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 Divine Non Interference

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jordanz Posted - 15 May 2010 : 05:39:10
Anyone have an idea what the rules are as dictated by OA regarding Divine Non interference? Basically the way I understood it was that a divine being could not take direct action against a mortal. I believe everything has to be done via proxy. But do outsiders qualify as mortal?

For example lets take Asmodeous who is now supposedly a Lesser God after the whole Azuth thingy.

So say before this happened I'm sure Asmodeous had some rivals that he wouldn't have minded disposing of. I m talking about other Arch Devils or other powerful evil and/or Good beings, that don't technically qualify as "gods" but for all known purposes are immortal. Can be move against them directly? Can he send down an avatar or must he use his underlings?

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Hoondatha Posted - 15 May 2010 : 17:01:29
No problem. It's not like I could remember for a couple of hours either.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 May 2010 : 15:58:45
Originally posted by Hoondatha

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

As I recall, he was speaking of Walinda.

Nope. Bear. I couldn't remember that guy's name to save my life. I kept getting stuck on Bob, which obviously wasn't right. The line was, "Bear's god can beat up your god."

My bad. I couldn't remember if it was Bear or Walinda he was referring to.
Hoondatha Posted - 15 May 2010 : 07:07:59
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

As I recall, he was speaking of Walinda.

Nope. Bear. I couldn't remember that guy's name to save my life. I kept getting stuck on Bob, which obviously wasn't right. The line was, "Bear's god can beat up your god."
The Sage Posted - 15 May 2010 : 07:05:24
Originally posted by jordanz

Anyone have an idea what the rules are as dictated by OA regarding Divine Non interference? Basically the way I understood it was that a divine being could not take direct action against a mortal. I believe everything has to be done via proxy. But do outsiders qualify as mortal?
This was touched on just a little in the introduction to Faiths & Avatars as I recall.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 May 2010 : 06:56:18
Originally posted by Hoondatha

What does OA stand for? The only thing I can think of is Oriental Adventures, which doesn't really fit with what your asking.

I think he meant Ao.

Where I work, OA stands for Office Automation. This also does not seem to fit in this sense.

Originally posted by Hoondatha

In Finder's Bane, the god Finder pretty much confirms this, by saying to his priest they've got to be careful because, "[Zhent whose name I've forgotten]'s god [Xvim] can beat up your god." Finder was new, not very powerful, and his alliances weren't very strong, so he couldn't do a whole lot to protect his followers if another god decided to take direct action.

As I recall, he was speaking of Walinda.

Hoondatha Posted - 15 May 2010 : 06:16:29
What does OA stand for? The only thing I can think of is Oriental Adventures, which doesn't really fit with what your asking.

Without knowing the background, I'd say it depends. Just like "what level is an archmage," it depends entirely on what you can get away with. Realistically, the situation has to be akin to a divine version of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction), where if Deity A tries to scrag a favored worshipper of Deity B, Deity B will step in and stop them. But it really depends on how powerful Deity A and B are, and how well connected they are with other gods.

For instance, Labelas is only an intermediate power, and a power of knowledge at that. But he's got the backing of the entire Seldarine, and especially Corellon, so if push came to shove even someone like Bane would be hesitant to directly mess with him. On the other hand you have loners like Ilbrandul, who didn't really have any allies and therefore had rather limited ability to protect his followers, and, eventually, himself.

In Finder's Bane, the god Finder pretty much confirms this, by saying to his priest they've got to be careful because, "[Zhent whose name I've forgotten]'s god [Xvim] can beat up your god." Finder was new, not very powerful, and his alliances weren't very strong, so he couldn't do a whole lot to protect his followers if another god decided to take direct action.

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