006 the cut off point for the Year of Lightning Storms? Or are books coming in 2007 set in 1374? (I know Ed and RAS will continue to write in the past)

Though Wizards is keen on keeping things current, the end of 2006 is NOT the cutoff for the year of Lightning Storms, so far as I know.

You could also add the events of Ghostwalker to your timeline of 1374. The novel transpires between Tarsakh 24 and Greengrass (the day after Tarsakh 30).


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Posted - 27 Oct 2006 :  23:17:51  Show Profile Send Kuje a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh yeah Dargoth,

The 3/3.5e Shining South sourcebook mentions that Lloth has gone silent and she is still silent and most of the current dates for this sourcebook are for 1373. So that leads me to believe that those events carried on into 1373.

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Posted - 28 Oct 2006 :  00:18:04  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kuje

Oh yeah Dargoth,

The 3/3.5e Shining South sourcebook mentions that Lloth has gone silent and she is still silent and most of the current dates for this sourcebook are for 1373. So that leads me to believe that those events carried on into 1373.

I have vague recollections of one of the authors saying it goes on for about 9 months Im hoping Lisa Smedman will be able to give me a definitive date for Lolths return as her next trilogy carries on from WOSQ

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The Sage
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Posted - 28 Oct 2006 :  01:16:07  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dargoth

Originally posted by Kuje

Oh yeah Dargoth,

The 3/3.5e Shining South sourcebook mentions that Lloth has gone silent and she is still silent and most of the current dates for this sourcebook are for 1373. So that leads me to believe that those events carried on into 1373.

I have vague recollections of one of the authors saying it goes on for about 9 months Im hoping Lisa Smedman will be able to give me a definitive date for Lolths return as her next trilogy carries on from WOSQ

I think it was Rich Baker. You'll probably want to take a look through his compiled replies.

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Steven Schend
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Posted - 28 Oct 2006 :  03:29:17  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
While I hate sounding like a nit-picker, Khelben's death actually falls outside of Uktar on the Feast of the Moon, which is one of 5 days in the year that doesn't fit within the month structures. That's all. Marvelous job on all other details.

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Posted - 28 Oct 2006 :  12:01:17  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Any chance you could add Queen of the Depths to the timeline? (That would help with pinpointing the flow of the Rage across the Realms.)

Also, any chance you could include page numbers in the various books?


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Posted - 28 Oct 2006 :  12:35:31  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ericlboyd


Any chance you could add Queen of the Depths to the timeline? (That would help with pinpointing the flow of the Rage across the Realms.)

Also, any chance you could include page numbers in the various books?


Queen of the Depthes is unfortunately another one of the the novels that was never date stamped however on page 27 of Queen of the Depthes Anton tells the cleric of Umberlee that the rage has been going for the last few months which probably makes early 1373

I plan on adding the page numbers for all the entries later on (when Ive got time to reread the novels)

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Murray Leeder
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Posted - 29 Oct 2006 :  00:43:32  Show Profile  Visit Murray Leeder's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Son of Thunder also has no time-stamp but the text is clear that it takes place in the 1373. The opening chapter takes place on Highharvestide and the rest of the narrative unfolds in the next two months or so.
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Erik Scott de Bie
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Posted - 29 Oct 2006 :  17:26:48  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't want to tell you something that is wrong, but I believe Depths of Madness will take place toward the end of 1374.

I don't have it any more specific than that for the moment.


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

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Posted - 29 Oct 2006 :  23:45:48  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Murray Leeder

Son of Thunder also has no time-stamp but the text is clear that it takes place in the 1373. The opening chapter takes place on Highharvestide and the rest of the narrative unfolds in the next two months or so.

Hey Murray did we come up with a date for the "Dinosaur" attack on the Zhent city?

I vaguely recall that we spoke about it but I cant find anything in my notes

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

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