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 Neverwinter: A Liches Lament *light spoilers*

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
silverwolfer Posted - 09 Jul 2013 : 00:19:42
So this is a tad bit of a spoiler for those that play the neverwinter game, and for those that never have touched it, maybe you will appreciate the context of it all.

The basic setup is that, the player is in the neverwinter graveyard, and kelmeavor doomguides are trying to put things back in the ground, as they keep coming back from the dead. The character comes across a unusual item which ends up speaking to them. The hilarious part of this is that, it is not just text, but also voice interaction , and the actor they had do this part played it with gusto. So for your enjoyment, some transcripts.

Foolish Adventurer! You have picked up no mere bauble, but the phylactery of Zarifrax, all-powerful lich! Now, Prepare for a battle of wills for your very…
*Sigh* You know, I'm really just not into this.
Let me be upfront(sic) with you: I'm tired of the epic battle of good against evil. I was controlling that undead you destroyed so I could find a nice quiet spot where my phylactery won't be disturbed for a few hundred years.
You seem a capable sort. How about I offer you a reward for helping me find a resting place?

No, this won't do at all!
The Doomguides have been here. I can still feel the smug sanctimoniousness of their rituals radiating from the very stone.
How did we end up with Undead-hating Kelemvor as a god of death anyway? I, for one, blame Cyric. Now Jergal, there was a god of death! Of course, Bhaal and Myrkul had their qualities, too.
Bah, I'm rambling. Let's try the next spot.

No, no, no! This location is even worse!
The Thayans would surely find my phylactery here. Then I'd either have to tutor some young power-mad necromancer, or become a lackey for Szass Tam, or end up trying to "reason" with Valindra Shadowmantle.
Now, don't get me wrong. I respect Valindra's dedication to evil, but that woman is simply not right in the head.
No, this location won't do either. Let's try another.

What have they done to this place!
This would have been a perfect location. Commanding view, lovely stonework, and now look at it! Ruined! I bet this was done by some greedy adventurer looking for a few measly gold pieces or a paltry magic sword. I tell you, there's just no respect anymore.
That does it! I've been searching for the perfect spot for a decade, and apparently there's no quiet place left on all Faerūn. Well, this is it. I'm done!
Take me to a Doomguide. Let them destroy me. I don't want to unlive on this planet anymore.

By Kelemvor's Blade! Silverwolfer, this is the phylactery of a lich, a powerful undead mage. It is a miracle it did not try to consume your very soul.
We Doomguides strive to destroy the undead, but for one this powerful, that may not be possible. Fortunately, we have constructed an impenetrable vault in a secure location which safely hold (sic) such evils for centuries, if that's what it takes.
Curious. I'd swear the spirit within seems to be... laughing.
It must be mad. No matter. We shall imprison it without delay.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Delwa Posted - 13 Jul 2013 : 23:58:35
Silverwolfer, thanks so much for posting this! I played through that awhile back and I thoroughly enjoyed every second of that quest, but I didn't have the presence of mind to make a transcript! I wished I had almost as soon as the quest was over. Many thanks!
Euranna Posted - 12 Jul 2013 : 15:07:37
I just did this quest last night. I thought it was so very funny. I got the quest before my husband. He gets a little frustrated when I stop and read all the lore that I pick up. :D
silverwolfer Posted - 09 Jul 2013 : 23:26:24
Originally posted by Eilserus

How is the Neverwinter game? I've been curious but am a little wary to get pulled into the time sucking vortex we all call mmorpg's. ;)

Eilserus Posted - 09 Jul 2013 : 23:19:38
How is the Neverwinter game? I've been curious but am a little wary to get pulled into the time sucking vortex we all call mmorpg's. ;)
silverwolfer Posted - 09 Jul 2013 : 22:13:26
It is rather nice, I spend maybe 40 mins a day if that on the game, so I sit down, enjoy my moment, and pull out. I don't let it get old or stagnate, as I don't do marathons on it, and potentially ruin what am there for. The forgotten realms interaction.
sleyvas Posted - 09 Jul 2013 : 14:09:18
lol, if I didn't hate the interface, I'd be playing that game just based off this. Hell, maybe I should log in again. I hate the constant mouselook though. I much prefer a targeting system.
lordsknight185 Posted - 09 Jul 2013 : 14:05:22
"I don't want to unlive on this planet anymore" - Best part. I was worried this game would take itself too seriously. I don't want as many pop-culture-heavy-references as wow has, but this was a nice laugh.
Lord Bane Posted - 09 Jul 2013 : 10:07:30
Love that quest, so nice little lore bits in it.

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