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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Aldrick the Nightblade Posted - 27 Jul 2004 : 02:57:55
The characters of the realms have made us laugh, cry, and yell out in absoulute rage. All have different qualites that make them perfect...well at least in some of our views. Now, my fellow scribes, you have a chance to tell the best character of your choosing and the reason of the chosen. This small amount of knowledge can evolve into something of great wonder.( i don't know how, I just felt like writing that)
Post your favorite character and the reason for them...that is all I ask.
Fight strong,
Aldrick the Nightblade
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Asgetrion Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 00:11:08
I love all of Greenwood's characters and NPCs, but I have to stick with master Auvrarn Labraster from Silverfall. You might laugh at me for this, my fellow scribes and sages, but he was a really memorable and well-written character, whose tragic fate touched me deeply
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 Feb 2006 : 17:10:07
Originally posted by GungHo

I like Dragonbait - he's the only Paladin who acts like an actual Paladin without being Lawful Stupid

Priam Agrivar, from the comics, was a non-Lawful Stupid paladin. He was also a recovering alcoholic.
GungHo Posted - 10 Feb 2006 : 15:34:58
I like Dragonbait - he's the only Paladin who acts like an actual Paladin without being Lawful Stupid

I also like Pharaun for reasons mentioned by other folks. Ryld was also interesting, if a little slow.

Elaith is also a good foil.
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 05 Feb 2006 : 06:41:42
Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul - these guys had a dream and they did everything in their power to get there. Hats off for those that chase the dream and succeed.

TonyMontana1638 Posted - 04 Feb 2006 : 04:37:10
If you had asked me this question before reading the most recent Drizzt trilogy (The Hunter's Blades?) I would have said Drizzt was my favorite, because I believe Bob took him to level that very few fantasy characters not developed by a man named Tolkien have been to. The Silent Blade and Sea Of Swords were fantastic in my mind, but I haven't liked this most recent series at all (I won't give my reasons unless asked, for fear of derailing this thread). Even so, he still has a top spot among these others.

Cadderly- For once a character that appears genuinely human and remains so for an entire series. The Cleric Quintet was my favorite of Bob's works.

Pikel- Hilarious, lovable...

And my favorite...

Storm Silverhand- My favorite of my favorite group of characters in the Realms, the Seven Sisters. I never tire of reading about her (and feel an odd twinge of jealousy whenever I read one of her intimate scenes... ) and only wish Ed would write more novels centered around her (like Stormlight). She is my ideal Faerunian chracter: a paragon of my vision of 'goodness' but human enough at the same time. The fact that she is the daughter of a goddess and described as physically attractive only help matters.
Beezy Posted - 03 Feb 2006 : 07:06:04
I like the Wyvernspurs, Alias and Dragonbait, Drizzt of course but with a dwindling interest in him with the 1,000 Drizzt novels and the countless other Drow novels, Pwent, Jarlaxle and Artemis of course, Cale and Jack Fleet, Pharaun and Ryld (Ryld was great in the first couple but had a personality shift later), I suppose I tend to favor the more popular warriors and rogues.
Shadovar Posted - 02 Feb 2006 : 12:51:54
Odd, how came this scroll...and yet I overlooked it..

Well, I think I over the months I had rearranged my thoughts of my favorite character.
1) Araevin-a determined and perservering near High Mage, I like his attitude and practical thinking, and daringness to do what most would balk at.
2) Dorn Graybrook-fearless half-automaton.
3) Erevis Cale-most well portrayed and developed character, a shade who is conscientious and a person who dares to provoke back any foes that cross his way. I like this one.
4) Feena Archwood-raised my eyebrows, with new insight into her character since the Mistress of the Night novel
5) Sarya Dladrageth-not that she is sassy or beautiful, but she is quite a astounding villain I had so far seen.
6) The Sojourner-Impressive villain or should I say mage? This one presented to be a puzzle to me at first especially his true intentions, a complicated and sophisticated one.
7) Flar Melruth Starbrow-a hero
marcsmart Posted - 02 Feb 2006 : 06:05:43
Hi ~

I think my favourite characters might not be as famous as the ones you have named, probably coz I havent read as much of the realms novel yet.

