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 The MOONBONES Archipelago

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TBeholder Posted - 24 Apr 2015 : 02:46:20
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Steven Schend

Yup, they were mine...though my backbrain is itching that I got inspired by something and I want to almost say it was Jim Starlin.
I can see that. I remember picking up something of a Starlin-era Warlock-vibe from them during my initial reading.

Speaking of getting "inspired by something" - you do realize how that phrase is most likely to be misread by non-Marvel fans, right?
Thanks to this, and reading archive about "The Palinka Effect" recently...
I hereby wish to retract all my previous statements about FR4e being pointless or dead end - on account of me finally figuring out for which purpose it fits well.

So, the throne broker Blackstaff with his behind-the-scene policy isn't around anymore. But did all the Moonstars just vanish in thin air? And they're better organized than the rival teams. And the star is already there - not that it mattered, but makes a nice addition.
It's the setting of... The MOONBONES Archipelago.
(please report uses of the old name "Whalebones" to a local member of Moonstars club).
"The old great-realm chauvinism is still here."
"The supporters of Harpers were relocated to High Moor mining sites, but we shall remain vigilant!"
"Volunteer for the inter-realm peace corps today! Support followers of the true teachings of Blackstaff and Lhaeo in Amn!"
"The Icewind militarists are brandishing the axe again!"

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