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 WHY are the GITH so rarely seen?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jordanz Posted - 27 Jun 2013 : 04:53:01

I understand they originate from outside of the prime material planes but I would think that at least one Gith could be given some "shine in a Forgotten Realms novel.

It seems like a big waste of an interesting race (remember that old "Fiend Folio" Cover?!) with an interesting history....

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dennis Posted - 08 Jul 2013 : 06:26:13
Originally posted by TBeholder

Now, now. "Far Realm" appeared - in the best Giant Space Flea From Nowhere style, without meaningful connection to anything - when Bruce Cordell was sliding from brilliant development of Monstrous Arcana into meaningless "Let's add some hentacles... more hentacles... hmmm... what now? Ooh! I know! Some extra hentacles!". Aboleths first appeared before that. Ahem. In FR sources there were mentions of aboleths lurking out of sight for ages and ages.
Whether we like it or not, new edition trumps the old ones. Or in this case, it slightly changes it. The fourth edition does not state no aboleths walked Toril (or if you want to be literal, swam the vast seas of Toril) prior to the return of Xxiphu. It only states that the aboleths that are already in Toril migrated from the Far Realm.
Ayrik Posted - 07 Jul 2013 : 23:27:15
I wonder if I should mention (again) my scroll about the Gith Races, and all the other Gith-related scrolls it links to, which I offered back earlier in this scroll ...
The Sage Posted - 07 Jul 2013 : 04:13:38
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by TBeholder

Now, now. "Far Realm" appeared - in the best Giant Space Flea From Nowhere style, without meaningful connection to anything - when Bruce Cordell was sliding from brilliant development of Monstrous Arcana into meaningless "Let's add some hentacles... more hentacles... hmmm... what now? Ooh! I know! Some extra hentacles!". Aboleths first appeared before that.
Ahem. In FR sources there were mentions of aboleths lurking out of sight for ages and ages.

Indeed. Aboleth presence in the Realms goes back to 2E, at least.
Dwarves Deep, as I recall, contained the first reference for aboleth in the Realms.
Until the one-off that was the Sojourner, I don't recall a single reference to any of the gith races in the Realms. None since him, either.
As I said back on 27 June, there have been sporadic references to gith, like the githyanki, before the appearance of the Sojourner -- mostly in 2e/3e Underdark sources and the Ol' Grey Box.

Skullport and 3e's PGtF contain the only references that I can recall which mention githzerai in the Realms.
Lilianviaten Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 22:27:30
Originally posted by Dennis

I don’t buy the “gith are rarely seen because they are not of the Realms.” How come the aboleths—who are definitely not of the Realms—got a trilogy of their own?

Most likely the creative department is taking it one step at a time. The Sojourner has been well liked as a villain, I suppose, so we’ll probably see more of his kind soon. We’ve also seen protagonists and villains alike of certain classes and races who aren’t normally given much face time in novels—the yuan-ti, tiefling, psionicist, genasi, dragonborn, etc. Perhaps the Powers-That-Be are completing a “list,” and in time, they’d go back to the gith.

That's part of what I love about Kemp's work. We never get to see Slaadi or Gith novelized, and he found a very effective and entertaining way to bring them to life within the context of his story. He also has a psion as one of his main characters, and I can't tell you how much I love that.

On that note, let me give a big shout out to Tim Pratt. "Venom in Her Veins" was an incredible book, and I had actually never heard of the derro until then. They are used very well, and I was amazed by how many interesting races can be found in the Underdark when drow aren't hogging the story. And the yuanti are an exciting race to read about (every bit as lovably devious as the drow). "House of Serpents" is one of my favorite FR trilogies. Please WOTC, more snake people!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 17:00:01
Originally posted by TBeholder

Now, now. "Far Realm" appeared - in the best Giant Space Flea From Nowhere style, without meaningful connection to anything - when Bruce Cordell was sliding from brilliant development of Monstrous Arcana into meaningless "Let's add some hentacles... more hentacles... hmmm... what now? Ooh! I know! Some extra hentacles!". Aboleths first appeared before that.
Ahem. In FR sources there were mentions of aboleths lurking out of sight for ages and ages.

Indeed. Aboleth presence in the Realms goes back to 2E, at least. Until the one-off that was the Sojourner, I don't recall a single reference to any of the gith races in the Realms. None since him, either.
silverwolfer Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 10:58:59
Blah lets be honest, the entire intragod wars were getting old, the blood wars are gone , but now the devil lord is a god, and everyone else just seemed...mortal.