- Daryth of Calimshan (The Moonshae Trilogy)
He's somehow much more stable and all rounded in the novel
*someone will kick me for naming this character so many times~
- Kehsyrn (The Alabaster Staff)
Interesting Charcter - I wonder she's a thief or not though.
- Cyric (The Avatar Series)
Though he's on the extreme evil side, he's one of the most
detailed/developed evil character I've come across
scererar Posted - 02 Feb 2006 : 05:57:32
mine favorite is not one particular character. I do however like the knights of Myth Drannor, they are what I envision D&D to be. You don't have to agree with the Author (please don't start a, I like or don't like, Ed's novels issue here). IMO the different personalities of the knights gives us a little of everything that D&D and the Forgotten Realms, in particular encompasses.
ejm2000 Posted - 01 Feb 2006 : 08:09:30
Certainly -

1. Aliisza - for her frivolous way of making "friends", carefree and easy-going attitude to life and uncommon sense of humor . She is real playfully wicked Vamp, tempting and tracking her "prey"; she is a kind of girl that makes things at whim and for lust; uffa..unbelivable seductress.....
2. Pharaun - for his "wit" and intelligence.
The best-matched couple I have ever found in novels
Edain Shadowstar Posted - 27 Oct 2004 : 02:45:04
I am a huge fan of the Knights of Myth Drannor, always have been. A lot of it has to do with my love of parties who become canonical NPCs. Unlike many, I am also an Elminster fan, and to be honest I'm not sure why. I guess I just like bearded old wizards with twisted senses of humor. Sue me. Also on the list is the ever popular Drizzt, I just can't hate him. When concieved of he was an original and revolutionary character, a shame he's been cheapened somewhat by knock offs and a bad reputation. In the Drow category Jarlaxle, amongst the most unique character I've ever heard of, and Gromph, one killer evil wizard, rank very high. I guess I just like Drow. Honorable mention: Azoun Obarskyr IV. Long live the king! (Though he's dead. So sad.)
PathWarden Posted - 26 Oct 2004 : 17:47:59
Most definitely Drizzt. I find him to be a character of depth and with obvious evolution from his first appearance to the most recent books. He has grown, and we have seen him grow, during the story lines.

Thysl Posted - 24 Oct 2004 : 06:48:48
My favorite? Why, Thysl, of course. I can't believe no one else said Thysl! HAVE YOU NO CLASS?!?!?!
Oh yeah, he's not in the books...
Soo, books you say? OK, here you go!
Erevis Cale - Ex-asassin with integrity, a sense of moral and the ability to be more than a flat, carbon copy fantasy character.
On a similar note: READ DAWN OF NIGHT!! NOW!!!!
Silvfana Posted - 14 Oct 2004 : 13:45:35
Originally posted by The Silhouette

Originally posted by Silvfana


It's hard to say, but from what i've read, my favourites are Artemis Entreri, Drizzt of course and Jarlaxle...

Thats SO awesome!!! You and I think alike...THATS SO COOL!!! Who doesn't like them, I mean...they are so...complex as you said...and that makes them better.

It's nice to hear atleast someone agrees with me, because there is people here, who have read so much more about FR than I have and know so much more of everything...

Most of the time I don't understand half of what people are talking about (the books), and I'd so much want to know, but as I said yesterday, there isn't many FR books published in Finnish.
Neil Posted - 14 Oct 2004 : 12:21:07
Originally posted by SiriusBlack
You must really be looking forward to the upcoming KoMD novel.

Indeed. And their own starring role, to boot! That's going to be a definite buy. Plus, I really like Ed Greenwood's writing of the characters of the Realms. He tells a good story, just like all the best TSR writers do, but what sets him apart is the dialogue. With Greenwood's writing, it just screams 'medieval fantasy'.
SiriusBlack Posted - 14 Oct 2004 : 04:59:22
Originally posted by Neil
I'm also a big fan of...Dove Falconhand and the old Knights of Myth Drannor.

You must really be looking forward to the upcoming KoMD novel.
Neil Posted - 14 Oct 2004 : 01:17:32
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
The thing I liked about Fzoul was that because of the way things played out, he wound up being the cleric of a god he couldn't stand. So what did he do? He takes and incredible chance and winds up giving that god the shaft. That's a gutsy maneuver.

