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 If it were a videogame...

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CorellonsDevout Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 00:12:25
I don't play video games (I know, sad), but some of the FR novels I read I thought would make a good video/computer games. I know there is Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights, but I mean ones that aren't a video game but you could see as one. The one that pops into my head is Kemp's Twilight Wars. The fight scenes and storyline would make for an awesome game, IMO.

Of course a lot of Realms books have awesome fight scenes and story line, but try and think of one or two that you would like to play if it were a video game.

This is a random topic, but there you go.
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bladewind Posted - 14 Feb 2013 : 14:40:46
Definately agree with liking something other than an RPG for a change.

An archer 3rd person shooter set in the Dalelands, following a ranger behind zhentarim lines.

An episodic point and click adventure with a bard and/or wizard dealing with an arcane mystery.

A 3rd person high octane spellslinger action game in an open world-like realised part of Sembia (GTA style), where you can choose to become a citywrecking menace or follow an intricate storyline based out of arcane school intrigues and a fiendish mercantile plots.

phranctoast Posted - 14 Feb 2013 : 13:35:42
An Assassins Creed Game starring young Artemis, or Riven.

A God of War type game starring Drizzt.

I'd like to see something different than the typical RPG that always rolls in.
Thauranil Posted - 14 Feb 2013 : 13:12:15
Originally posted by Arcanus

Originally posted by Thauranil

I would love an RTS set during the Thayan civil war or maybe the Tugian invasion, that would be awesome as you could choose to play as pretty much any faction you wanted.

That would be a good 'Total War' type game.

Exactly. It wouldn't need to follow the actual progression of the war with precision but like Total war let you bulid and conquer what you wanted.
Eilserus Posted - 14 Feb 2013 : 00:17:54
I'll settle for Balder's Gate 3 too. :)
Bladewind Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 23:53:24
I'd love to see a stylish action slasher with an epic bladesinger (ala Josediah Starym) cleansing Hellgate Keep.
Eilserus Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 22:12:39
I'd definitely like to see a Skyrim type game developed that covered the Realms or portions of it.
Old Man Harpell Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 22:05:25
Evermeet: Island of Elves seems like it would make an engaging video game, particularly if they kept certain elven racial outlooks towards other races (including other elves) the same as portrayed in the novel and certain game supplements.

Star Wars: The Old Republic managed to do this with a broad brush (reaction towards humans as opposed to aliens, and certain species in a couple of cases), so it seems like it would be possible.

Not to mention it would be interesting to see an artistic concept and rendering of what Evermeet looks like, particularly considering modern video art technology.

Markustay Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 18:51:44

I am now picturing Mystra singing that 'portal song' right after Cyric smacked her upside her head.

"The Weave is a lie!"

I think an FR version of Myst would be pretty cool - I loved that art. If they could turn that into a free online game they might even generate a huge amount of interest in Toril (and the FR-IP).
The Arcanamach Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 18:43:58
Portal FR style.

FR version of Dragon's Lair...Mirt the Daring!

Markustay Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 18:16:17
Or CoD: Black Ops - The Harper Troopers (sorry Ed... had to go there).

Eilistraee's Dance Fever

Olive Ruskettle's Lute Hero
swifty Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 17:02:34
How about grand theft auto waterdeep.cart and horse jacking danilo than would be great.
Markustay Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 15:52:03
Alas, my favorite VG category - turned-based strategy - is practically a dead artform. I'd love to see a Heroes of Might & Magic treatment of the Realms entire. Just the thought of buying Realmsian armies and creatures and marching them across the map makes me giddy.

I always wondered why we've never seen fantasy 'sims' game, and it would be kinda cool to see an version of that (where you can zoom-in and see Elminster walking out of his tower). The whole 'sandbox' style of play appeals to me immensely.

As for V-RPG's - I wouldn't really want to see them based on a novel - that can cause continuity problems (like our endless discussions here about 'levels of canon'), simply because they can have multiple endings. I'd rather see good, Realms-based games that have their own story lines. That way, people (NPC's) and places can be made canon, but events don't have to be.
Arcanus Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 11:42:00
Originally posted by Thauranil

I would love an RTS set during the Thayan civil war or maybe the Tugian invasion, that would be awesome as you could choose to play as pretty much any faction you wanted.

That would be a good 'Total War' type game.
Thauranil Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 11:03:55
I would love an RTS set during the Thayan civil war or maybe the Tugian invasion, that would be awesome as you could choose to play as pretty much any faction you wanted.
swifty Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 10:52:09
A first person shooter set in would be like left 4 Dead but with sky rim like weapons.
The Arcanamach Posted - 13 Feb 2013 : 07:29:05
Actually, Cormyr: A Novel would make an interesting game. Jumping back and forth from past to present and playing different people (perhaps the various Royal Wizards) would be quite kewl. Not sure how the game would be played (each wizard is of varying power level within each chapter and at least one was female while the others were male). Still, I find the concept interesting.

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