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 Portal to Newhon alluded to anywhere in Faerun?

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KnightErrantJR Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 17:15:10
Given that I absolutely love the Lanhkmar books and Fafhrd and Mouser and the like, I was just wondering if there were any veiled references to portals to Newhon anywhere in Faerun. I know that its not likely that the portal would be outright stated, but I wasn't quite sure if anyone was sly enough to sneak this in.

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Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 17:06:08
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Lady Kazandra

If anything, you should be blaming that nonsense wanderlust that infects every non-afflicted Kender on Krynn.
Actually, as I recall... Emilo Haversack was known more for the fact that he was a "worrying" kender than any particular fact about his wanderlust.

Well, he did have reason to worry, in that 2nd book of the trilogy. That kind of thing would worry many people!

But... We seem to have wandered thru a portal that took us off-topic.
The Sage Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 16:11:42
Originally posted by Lady Kazandra

If anything, you should be blaming that nonsense wanderlust that infects every non-afflicted Kender on Krynn.
Actually, as I recall... Emilo Haversack was known more for the fact that he was a "worrying" kender than any particular fact about his wanderlust.
Lady Kazandra Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 13:34:43
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Volo

Well, yes, but without the City of Doors, or the World Serpent Inn, they'd have no way to GET here.

... Except for spelljamming or planar travel.

And writers for that matter.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 11:17:33
Originally posted by Volo

Well, yes, but without the City of Doors, or the World Serpent Inn, they'd have no way to GET here.

... Except for spelljamming or planar travel.
Volo Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 11:11:40
Well, yes, but without the City of Doors, or the World Serpent Inn, they'd have no way to GET here.
Lady Kazandra Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 07:58:01
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by warlockco

Yep we can always blame Sigil for anything appearing where it isn't supposed to be.

It's how we wound up with a kender wandering the Realms...

And actually, though we only know of one kender in the Realms, with they way they wander, I'm sure that Emilo Haversack isn't the only kender wandering Faerūn. There's likely only a handful, if that many, but I'm certain there's more than just the one.

Hey, you can't blame Sigil for that.

If anything, you should be blaming that nonsense wanderlust that infects every non-afflicted Kender on Krynn.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 06:16:12
Originally posted by warlockco

Yep we can always blame Sigil for anything appearing where it isn't supposed to be.

It's how we wound up with a kender wandering the Realms...

And actually, though we only know of one kender in the Realms, with they way they wander, I'm sure that Emilo Haversack isn't the only kender wandering Faerūn. There's likely only a handful, if that many, but I'm certain there's more than just the one.
warlockco Posted - 25 Feb 2006 : 06:59:27
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

You could always have Newhon connected to Sigil...

EVERYTHING is connected to Sigil!

Yep we can always blame Sigil for anything appearing where it isn't supposed to be.
Sarta Posted - 25 Feb 2006 : 02:26:36
Wouldn't be that big a stretch for the World Serpent Inn in Arabel to occasionally allow travelers to get to and from Lankhmar.

KnightErrantJR Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 19:12:19
Its possible they did, I just couldn't remember if they had said anything about time and space or just space, if you take my meaning.

I also liked the idea that when they went to Earth they suddenly thougth they were from Earth, and aquired memories of cultures from Earth, though I would make that a unique "alteration" from Ningauble's cave. It would be interesting to see where the two would think they were from if they came to the Realms.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 19:04:09
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

Of course that is all assuming that there is only one place that connects the two. I was also wondering about temporal alignment. After all, Newhon was lined up with Earth's past when Fafhrd and Mouser went on the whole "Anra Devadoris" adventure, and Faerun seems to be lined up with Earth's present. I wonder if the caves hitch up to different times as well as places? (I think this may have been addressed, but its been a while since I read them)

Were the two really lined up in time? I think itt's possible that Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser traveled thru time to get to Earth...
Faraer Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 18:08:59
Sigil was made up for Planescape as a planar nexus when good ones already existed, ones I like better -- and I don't think the planes should have a cosmopolitan hub (let alone one inhabited by self-important canters). I assume there's more than one Toril–Nehwon connection, but I'd use the caves or Odd Alley or something similarly 'old school'.

I don't know about the time question...
KnightErrantJR Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 18:00:21
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

You could always have Newhon connected to Sigil...

EVERYTHING is connected to Sigil!
KnightErrantJR Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 17:59:21
Of course that is all assuming that there is only one place that connects the two. I was also wondering about temporal alignment. After all, Newhon was lined up with Earth's past when Fafhrd and Mouser went on the whole "Anra Devadoris" adventure, and Faerun seems to be lined up with Earth's present. I wonder if the caves hitch up to different times as well as places? (I think this may have been addressed, but its been a while since I read them)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 17:58:33
You could always have Newhon connected to Sigil...
Faraer Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 17:47:47
Personally, I'd have such traffic go via Gary Gygax's Odd Alley (a Leiberesque dimensional nexus that touches many cities, mentioned in Saga of Old City and seen in Night Arrant), or maybe the Wood between the Worlds, rather than directly through a gate.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 17:43:23
You know, given the cave system of Ningauble, I can almost see UnderMountain having a portal to Newhon somewhere in its depths.
Faraer Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 17:26:38
The only explicit published Nehwon reference is to a Nehwon ghoul who travelled with Tamper Tencoin, mentioned in FOR4 The Code of the Harpers. No portal is mentioned.

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