Very true. Actually, I think there's something about the tragedy of ending up worshiping Cyric that really got to me, since the one guy I felt worst for in the whole thing was the pathetic Lord Chess, He of a Million Classes. I'd always had a soft spot for the poor guy who was the face of Zhentil Keep, but to have Leira killed off (especially since my longrunning character was a Priest of Leira! More Chess sympathy!) and then to get turned into 280 pounds of ground chuck was a terrible shame.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Oct 2004 : 00:32:19
Originally posted by Neil

Fzoul Chembryl. The guy is just so diverse and interesting, having done so much for so long. For years, he was always interesting in that he maintained his place in the Zhentarim through cleverness and guile, despite being vastly outmuscled by Manshoon, and roughly equal to Semmemon, and then dwarfed by Cyric. Still, he came through it all and came out on top.

The thing I liked about Fzoul was that because of the way things played out, he wound up being the cleric of a god he couldn't stand. So what did he do? He takes and incredible chance and winds up giving that god the shaft. That's a gutsy maneuver.

Something else impressive is his actions in Iyachtu Xvim's service. He did much to help Iyachtu Xvim, and it could even be said that Bane would not have returned without Fzoul's work on Xvim's behalf.

All in all, Fzoul is one of those truly awesome bad guys.
Neil Posted - 13 Oct 2004 : 23:03:44
Fzoul Chembryl. The guy is just so diverse and interesting, having done so much for so long. For years, he was always interesting in that he maintained his place in the Zhentarim through cleverness and guile, despite being vastly outmuscled by Manshoon, and roughly equal to Semmemon, and then dwarfed by Cyric. Still, he came through it all and came out on top.

I also like the new, more neutral Semmemon, and think there's a lot of potential for a novel appearence for him. He's got some depth to him, and now he's a man on a mission: Find out if he's actually a Manshoon clone or not. Although, for years in the RPG materials he was 'that other wizard in the Zhentarim. You know, the one that's not Manshoon.' :p

I'm also a big fan of Yamun Khahan, Khelben Blackstaff, Dove Falconhand and the old Knights of Myth Drannor. My adventuring days have given me something of a fondness for Nain Kennwhistler, Malchor Harpell and Savengriff, who were instrumental in Holding together the Harpers after Manshoon killed Blackstaff in a spellbattle. They were great guys.
SiriusBlack Posted - 13 Oct 2004 : 21:57:39
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
'Tis an anthology, with stories about dragons.

Yes, R.A. Salvatore is one of the authors featured in Realms of the Dragon. His story focuses on Artemis and Jarlaxle.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Oct 2004 : 19:48:53
Originally posted by The Silhouette

Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
Now Jarlaxle... He rocks. I love his style and his chutzpah.

Pick up Realms of the Dragons to see how he handles himself when faced with a new employer.

Whats Realms of the Dragons about??? Is R.A.Salvatore the author or someone else...please tell me.

'Tis an anthology, with stories about dragons.
The Silhouette Posted - 13 Oct 2004 : 18:25:32
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
Now Jarlaxle... He rocks. I love his style and his chutzpah.

Pick up Realms of the Dragons to see how he handles himself when faced with a new employer.

Whats Realms of the Dragons about??? Is R.A.Salvatore the author or someone else...please tell me.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Oct 2004 : 02:56:47
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
Now Jarlaxle... He rocks. I love his style and his chutzpah.

Pick up Realms of the Dragons to see how he handles himself when faced with a new employer.

I shall pick it up, either Thursday or Friday. I'm going to try to buy it on Thursday, but things are rather much up in the air right now...
SiriusBlack Posted - 13 Oct 2004 : 02:33:09
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
Now Jarlaxle... He rocks. I love his style and his chutzpah.

Pick up Realms of the Dragons to see how he handles himself when faced with a new employer.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 Oct 2004 : 22:40:24
Originally posted by The Silhouette

Originally posted by Silvfana


It's hard to say, but from what i've read, my favourites are Artemis Entreri, Drizzt of course and Jarlaxle...

Thats SO awesome!!! You and I think alike...THATS SO COOL!!! Who doesn't like them, I mean...they are so...complex as you said...and that makes them better.

