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 The "Perfect" Elven Group

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dalor Darden Posted - 08 Apr 2012 : 18:04:14
I'm starting a new game with my family in the Dales.

The party will consist of my wife and friend, as well as five children.

My wife and friend will each be playing 3rd level characters; a female Druid and a Male Ranger. The children are playing 1st level characters; a male fighter, a male thief, a male ranger, a female wizard and a female cleric. All of the characters will be from an extended Moon Elf family.

The rules we are using are 3.5 for this particular game.

What I would like to ask is if any of you have any particular thoughts on a different variation on this group. Suggestions?

Also, where/how would you start a group like this?
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dalor Darden Posted - 11 Apr 2012 : 16:32:51
Drow make good badguys...and arrow quivers.
_Jarlaxle_ Posted - 11 Apr 2012 : 16:30:55
Originally posted by Markustay


Preferably dismembered.

Was about to post something similar

Unless of course they are drow.
Lord Karsus Posted - 11 Apr 2012 : 16:10:57
Originally posted by Diffan

Spontaneous Rejuvenation (PHB2, p 39): Lose spontaneous Summon Nature's Ally spells. Gain the ability to sacrifice spells to give allies fast healing. Primarly useful without a standard cleric.

-That's incredibly useful.
Dalor Darden Posted - 11 Apr 2012 : 04:45:26
Thanks for the tips folks!

I'm excited to start this Sunday. I'll keep everyone posted.

Their first adventure is going to be a simple Message Adventure...turned ugly. Red Plumes will be involved...and I hope to help the group hate the mercenaries of Hillsfar very quickly!
Diffan Posted - 11 Apr 2012 : 04:29:29
Mechanically speaking, they really should look into the Races of the Wild supplement for Elven class substitutions such as the Elven Ranger and Elven Wizard ones. The elven Wizard one is espically great but I'm AFB right now so I can't post specifics. Also, the Ranger(s) might want to do a sort of team-duo with one being ranged while the othe being Melee-oriented. Also, they should make sure to keep their animal companions beefed up as they get stronger in level (along with the Druid). Also, you can look into Favored Environment instead of Enemy, which gives the same benefits of enemies but only in a particular area (which might be great for a forest, underdark, or mountains campaign.

For the Druid, I can't stress how important Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning and Natural Spell for feat selections. The first two make your spontaneous Summon Nature's Ally spells better while the thrid is practically required as a Druid wants to cast spells in Wild Shape.
Another suggestion:

  • Spontaneous Rejuvenation (PHB2, p 39): Lose spontaneous Summon Nature's Ally spells. Gain the ability to sacrifice spells to give allies fast healing. Primarly useful without a standard cleric.

As for where to put it, well I like Cormanthyr and have them fight Drow. They're roughly able to take on small drow raiding parties, and after they get some levels behind them, they can really strike at the heart of their most hated bretheren!
WalkerNinja Posted - 11 Apr 2012 : 03:22:15
I've always liked running groups with strong bonds, shared identity, and prior knowledge of each others characters.

This fits the bill.
Dennis Posted - 10 Apr 2012 : 05:57:57
Originally posted by Markustay


Preferably dismembered.

Wouldn't it be too obvious if I second this?!
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 10 Apr 2012 : 00:54:51
Sounds like a great party to me!

So who brought the feywine? Oh, wait- wrong kind of party....
Dalor Darden Posted - 09 Apr 2012 : 19:43:26
Originally posted by Markustay


Preferably dismembered.

With no sarcasm intended...I tried to get them to play a group of dwarves instead; but they didn't like the idea.

Next I tried Gnomes (my wife loves gnomes) and still there was resistance.

Halflings were out before we even began...because I am the one that doesn't like halflings. Well, except as trap springers...
Markustay Posted - 09 Apr 2012 : 18:04:15

Preferably dismembered.

Lord Karsus Posted - 09 Apr 2012 : 15:34:55
-I would assume the "mechanically perfect group" would be the same for Elves as it would be the same for any other race, since Elves don't have any innate powers or anything like that that might allow for the replacement of one a class that is seen as "essential".
Dalor Darden Posted - 09 Apr 2012 : 01:34:31
Originally posted by Kentinal

I take it the male not willing to become a Bard instead of being a Ranger..

Dead set on being a Ranger like "Uncle" is.
Kentinal Posted - 09 Apr 2012 : 01:16:26
I take it the male not willing to become a Bard instead of being a Ranger..
Dalor Darden Posted - 09 Apr 2012 : 01:01:50
Originally posted by Ayrik

All the boys are scrappy and all the girls are spellcasters, eh?

Weird how that worked out huh!?

I talked to them about how things are done for each class, and that is how they worked out. The girls seemed to be more inclined to casting spells and not being quite as tough.

Essentially, my wife and friend are elves that have already been out in the world (and are 3rd level), and they are simply helping the younger elves (who are 1st level) to "learn the ropes" as it were.
Ayrik Posted - 08 Apr 2012 : 23:17:38
All the boys are scrappy and all the girls are spellcasters, eh?
Kentinal Posted - 08 Apr 2012 : 22:13:53
Only possible change might be lose st ranger and replace with 1st bard. The party should have a better ability to deal with concerns if one of the 1sts become out of combat.

The bard can replace the thief if injured, can fight reasonable well and has some spell casting ability sooner then the ranger.

Perfect parties can never be built depending on what they encounter. Of course having a player playing a PC they do not like because of class is not a good idea either.
Farrel Posted - 08 Apr 2012 : 20:15:06
This sounds great, Dalor

Good choice with the Dales. Personally i'd go for Deepingdale due to the close proximity of Moonrise Hill, Bristar, and Highmoon.

I'd love to know how it all goes.

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