T O P I C R E V I E W |
Beirnadri Magranth |
Posted - 26 Aug 2006 : 06:29:08 Well met to all who happen across this thread,
Many sages & FR fans have passed countless hours both here on Earth and on Toril, pouring over tomes and sourcebooks trying to understand the desultory history of the wondrous artifacts known today as the Nether Scrolls. Maybe it's the fact that the scrolls represent the Holy Grail of artifact focused gaming, or the fact that they trace their origins across such exotic pasts or it might even be their sheer potency that draws the attention of so many wisened souls. Whatever the cause, the Nether Scrolls have undeniably enthralled gamers for generations.
It comes as no surprise then that the history of the Nether Scrolls has never been told completely. All the references to the artifacts are scattered and incomplete almost skillfully hidden throughout the pages of sourcebooks for edition after edition. To myself and many others, as eager learners and lorekeepers, this has at first caused great confusion and frustration. But then in a select few this frustration subsides to curiosity. The feelings grow into a desire to set things right.
You feel it too, dont you? The Nether Scrolls call from across the planes... They call from within the vaults of a dozen beings... they call with unbridled power demanding their that history be explored... it's a demand that you know you must satisfy and that you cannot resist.
It's a feeling I have as well. And that is why I have posted this thread- to call together any willing sages here in the forums who are interested in the Nether Scrolls enough to spend decent amount of time trying to recreate their history. A group composed of even a handful of sages would be a great help in piecing together tidbits of lore into a coherent tale of the awe and majesty that are the Golden Scales of the World Serpents (the kind of sage who understands that kind of reference is the kind of sage I'm looking for!!)
To be more direct, I want a group of sages, myself included, to scour tomes of all editions and canon online sources for mentions of the nether scrolls and their creators and to compile these tidbits into a larger work that may or may not be posted here on Candlekeep depending on whether the compiled history is in accordance to the rules of the forums. Work on this project will remain out of public view until it reaches it's more final stages. All the logistics etc. will be worked out in the future but for now I am posting a call for volunteers to help with this task. Already a small group of sages has been contacted who show an interest in this topic as evident in their posts here. Replies are pending. I am eager for responses here as well. -Beir |
30 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Tigger |
Posted - 03 Nov 2007 : 14:21:44 quote: Originally posted by The Sage This source states that the Nether Scrolls were created over millenia and that they looked at the primitive magic employed by all races of that time -- this could mean that the Nether Scrolls were created not only by the sarrukh, but also by the batrachi and the aearee through the vehicle of the Ba'etith. So, to say that they were created by the sarrukh alone is probably not quite right.
Thanks for the point to pg 97, piecing that together with the comments on page 55, we have:
Sarrukh start the Scrolls and form the Ba'etith Batrachi continue work on them (as part of the Ba'etith) Aearee finish work on them (as part of the Ba'etith) Fey (Leshay?) steal that at some point Elves have them presumably from the Fey May have been a key component of the whole Crown War incidents Terraseer (sarrukh) finds (or already knows the location) of them in the ruins of Aryvandaar and we get the beginning of the Nethereil Age. Eventually the elves steal a full set and its still located in a windsong tower in Myth Drannor where they are till this day (though there seems to be an arguement over whether windsong is actually in the city now or floating nearby). The other set of scrolls are stolen at small groups and so eventually the netherese have none of them at there fall. So a few of questions that I always wonder about are:
1) How on earth did 3 of the scrolls get back to the Grandfather Tree at the Hall of Mists? (I can figure out two, but not 3).
2) Are there really only two sets?
3) If there are really only two sets, who made the new shiny one, not to be confused with the older one as they were originally described?
4) The Branded King seems to have a pretty big fascination with the scrolls, is it just because of what they contain, or something else?
5) Did the Terraseer give the scrolls to the Netherese on his own or is that part of a plan by a group of still surviving members of the Ba'etith?