Who doesn't like them? Well, I've never been a huge fan of Drizzt's, and I've gotten bored with him. Artemis Entreri has not, until Servant of the Shard, interested me, because he was just a foil for Drizzt.

Now Jarlaxle... He rocks. I love his style and his chutzpah.
The Silhouette Posted - 12 Oct 2004 : 20:08:00
Originally posted by Silvfana


It's hard to say, but from what i've read, my favourites are Artemis Entreri, Drizzt of course and Jarlaxle...

Thats SO awesome!!! You and I think alike...THATS SO COOL!!! Who doesn't like them, I mean...they are so...complex as you said...and that makes them better.
Winterfox Posted - 12 Oct 2004 : 12:19:34
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Winterfox

Naw, not really. I'm about as empathic and sympathetic as a mini-Uzi, and easily just as brutal and blunt. So...

Really? I'd not noticed that about you.

But of course. Mind you, mini-Uzis are very efficient at what they do, and don't you love efficiency?
Silvfana Posted - 12 Oct 2004 : 11:40:56

It's hard to say, but from what i've read, my favourites are Artemis Entreri, Drizzt of course and Jarlaxle...

Why? The books published in Finnish (to the second of Hunter's Blade) I haven't yet found anyone I like more. Entreri and Jarlaxle are both to me very complex characters and Drizzt is... well, Drizzt. I know this sounds silly but I can't figure out any spesific reason to it. He was one of the reasons that made me seek out more to know about role playing and Realms.

I don't know if this is an answer to your question Aldrick, but here you are...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Oct 2004 : 06:06:54
Originally posted by Winterfox

Naw, not really. I'm about as empathic and sympathetic as a mini-Uzi, and easily just as brutal and blunt. So...

Really? I'd not noticed that about you.
Winterfox Posted - 11 Oct 2004 : 05:43:45
Originally posted by Arteris

Oooo, I forgot to add, Cadderly and Danica ^_^

Really? I've always thought that the Author's Darling Syndrome runs rampant in Cadderly -- he's basically a religious fanatic, no less than Aballister is (considering that everything Cadderly does is out of "divine inspiration", and therefore makes everything okay, including torching a whole pile of helpless enemies). I have no problem with amoral, immoral, or hypocritical characters. When they masquerade as heroes delivering righteous retribution, then there's a problem. The CQ would have been so much more interesting if Cadderly, say, turned into the antagonist due to his fanatical devotion and sanctimonious hypocrisy. Heh. As for Danica, I just see her as a cipher: a character with no real personality, but just someone to occasionally argue with Cadderly on moral and "philosophical" issues.

Originally posted by Forlorn

Yeah, you may be right to understand my words like an idealization of a simple novel character but she is a hero in an imaginary realm and she should be wiser than a spoiled high society girl of Waterdeep or an ordinary city girl with ordinary life waiting for a good catch to marry and death peacefuly. And this is perfectly natural for Catie Brie and other even newbie adventurers no matter man or woman see many dreads while the ordinary people just hear the stories of. That doesn't mean every hero is perceptive as Catie Brie is (and maybe there are many wiser than her that I don't know or recall right now) but as I said that's why I like Catie Brie character not because of her phantom arrows.

*shrugs* I prefer my fiction grim and gritty, and I reserve dislike for "perfect" or idealized characters -- that spoiled, high-society Waterdhavian girl would be far more interesting to me than Catti-brie will ever be (imagine said girl being thrown into unfamiliar circumstances and hardships -- fun!). But hey, whatever floats your boat. (What can I say? The lead female in what I'm writing is an honest-if-it-suits-her, impatient woman who's occasionally arrogant and sometimes quite selfish. Another primary female character is as patient as she is perceptive and manipulative -- and she's very, very patient. Yet another still possesses ruthlessness and intelligence in equal measures.)

I admit that a comparison between Catie Brie and the girls I know is unrealistic because one is an fiction hero and the others are, well, real. Of course there are millions of girls all around the world that are patient, understanding, honest and perceptive about the feelings of the one talking to her without manipulating, I just haven't met one yet:)). Call me if you think that you are one:))). I will be a very chalinging test for sure :))).

Naw, not really. I'm about as empathic and sympathetic as a mini-Uzi, and easily just as brutal and blunt. So...

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