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 God of Tyranny??? (pre-Bane)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chosen of Bane Posted - 25 Feb 2006 : 05:46:41
I was wondering if anybody knew if there was (and if so, who) a god of Tyranny before Bane??? I know the story of Jergal handing down his portfolios but I seem to remember him handing down Strife, Death, and the Dead. Strife is the only one Bane has (had) from that list so I would like to know who had his other portfolios previously. Specifically Tyranny but also Hatred and Fear.

In my Zhentarim campaign I want to have the PC's search for an artifact that the church of Bane covets and I would like it to be something devoted to Tyranny that pre-dates Bane himself (it just fits my story best this way).

If anybody knows of a deity that would work or have any other ideas to work this I would appreciate it.
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Lady Kazandra Posted - 28 Feb 2006 : 00:18:07
Yes, it does.

Inside the manual, it talks about Borem and the nature of the Seven Lost Gods.
Asgetrion Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 22:39:36
I think Borem (of the Lake of Boiling Mud) and several other "quasideities" (lost gods) were originally mentioned in the 'Pool of Radiance' computer game from SSI. There was a journal entry in the manual that referred to an old legend of Bane's ascension to godhood (if my memory serves me right).
The Sage Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 16:31:57
Originally posted by Lady Kazandra

Originally posted by Dargoth

I dont think Borems mentioned in F&A

He is . . . in Bane's entry.

But there's more details in F&P - - what with the adventure in the back of the book as well.

Stick with F&P for Borem .
Lady Kazandra Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 01:01:23
Originally posted by Dargoth

I dont think Borems mentioned in F&A

He is . . . in Bane's entry.

But there's more details in F&P - - what with the adventure in the back of the book as well.
Dargoth Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 22:11:44
I dont think Borems mentioned in F&A
Chosen of Bane Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 21:44:56
Originally posted by EytanBernstein

The part about Boren's Quagheart (previously mentioned) is pretty useful (Page 170 F&P).

Yes, I have read that part now thanks. I was really looking for the references in Faiths and Avatars, the 2nd edition supplement.
EytanBernstein Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 21:01:57
The part about Boren's Quagheart (previously mentioned) is pretty useful (Page 170 F&P).
Chosen of Bane Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 17:44:29
Originally posted by The Sage

See Faiths & Avatars.

I'm sorry if I'm being annoying on this topic. But for the life of me I cannot seem to find any mention of Borem in Faiths and Avatars. A page number would be greatly appreciated.
Chosen of Bane Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 11:07:44
Thanks for the info. I'm actually surprised I missed the info in Faiths and Pantheons since I've read the tome from cover to cover at least once. Faiths and Avatars I have not yet looked through, I'm a 3rd Edition convert to the realms and actually just recently picked up a copy of Faiths and Avatars from ebay but have not yet read it.

I have read through Lost Empires of Faerun but don't seem to remember anything in there, but then again, I didn't remember anything from Faiths and Pantheons anyway.

Thanks for all the info.
Lady Kazandra Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 08:00:37
Are there any other sources for Borem aside from F&A and F&P?

-- Actually, wasn't there also something covered in Lost Empires of Faerun?
Dargoth Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 06:00:58
Originally posted by Chosen of Bane

Originally posted by Dargoth


Borem had his realm there

Where can I find out more about this Borem fellow??? Any sources would be much appreciated.

Faithes and Pantheons under the Jathiman Dagger and Borems Quagheart on pages 169 and 170
The Sage Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 04:10:27
See Faiths & Avatars.
Chosen of Bane Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 01:45:58
Originally posted by Dargoth


Borem had his realm there

Where can I find out more about this Borem fellow??? Any sources would be much appreciated.
EytanBernstein Posted - 25 Feb 2006 : 23:18:50
Both Tiamat and Gilgeam have tyranny as significant components of their dogma, though that would be more limited to Unther and surrounding areas.
Dargoth Posted - 25 Feb 2006 : 22:50:10
Originally posted by Chosen of Bane

Thanks Dargoth. Borem sounds like a plan. Do you happen to know where his main area of worship was (Old Empires, Imaskar, Netheril)?


Borem had his realm there
Chosen of Bane Posted - 25 Feb 2006 : 15:58:05
Thanks Dargoth. Borem sounds like a plan. Do you happen to know where his main area of worship was (Old Empires, Imaskar, Netheril)?

Dargoth Posted - 25 Feb 2006 : 07:14:28
According to Netheril Empire of Magic Jergals portfolios are

Death, the dead, order in death, funerals and tombs, undeath, the undead, wasting, old age, exhaustion, tyranny, dusk

So he was the pre Bane god of tyranny

You'll notice though that 2 of Banes other portfolios arent present

Hatred and Strife.

Now Bane could of got the Hatred portfolio from Borem the former god of Anger who Bane killed him (As Yoda will tell you Anger leads to Hate)

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