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 Why Waterdeep instead of Baldur's Gate?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
RodOdom Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 16:06:42
Baldur's Gate is more centrally located in relation to the North, the nations of the South as well as the Moonshaes. Why then is Waterdeep of greater wealth and importance than Baldur's Gate?
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 23 Feb 2006 : 23:12:12
Please don't take this personally but I think this thread is...well, kind of dumb. I love both cities for different reasons.
Volo Posted - 23 Feb 2006 : 10:02:30
Also, success breeds success. Slowly, Waterdeep became more famous than Baldur's Gate, (probably because, legitimately or no, Baldur's Gate's reputation is tied to pirates), and hence, people who have moved towards the Sword Coast have gravitated towards the city they've heard the best news about, namely Waterdeep. Ergo, it grows. And that attracts more people who have heard of it, and of course the current citizens meet and have children, and again, it grows. A classic example is Portland, Oregon. From all geographical, economic, and historical points of view, the big city in Oregon should be Astoria, not Portland. But people in the East had heard of Portland, but not heard so much about Astoria, ergo, when they moved to Oregon, they moved to Portland. And she grew. And more people heard of her. And she grew. And well, now, Portland has a million people, and Astoria has 50,000.
RodOdom Posted - 23 Feb 2006 : 03:49:42
Originally posted by Kajehase

And the one thing you've all forgotten to mention - Waterdeep has a big natural deepwater harbour.

For me, that's the most convincing answer. Hopefully Ed Greenwood can answer this question definitively on his thread.
Kajehase Posted - 23 Feb 2006 : 00:23:59
And the one thing you've all forgotten to mention - Waterdeep has a big natural deepwater harbour.
Fletcher Posted - 22 Feb 2006 : 23:45:43
Reputation. When someone thinks about going west to the sword coast and visiting a large city... the city that comes to mind is Waterdeep. Hence everyone going there, the city's size and power.
Mystery_Man Posted - 22 Feb 2006 : 20:41:45
Waterdeep is better protected don't forget, it's walled and elevated.
Shadovar Posted - 18 Feb 2006 : 01:39:22
Cause there are many reasons why Waterdeep is more popular than Baldur's Gate, here are some things I think that makes Waterdeep attractive:
1) Its colorful history.
2) The resident archmages including two Chosen residing there.
3) Better laws and ruling system.
4) Undermountain, offers plenty of opportunities to those who are death-defying.
5) Skullport, need a black market? here it is.
6) A sort of important trading centre to the cities and nations in the further North.
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 16:35:44
also there arent as many cities near waterdeep. and waterdeep is much much older!
RodOdom Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 16:21:55
Also, Badur's Gate has the River Chionthar, which could take shipping all the way to Iriaebor. From there, according the the electronic atlas, it's only two hundred miles to the Sea of Fallen Stars, with no Anauroch getting in the way.
Fletcher Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 16:13:00
San Francisco is more centrally located to everything on the west coast, it has a much larger harbor and better railroads. It doesn't need to have all of its water pumped in from two thousand miles away, and is surrounded by fertile farmland, why does Los Angeles have greater wealth and importance?

Luck, business opportunities, reputation. Humanity does things without really looking at what would be better in 50 years. We look at what is good for us now. Hence...Waterdeep in its odd location is more powerful, richer and Baldur's Gate is second rung.
Jindael Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 16:11:54
Skullport helps, and wasn't there something about warm water from Neverwinter flowing through the traderoutes?
Snotlord Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 16:09:49
Less competition? Baldur's Gate has Amn breathing down its neck. Also, Waterdeep has better access to the North.

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