I want to know, why far realm is allowed into the realms without AO getting pissy
TBeholder Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 10:20:41
Now, now. "Far Realm" appeared - in the best Giant Space Flea From Nowhere style, without meaningful connection to anything - when Bruce Cordell was sliding from brilliant development of Monstrous Arcana into meaningless "Let's add some hentacles... more hentacles... hmmm... what now? Ooh! I know! Some extra hentacles!". Aboleths first appeared before that.
Ahem. In FR sources there were mentions of aboleths lurking out of sight for ages and ages.
Dennis Posted - 06 Jul 2013 : 06:14:53
Originally posted by TBeholder

But the Aboleths, indeed, live there, if mostly out of sight. Gith visit, usually to raid some mindflayers.
Aboleths live in the Realms (Prime) now, but they are originally from the Far Realm.
silverwolfer Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 19:22:57

They probably got their own thing, because a writer said, ooo I want to write about that, and got green lighted.
TBeholder Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 18:10:09
But the Aboleths, indeed, live there, if mostly out of sight. Gith visit, usually to raid some mindflayers.
Dennis Posted - 05 Jul 2013 : 16:25:55

I don’t buy the “gith are rarely seen because they are not of the Realms.” How come the aboleths—who are definitely not of the Realms—got a trilogy of their own?

Most likely the creative department is taking it one step at a time. The Sojourner has been well liked as a villain, I suppose, so we’ll probably see more of his kind soon. We’ve also seen protagonists and villains alike of certain classes and races who aren’t normally given much face time in novels—the yuan-ti, tiefling, psionicist, genasi, dragonborn, etc. Perhaps the Powers-That-Be are completing a “list,” and in time, they’d go back to the gith.
silverwolfer Posted - 02 Jul 2013 : 07:21:58
with 5e showing up, and spelljammer showing with it, we could end up getting the Gith back in a few stories and crossovers.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 02 Jul 2013 : 04:24:50
And don't forget the githyanki army in FR Demon Stone (on the old X-Box) that was one of the two main threats in that game! The other being the Slaadi army opposing them....
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Jun 2013 : 14:15:39
Originally posted by silverwolfer

Finders Bane mentions them worshiping a lich queen,and if your on the astral plane to always avoid them.

The githyanki and their lich queen is well-established in planar lore.
silverwolfer Posted - 29 Jun 2013 : 05:57:07
Finders Bane mentions them worshiping a lich queen,and if your on the astral plane to always avoid them.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Jun 2013 : 05:22:33
In Spelljammer material, it's said that the drow dislike the neogi because their appearance is an affront to Lolth.
The Sage Posted - 29 Jun 2013 : 03:38:39
Originally posted by Lilianviaten

Sage, what kind of stunt would you have to pull to be banned from Menzoberranzan?

The Menzoberranzan source doesn't elaborate on that, but I think TBeholder's explanation works.

I'll also note that in the same sentence that refers to githyanki not being welcome in the Bazaar, both neogi and beholders are also mentioned. So it could just be the fact that these aberrant outer planar races are simply too deviant/unpredictable for even the drow to deal with.
Lilianviaten Posted - 29 Jun 2013 : 03:29:50
Originally posted by TBeholder

IIRC, Menzoberranyr work with mindflayers now and then (both in sourcebooks and Salvatore's prequel trilogy), so there's an obvious potential for unpleasantness (direct or indirect) already, given how much illithids and gith are happy to see each other.

I don't know why that didn't occur to me. Good answer. Recalling that drow and illithids work together sometimes, I will note one thing I find unsettling about their interactions. Drow always seem to get the better of illithids. We hear about illithids being so fearsome (and rightfully so!), but in every book I've read where they come into conflict, drow always have the upper hand. It's a bit irksome.
TBeholder Posted - 28 Jun 2013 : 08:11:30
IIRC, Menzoberranyr work with mindflayers now and then (both in sourcebooks and Salvatore's prequel trilogy), so there's an obvious potential for unpleasantness (direct or indirect) already, given how much illithids and gith are happy to see each other.
Lilianviaten Posted - 28 Jun 2013 : 07:48:04
Sage, what kind of stunt would you have to pull to be banned from Menzoberranzan?
Lilianviaten Posted - 28 Jun 2013 : 07:46:08
Originally posted by TBeholder

He may have some theories. Though in the end, they were a mix of "little of everything" back in thralldom, so no one could tell for sure.

The answer to OP is: Gith have only two good reasons to appear - hunting mindflayers (in which case they'd have to follow some lead/trail, not just muck around blindly) and some business (or "unfinished business... <TWACK>") with some local planewalkers. Even a Slaad have better reasons, such as discovering the land of its great ancestors and having a desire to go into a "pilgrimage" out of random curiosity, without any more specific causes.

Illithids often appear in novels concerning the drow, so I would love for some Gith to show up and hunt them. At least for one illithid to mention something about the Gith. Is that too much to ask for?
Ayrik Posted - 28 Jun 2013 : 01:07:27
My scroll about The Gith races discusses them in some detail and mentions all the known (to me) sources of material wherein these races appear within the Realms.