Tigger |
Posted - 03 Nov 2007 : 13:39:04 quote: Originally posted by Beirnadri Magranth
my harddrive didnt crash. the way i formatted it erased it all... thats what you get when you try and use Lacie on mac to pc. regardless, I really dont have time anymore to work on this And I feel frustrated becuase I essentially know everything about them and there is nothing more being published that elaborates.
HD crash, accidental deletion, etc. I was just pointing out that in the future you could send your daily mods to an email address and never lose all your hard work. We do that on lots of the projects I work on. -Tig
Beirnadri Magranth |
Posted - 03 Nov 2007 : 05:10:30 my harddrive didnt crash. the way i formatted it erased it all... thats what you get when you try and use Lacie on mac to pc. regardless, I really dont have time anymore to work on this And I feel frustrated becuase I essentially know everything about them and there is nothing more being published that elaborates. |
Tigger |
Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 20:49:34 quote: Originally posted by The Sage
Serpent Kingdoms states that the magical organisation known as the Ba'etith created them [pg. 97] in c. -30000 DR: note that this is dating based on the timeline given on pg .186 and the contents of pg .97. What is interesting about this is that the Ba'etith was originally a sarrukh organisation. However, with the fall of the sarrukh empire of Isstosseffifil, the Ba'etith was in turn controlled by the other "Creator Races" -- the batrachi and aearee -- over the next several millenia. Again, see Serpent Kingdoms, pg .97 for this. This source states that the Nether Scrolls were created over millenia and that they looked at the primitive magic employed by all races of that time -- this could mean that the Nether Scrolls were created not only by the sarrukh, but also by the batrachi and the aearee through the vehicle of the Ba'etith. So, to say that they were created by the sarrukh alone is probably not quite right.
I dont have SK in front of me at the moment, but when I was reading it last night and posed the question, the big gold box at bottom of the page in the Sarrukh section said that 3 creator races created the Nether Scrolls as part of the Ba'etith. Does the page you are mentioning actually say that the batrachi and aearee are the other two races who make up the trio or just say that those two races collected magical knowledge? -Tig |
Tigger |
Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 19:49:09 Ok, since the figurative dog ate the homework twice on this thread, I though I would point out that a better alternative to losing your data, is setting up a google or yahoo or <fill in the blank> favorite free email site on the web account and email your changes to that account every night or every week if you are really lazy about it. In this age of lots of free storage and 4 Gig thumb drives its silly to lose lots of hard work to a harddrive crash. -Tig
Beirnadri Magranth |
Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 16:49:54 I collected a large amount of info that was shared between a couple sages here. However, I got a new computer and the portable harddrive I was using to transfer my old to my new hardrive erased all the content off my old drive. I have a couple old copies as document forms in my email but aside from that the collection of quotes adn passages are lost. I don't have the energy to replace what was lost. |
The Sage |
Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 06:05:34 Serpent Kingdoms states that the magical organisation known as the Ba'etith created them [pg. 97] in c. -30000 DR: note that this is dating based on the timeline given on pg .186 and the contents of pg .97. What is interesting about this is that the Ba'etith was originally a sarrukh organisation. However, with the fall of the sarrukh empire of Isstosseffifil, the Ba'etith was in turn controlled by the other "Creator Races" -- the batrachi and aearee -- over the next several millenia. Again, see Serpent Kingdoms, pg .97 for this. This source states that the Nether Scrolls were created over millenia and that they looked at the primitive magic employed by all races of that time -- this could mean that the Nether Scrolls were created not only by the sarrukh, but also by the batrachi and the aearee through the vehicle of the Ba'etith. So, to say that they were created by the sarrukh alone is probably not quite right.
Tigger |
Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 05:01:41 In the Serpent Kingdoms book it says 3 of the Creator Races had a hand in creating the Nether Scrolls. The Sarrukh obviously are one of the three, who are the other two? -Tig
Tigger |
Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 03:53:09 Has this been abandoned? -Tig
Markustay |
Posted - 12 Jan 2007 : 21:41:13 quote: Originally posted by Beirnadri Magranth
To reply to the poster before; I think we have enough folks for now. We have some really dedicated people working on this. When we're finished or if we need more help laer I'll let you know. Thanks for the interest anyways.
