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Posted - 24 Apr 2015 :  02:46:20  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Steven Schend

Yup, they were mine...though my backbrain is itching that I got inspired by something and I want to almost say it was Jim Starlin.
I can see that. I remember picking up something of a Starlin-era Warlock-vibe from them during my initial reading.

Speaking of getting "inspired by something" - you do realize how that phrase is most likely to be misread by non-Marvel fans, right?
Thanks to this, and reading archive about "The Palinka Effect" recently...
I hereby wish to retract all my previous statements about FR4e being pointless or dead end - on account of me finally figuring out for which purpose it fits well.

So, the throne broker Blackstaff with his behind-the-scene policy isn't around anymore. But did all the Moonstars just vanish in thin air? And they're better organized than the rival teams. And the star is already there - not that it mattered, but makes a nice addition.
It's the setting of... The MOONBONES Archipelago.
(please report uses of the old name "Whalebones" to a local member of Moonstars club).
"The old great-realm chauvinism is still here."
"The supporters of Harpers were relocated to High Moor mining sites, but we shall remain vigilant!"
"Volunteer for the inter-realm peace corps today! Support followers of the true teachings of Blackstaff and Lhaeo in Amn!"
"The Icewind militarists are brandishing the axe again!"

People never wonder How the world goes round -Helloween
And even I make no pretense Of having more than common sense -R.W.Wood
It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo. -Ed Whitchurch

Edited by - TBeholder on 09 Dec 2015 23:41:25
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