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 Dragon Article: The Crown Wars

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
GothicDan Posted - 03 Oct 2006 : 22:55:43
So. I've had a few people mention to me that I should do an article for Dragon Magazine, specifically about something concerning the Elves. After talking with Kuje, I got to wondering that there was indeed one thing that I could write about, which would weave together both adequate lore and mechanics (for both my taste and that of Dragon, I hope): the Crown Wars.

I was considering writing a short article detailing some bits of lore about the Crown Wars - specifically, some important NPCs and maybe a major battle or two, the battle-site in the modern day, and possible adventure hooks.

I'd also include some very basic stats (one-liners) for the NPCs, and perhaps unique forms of magic wielded by various sides during the Wars. So, I'd have a bit of mechanics and lore about the Aryvandaari, the Vyshaanti, and possibly the Miyeritari - all of which would specifically be linked to the various groups, culturally speaking.

I see a lot of advantages to doing this:
- I think that the Crown Wars is an interesting (and controversial enough) topic, at the very least, judging from how many questions come up about it on both the WotC boards and these ones.
- There is so little lore written about the Crown Wars as it stands now, besides what we have in LEoF and Cormanthyr. Even some detail about a specific battle, associated NPCs, and the like, would be really interesting, I think.
- While the mechanics would be inherently linked to FR and specific nations/subraces/what have you, in the article, they'd be quite easily transported to any D&D campaign.
- The adventure hooks and current details of the battle-site would make the details of the article directly applicable for those DMs interested in the "pick up and play now!" sort of articles.

So, anyone have any opinions on this? :)

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TBeholder Posted - 26 Aug 2015 : 13:39:06
Originally posted by Zanan

Gothic_Dan writing a history of the Crown Wars? With regard to the Ilythiiri, that would be like me writing about Orcus. Or the Pope writing about the Protestants. All fair reflections et al and after it is being published, I will see no end in this lore becoming canon as Dragon stuff is "official". Shock horror!

Ahem, go for it!

(And maybe you send the odd inquiry about the "true" history of the Ilythiiri.)

I'd rather expect bald-faced elf whitewashing. And not from GothicDan.
My belief in the depths of editorial genius remains sadly unshaken.
Kentinal Posted - 24 Aug 2015 : 23:35:10
Originally posted by Duneth Despana

was this article ever finished?

There is no indication the article was finished.
Nicolai Withander Posted - 24 Aug 2015 : 23:31:20
Any time some part of FR lore - pre-spellplague - gets some kind of attention, I would be very interested in reading it.
Duneth Despana Posted - 23 Aug 2015 : 21:50:44
was this article ever finished?
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 21 May 2008 : 14:22:15
Originally posted by Dagnirion

-I killed him, and took his stuff, remember?

Oh yeah, now I remember.

-And, he continues to spur my advances to recruit him into playing D&D with us.

I remember that too.
Lord Karsus Posted - 21 May 2008 : 03:33:04
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

He hasn't even been seen on the WotC boards lately.

He's missed.

-I killed him, and took his stuff, remember?

-And, he continues to spur my advances to recruit him into playing D&D with us.

-That said, concerning the theoretical DRAGON article, Dan did say he'd give me a copy of anything that he wrote, to proofread, check for accuracy, and so on, and being as that he never did, I am assuming his idea never got off the ground.
Kuje Posted - 01 May 2008 : 16:10:30
Originally posted by ShadezofDis

Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Originally posted by Kuje

Gothic hasn't been on the boards, btw, since over a year so he'll probably not see these posts. Plus, he's swamped with college.

He hasn't even been seen on the WotC boards lately.

He's missed.

I catch him every once in a while on aim, I'll tell him you say hi. :)

As do I, which is why I said what I said up above. :)
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 01 May 2008 : 16:06:25
Originally posted by ShadezofDis

I catch him every once in a while on aim, I'll tell him you say hi. :)

I'd appreciate it, thank you.
ShadezofDis Posted - 01 May 2008 : 15:54:16
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Originally posted by Kuje

Gothic hasn't been on the boards, btw, since over a year so he'll probably not see these posts. Plus, he's swamped with college.

He hasn't even been seen on the WotC boards lately.

He's missed.

I catch him every once in a while on aim, I'll tell him you say hi. :)
BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 01 May 2008 : 15:50:08
Yes. I''d love it. Go for it!
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 01 May 2008 : 15:49:14
Originally posted by Kuje

Gothic hasn't been on the boards, btw, since over a year so he'll probably not see these posts. Plus, he's swamped with college.

He hasn't even been seen on the WotC boards lately.