Thats cool, I just figured if there was a hole in the pipeline now I could fill it. I've done that before on other forum based group projects, so I have references. Not writing, painting actually, but I do work well under pressure. If any of you need help with anything just give me a holler, I'm always willing to help.
@Hoondatha - Sorry to hear about your woes, been there done that. I only just recently was able to retrieve data off one of my old drives, but Lightning is pretty thorough. Even if you could get it to spin the electromagnetic field would have wiped it clean.  |
Beirnadri Magranth |
Posted - 12 Jan 2007 : 06:19:28 I'm sorry to hear this sad news Hoondatha! I've been way from the keep a while too unfortunately (crazy holidays et al.) I'll go ahead and send the draft over to whoever is next when I'm on my other computer next.
To reply to the poster before; I think we have enough folks for now. We have some really dedicated people working on this. When we're finished or if we need more help laer I'll let you know. Thanks for the interest anyways.
-beir |
Hoondatha |
Posted - 12 Jan 2007 : 01:25:35 Thanks, guys. I appreciate it a lot. Unfortunately, there isn't anything that can be done. Lightning bolts aren't very nice to electronics (my building got hit, and as it raced down the side of the building it paused to slag my computer). Fortunately, I wasn't present, and nothing burned (though the appartment still reeks several weeks later).
The loss on my tower was total (some of the insides looked kinda like toast that's been left in the toaster for twenty minutes), but fortunately I had my external hard drive with me at the time. I still have all my digitized books, which is definately something. But that Nether Scrolls draft is well and truly gone.
On the plus side, now I know some nifty tricks for my mage to play on computers in Shadowrun... |
The Sage |
Posted - 10 Jan 2007 : 23:32:48 quote: Originally posted by Alaundo
quote: Originally posted by Hoondatha
Hi. I've been gone, and I appologize, but it wasn't planned. Just before Christmas (though fortunately just after I finished all my papers for grad school), my computer completely died. I lost everything on my primary hard disk, including the Nether Scrolls draft I was putting the finishing touches on. I've been putting off this message in the hope that I could breathe some sort of life into my drive and at least get my data out, but no luck.
So everything I did is now gone, and I'm too depressed at the moment to start over. Beirnadri, could you send whatever you have that's most current to whomever's next in line? Send me a copy as well, and maybe in a month I'll be up to starting work on it again.
Sorry all.
Well met
Sorry to hear that, Hoondatha. That's terrible news.
What exactly went from with your hard drive? What methods have you used to retrieve the data?
Drop me a PM, i've experienced this myself far too many times and may be able to help.
And you know what they say about two heads...
Hoon, send my a PM as well. I'd like to see if there's anything I can do. Since I'm partly involved with this project, I'd like to offer my assistance in this matter.
Alaundo |
Posted - 10 Jan 2007 : 16:14:56 quote: Originally posted by Hoondatha
Hi. I've been gone, and I appologize, but it wasn't planned. Just before Christmas (though fortunately just after I finished all my papers for grad school), my computer completely died. I lost everything on my primary hard disk, including the Nether Scrolls draft I was putting the finishing touches on. I've been putting off this message in the hope that I could breathe some sort of life into my drive and at least get my data out, but no luck.
So everything I did is now gone, and I'm too depressed at the moment to start over. Beirnadri, could you send whatever you have that's most current to whomever's next in line? Send me a copy as well, and maybe in a month I'll be up to starting work on it again.
Sorry all.
Well met
Sorry to hear that, Hoondatha. That's terrible news.
What exactly went from with your hard drive? What methods have you used to retrieve the data?
Drop me a PM, i've experienced this myself far too many times and may be able to help. |
Markustay |
Posted - 10 Jan 2007 : 05:09:26 Is it too late to be in on this? Being an old-time DM I'm pretty good a throwing together history, and I have almost every 2e product and a great many 3e products. I'm also an avid novel reader (aren't we all?), so if I can help in any way let me know.