Shemmy was referring to the Sojourner, a unique and ancient gith who was also discussed (as far as possible) in my scroll.
The Planescape: Torment CRPG prominently features a githzerai character.
Bladewind Posted - 27 Jun 2013 : 15:33:03
Also there is some mention of a gith enclave in Faerun in the Class Chronicles series about psionic races.

Gathchorof is most likely the same enclave mentioned in DDGttU, lying in the underrealms of Torglor as a base of operation for reconaissance missions into the deeper parts of the Underdark and Deepdark.
The Sage Posted - 27 Jun 2013 : 14:10:24
Githyanki do exist in the Realms, thanks to a number of specific references.

The Ol' Grey Box referenced a githyanki corpse turn up in the Dalelands, indicative perhaps of a githyanki presence nearby. A more solid reference however, and one that's been mentioned, can be found in Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark, which notes a githyanki enclave in the old dwarven sub-realm of Torglor - once part of Deep Shanatar.

Another reference... githyanki appear in the final "Marco Volo" adventure, serving the intelligent artifact 'The Dragonking's Eye.'

Githyanki are especially noted as not being welcome in the Bazaar of Menzoberranzan, which could suggest they've appeared there to some degree.

Githyanki are noted also in Underdark, pg. 135, in 1250 DR during a githyanki attack on Ch'Chitl.

And lastly, this isn't as "official" as the references offered above, but githyanki were brought into "The North" during an old DUNGEON adventure ["Into the Silver Realm", DUNGEON #43], which detailed the discovery of a silver sword and the consequences that eventuated.


There's not a whole lot of established Realmslore about the Githzerai themselves. In fact, the only githzerai mentioned in a Realms product I can remember, aside from a reference in the PGtF, is Skullport [home to a githerzai exile -- named Grimmbold the Gith].
The Sage Posted - 27 Jun 2013 : 14:05:33
Originally posted by The Arcanamach

There is a great campaign arc in Dungeon magazine (volume escapes me and Im too lazy to go look it up). It's generic but EASILY adapted to the Realms.

Are you referring to the "Lich Queen" saga of DUNGEON #100?

[The particular issue, BTW, had an accompanying series of articles in the concurrent DRAGON issue release [#309] which provided additional material for running the adventure-module in various other WotC campaign settings, like the Realms.]
The Arcanamach Posted - 27 Jun 2013 : 13:57:17
There is a great campaign arc in Dungeon magazine (volume escapes me and Im too lazy to go look it up). It's generic but EASILY adapted to the Realms.
TBeholder Posted - 27 Jun 2013 : 11:55:55
He may have some theories. Though in the end, they were a mix of "little of everything" back in thralldom, so no one could tell for sure.

The answer to OP is: Gith have only two good reasons to appear - hunting mindflayers (in which case they'd have to follow some lead/trail, not just muck around blindly) and some business (or "unfinished business... <TWACK>") with some local planewalkers. Even a Slaad have better reasons, such as discovering the land of its great ancestors and having a desire to go into a "pilgrimage" out of random curiosity, without any more specific causes.
Markustay Posted - 27 Jun 2013 : 11:24:37
It was actually the first Erevis Cale series.

The character was The Sojourner/Vhostym.

The most fascinating aspect of all of that is that he was truly ancient, some sort of proto-Gith, and considered Toril his homeworld. Once again, The Forgotten Realms seems to be the center of the D&D universe.
Shemmy Posted - 27 Jun 2013 : 09:12:11
A subspecies of gith (a unique individual technically spawned from the original illithid experiments on the humans that became the gith eventually) shows up as the major antagonist in one of Paul Kemp's novels.

The name of the novel escapes me at the moment, but it was particularly good, and also had some nice appearances by some slaadi.
xaeyruudh Posted - 27 Jun 2013 : 08:42:23
I've always liked the githyanki and githzerai, and I would like to see a few more of them around as well, but unless (A) the plot of the adventure or book is directly concerned with them, or (B) there's not much plot and basically the entire story is given to character development... I'm guessing they're problematic from a writing angle. The githyanki culture is radically different from that of Realms races, so the githyanki subplot eclipses the other subplots and competes with the main plot. So a novel with a githyanki protagonist kinda becomes a novel about the githyanki race. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but a strong Realms character is needed to make it a Realms novel rather than a generic D&D novel... and a lot of fans have been saying they're tired of Elminster and Drizzt. Which probably sounds weird; I'm just thinking that WotC probably equates "strong Realms characters" with the most-published ones. I wouldn't want Elminster or Drizzt in a githyanki novel anyway; they're not the right characters for it. I'd prefer a cast of hitherto-unknown characters (the residents of the town the githyanki fugitive holes up in) rather than tying the novel(s) to one previously-published character. All true for adventures as well; not just novels.

Just my take on it, as an aspiring author who would like to write it and is now brainstorming in a notepad.

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