He's missed.
Kuje Posted - 01 May 2008 : 05:19:02
Gothic hasn't been on the boards, btw, since over a year so he'll probably not see these posts. Plus, he's swamped with college.
GRYPHON Posted - 01 May 2008 : 05:03:21
Go for it...
sfdragon Posted - 30 Apr 2008 : 21:16:59
go ahead, but im not sure im going to do the ddi, cost to much..
Kuje Posted - 30 Apr 2008 : 13:07:07
Not that I'm aware of and since I was going go help him write it, I'm going to say no it didn't especially now that Dragon has gone electronic.
Jeiroth Posted - 30 Apr 2008 : 11:53:53
Did this ever come into fruition?
Marquant Volker Posted - 19 Nov 2006 : 19:23:36
Very good idea!
Articles like this inspire me for adventure seeds, or interesting locations usefull for adventures.
I believe the a story of the crown wars should have a sad theme, after all it was a brother-kills-brother situation and the results where terible for the elves to bare.
If i succeded my Knowledge (forgotten realms) check reference to Crown wars are in novel Evermeet: Island of the Elves (great book)

Dungeon is a good idea, even non-FR players (manipulated and misguided they are...pity) would be interested for an ancient elven war-it fits in any campaign)

Zanan Posted - 15 Nov 2006 : 17:00:12
Gothic_Dan writing a history of the Crown Wars? With regard to the Ilythiiri, that would be like me writing about Orcus. Or the Pope writing about the Protestants. All fair reflections et al and after it is being published, I will see no end in this lore becoming canon as Dragon stuff is "official". Shock horror!

Ahem, go for it!

(And maybe you send the odd inquiry about the "true" history of the Ilythiiri.)
Lord Karsus Posted - 15 Nov 2006 : 05:46:26
If you do write it, good luck. I'd prefer there to be little lore about the Elven Crown Wars. Even to Elves, it's ancient history, and it's ancient history that they're not too keen on remembering.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 07 Nov 2006 : 00:19:09
Go for it!
Ergdusch Posted - 06 Nov 2006 : 11:00:12
As I am not a regualar reader of the Dragon Magazine, I'd say - I wound not be disappointed to see such an article. :)

khorne Posted - 06 Nov 2006 : 09:47:20
Yes, go for it!
Tigger Posted - 03 Nov 2006 : 01:03:58
Originally posted by GothicDan

I was considering writing a short article detailing some bits of lore about the Crown Wars - specifically, some important NPCs and maybe a major battle or two, the battle-site in the modern day, and possible adventure hooks.

I see a lot of advantages to doing this:
- I think that the Crown Wars is an interesting (and controversial enough) topic, at the very least, judging from how many questions come up about it on both the WotC boards and these ones.
- There is so little lore written about the Crown Wars as it stands now, besides what we have in LEoF and Cormanthyr. Even some detail about a specific battle, associated NPCs, and the like, would be really interesting, I think.
- While the mechanics would be inherently linked to FR and specific nations/subraces/what have you, in the article, they'd be quite easily transported to any D&D campaign.
- The adventure hooks and current details of the battle-site would make the details of the article directly applicable for those DMs interested in the "pick up and play now!" sort of articles.

I'm a big fan of the Crown Wars, I just think its a big topic, wondering if focusing on a battle (God's Theatre for instance, modern Tunlands, just west of Cormyr) might make a better article. Or you could go the other way and explain how the Vyshan got the Nether Scrolls (my guess Myeritar), in fact I think the entire first war was about getting possession of the Nether Scrolls from Myeritar at the coaxing of there Patron Malkizid. I also think that 100K orcs showing up at Gods Theatre was likely not a coincidence, which may be a good hook for your story. (plus the infamous shattering swords).
Zimme Posted - 21 Oct 2006 : 17:58:13
More knowedge more more! I will await it eagerly. =)
Alisttair Posted - 11 Oct 2006 : 03:34:44
More Lore is always a plus
Silvanus79 Posted - 08 Oct 2006 : 21:55:13
Honestly, I never showed much interest in the Crown Wars until I read the entry from Raelan. Since then, I have pulled all of my books and learned everything I could about it. And this article would be a virtual gold mine of information. Now, I realize that there is a lot of prestige associated with being published in Dragon, but in my experience, I have gotten infinitely more use out of the Compendiums I browsed on this site. I think that Dragon would be a flashy, cool addition to any portfolio, but I would get more use out of it if it were included in one of the compendiums. My hat is contantly off to the Sages here for that.
Lord Teclis Posted - 08 Oct 2006 : 20:38:05
I totally agree. I would love to see this article.
Aaron L Posted - 07 Oct 2006 : 10:38:23
I have to say that an article like this would make me actually go out and buy an issue of Dragon, GD.
WalkerNinja Posted - 05 Oct 2006 : 22:46:14
When I think of where the elves are now relative to the Crown Wars, I tend to think that they are in something of a Dark Age. Certainly in the Last Mythal series we got to see some pretty impressive relics from that age (Vyshan battle drifter thingee, I recall), so certainly you could create quite a bit of new equipment from that perspective. In the descriptions of such items, you could insert quite a bit of fluff (who made it, what for, why we don't see them around now).

Apart from that, I see that you could explore some of the traditions of that time that may be relevant to PC's today (Elven warriors of this time and place used exotic spears rather than long swords, here are some new feats that make the use of this strange weapon viable). I recall playing a duelist from Cormanthor: Empire of Elves and loving every minute of it. It wasn't optimal (two schools of magic instead of 6), but it was so very flavorful.

Feats, PRC's, New Spells, New Equipment... these are the lamentable bread and butter of Dragon Magazine.

Wandering_mage Posted - 05 Oct 2006 : 21:39:48
This would be ideal for the Candlekeep Compedium. Plus I do not buy Dragon magazine. I check Dragon magazines out from my local library, so I have a biased opinion I guess. Good luck writing up the Crown Wars article wherever it gets published. A well written piece of lore like that would be priceless and referred to as a must have to all FR gamers. I only hope people appreciate this fantastic event more so after you have finished your article.

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