------------- Mark |
Hoondatha |
Posted - 10 Jan 2007 : 01:40:05 Hi. I've been gone, and I appologize, but it wasn't planned. Just before Christmas (though fortunately just after I finished all my papers for grad school), my computer completely died. I lost everything on my primary hard disk, including the Nether Scrolls draft I was putting the finishing touches on. I've been putting off this message in the hope that I could breathe some sort of life into my drive and at least get my data out, but no luck.
So everything I did is now gone, and I'm too depressed at the moment to start over. Beirnadri, could you send whatever you have that's most current to whomever's next in line? Send me a copy as well, and maybe in a month I'll be up to starting work on it again.
Sorry all. |
Beirnadri Magranth |
Posted - 10 Nov 2006 : 19:42:02 Don't feel pressured. Gelcur and I had it for a good number of weeks before passing it on. |
Hoondatha |
Posted - 10 Nov 2006 : 17:34:29 I'm trying. I just got hammered with assignments (grad school), so it's going slower than I would like. Hopefully should have something by the end of the weekend. |
Beirnadri Magranth |
Posted - 10 Nov 2006 : 16:48:30 Right now Hoondatha is working on it. Or at least I sent it to him. Its still a very rough draft and we'll be able to show it once the work is completed. You gotta be patient though bc this could take many more months before this is fully compiled and edited. |
Tigger |
Posted - 10 Nov 2006 : 05:28:35 Like to see how this is going. -Tig
Beirnadri Magranth |
Posted - 20 Oct 2006 : 06:01:17 After a series of back and forth emails Gelcur sent me the document with some but not all of the additions that he would have liked to put in. I specifically noted 2 or 3 sources he found that I have no access too. The format is rough, and I think it's becoming apparent that we will need to pass it around several times before it makes any sense. Regardless, I'm sending a postmessage to Hoondatha requesting an email address to which I can send the attached document. I'll edit this later when I can confirm that I've sent the email. |
Beirnadri Magranth |
Posted - 01 Oct 2006 : 04:37:23 I wonder how gelcur is getting along with this... i havent seen him around lately. |
Beirnadri Magranth |
Posted - 13 Sep 2006 : 17:35:43 ya sry it took me so long i started school and am still working as a bartender so i had no time rly to work on it so i sent it over to gelcur in its rough stages. |
The Sage |
Posted - 13 Sep 2006 : 17:15:39 Right.
I was beginning to wonder what was happening here.  |
Beirnadri Magranth |
Posted - 02 Sep 2006 : 04:44:04 I'm working on the first draft of a history outline/timeline thing. I'm gunna send it to Gelcur who will pass it on to Hoondatha... to the Sage to Kuje.
EDIT: sent to gelcur very very rough draft |
Hoondatha |
Posted - 01 Sep 2006 : 22:41:14 Sorry I'm late, guys, my internet got nuked for the better part of this week.
Anyway, I'm back and I'm still interested. I have virtually all 1e-2e books and most 3e as well, but all my novels are 2000 miles away (sad sigh). So let me know where I can pitch in. |
Beirnadri Magranth |
Posted - 31 Aug 2006 : 17:42:08 im replying to your post, gelcur, via pm. |
Gelcur |
Posted - 31 Aug 2006 : 17:07:03 I'd be very interested in helping as well. I have all the 3E FR source books as well as a good bit of the older ones. Plus, I have a few of them as PDFs so it might be easier to search them, some of them have word recongnition.
I try to run my campaigns as to canon as possible and things like this are always help to have around.
I'll send you a PM with my email address. |
Beirnadri Magranth |
Posted - 31 Aug 2006 : 00:52:57 i was away when you logged on if you want to try and work on it im logged in now
edit: the sage and kuje are both online on candlekeep I am on the given website and actually tehre not just away gosh darn this is so complicated.
Kuje |
Posted - 31 Aug 2006 : 00:44:35 Odd, that is my correct address and I totally forgot about this. :( |