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 Search for the Diamond Staff

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fellfire Posted - 26 Feb 2014 : 02:37:20
I profess to being ignorant of D&D Encounters. I've found reference to this series of adventures, but cannot find a dl. Can anybody point me in the right direction or give me the 411? Thanks
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fellfire Posted - 05 Dec 2015 : 17:17:31
I'm allergic to penicillin, but I will be fine. Thank you.
Drustan Dwnhaedan Posted - 05 Dec 2015 : 17:03:28
Originally posted by Fellfire

It's cool. I downloaded 15 viruses, but I found it.

Well, I hope it was worth it.
Fellfire Posted - 05 Dec 2015 : 15:13:24
It's cool. I downloaded 15 viruses, but I found it.
hashimashadoo Posted - 05 Dec 2015 : 11:42:06
It still hasn't been released to the public yet.
Fellfire Posted - 04 Dec 2015 : 13:00:39
Still searching high and low for this one. Anybody know where to find it?
hashimashadoo Posted - 17 Aug 2014 : 12:31:11
Your best (and probably only) bet will be dndclassics. It'll be released there when WotC say it can be.
Derulbaskul Posted - 17 Aug 2014 : 08:10:55
Legally? No.
Fellfire Posted - 17 Aug 2014 : 07:27:33
This has bubbled up again. I am still searching for a PDF of Search for the Diamond Staff. Anybody, can you help me out?
Eltheron Posted - 06 Mar 2014 : 23:06:32
Originally posted by Fellfire

Eltheron, was there a magical eleven blade that functioed as a hat of disguise somewhere in this mod?

I read through it again just now, and I don't see anything like that in here.
Fellfire Posted - 06 Mar 2014 : 06:30:04
Eltheron, was there a magical eleven blade that functioed as a hat of disguise somewhere in this mod?
Eltheron Posted - 01 Mar 2014 : 15:20:13
I have this, and would be happy to answer questions you have.

But if you're more looking for info on where to obtain it, I'm not really sure. I know that sometimes you can find old copies of D&D Encounters that are put up on E-bay, but the prices are ridiculously high. This is a later 4E adventure/series of encounters, so it might be some time before WotC licenses it to be sold.

When they do, or are good sites to check prices.

Importantly, "Vault of the Dracolich" was a Game-Day Encounters book that is a precursor to the Diamond Staff adventure. And it's available at RPGNow for around $5.00 or so. But I think that "Vault" was also put into one of the 5E/Next Rules "play test" packages (one of the most recent) for free. Check at the WotC site and see - it might still be be available free for a while.

Fellfire Posted - 26 Feb 2014 : 23:43:06
Where there's a will there's a way. Just going to require more efforts.
hashimashadoo Posted - 26 Feb 2014 : 17:23:44
You'll have to wait until WotC decides to release it for sale on Encounters seasons are designed for cooperative play and the season involving Search for the Diamond Staff is over.

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